‫إعلان البرنامج التعاوني بين كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة بيكين، وكلية إدارة العمال بجامعة كامبريدج لتقديم برامجهم الخاصة في شنجن، الصين

شنجن، الصين، 31 /أغسطس 2021 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة بيكين، وكلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة كامبريدج في 27/أغسطس عن برنامج تعاوني في شنجن، الصين، لتعزيز التعاون السابق بين المؤسستين في مجال إدارة الأعمال،

Peking University HSBC Business School and Cambridge Judge Business School

وأعلنت الكليتان في مارس/2020 عن خطط لتعزيز التعاون طويل المدى في الأعمال والإدارة، وتبدأ هذه الخطط من إطلاق برنامجين للتعليم التنفيذي يركزان على الإبداع والإدارة الدولية.

يتألف البرنامج التعاوني من برنامج ماجستير إدارة أعمال تنفيذي عالمي جديد من كلية إدارة الأعمال في كامبريدج، وبرنامج ماجستير/ شهادة في الدراسات الصينية للاقتصاديات، والإدارة من جامعة بكين.

سوف تقدم كلية إدارة الأعمال بكامبريدج برنامج ماجستير إدارة الأعمال التنفيذي العالمي الجديد من خلال أعضاء هيئة التدريس في كامبريدج، والمحاضرين الضيوف، مع تدريس ما يزيد عن 50% في شنجن، وسوف تتطابق درجة ماجستير إدارة الأعمال والمنهج الأساسي مع برنامج ماجستير إدارة الأعمال التنفيذي المطبق في كامبريدج منذ عام 2009، والذي سيستمر جنبا إلى جنب مع برنامج ماجستير إدارة الأعمال التنفيذي العالمي الجديد.

 ستعد هذه المرة الأولى التي تقدم فيها كلية كامبريدج التدريس المنتظم لماجستير إدارة الأعمال خارج كامبريدج، مما يجسد مرحلة جديدة في تاريخ كلية إدارة الأعمال بعد البدء في برنامج ماجستير إدارة الأعمال التنفيذي الجديد في يناير/2023.

سيُقدم بالتزامن أيضا في شنجن برنامج MCS/CCS التابع لجامعة بكين من خلال أعضاء هيئة التدريس العاملين بها، والمحاضرين الضيوف. وقد صمم البرنامج للتركيوز على المعرفة المهنية للاقتصاد الصيني والسوق المالي، وإدارة الشركات، بما يقدم رؤية عميقة  ومتكاملة للصين من منظور عالمي.

وبينما يمنح كل طرف درجته العلمية الخاصة أو شهادته للطلاب، فإن البرنامج التعاوني يقدم فرصًا جديدة للطلاب الكبار للتعامل مع مناخ الأعمال في كلِ من مجمع كامبريدج، ومنطقة خليج نهر بيرل في شنجن، بما يجمع بين دراسات الأعمال التجارية والتعرف على ثقافة الأعمال والإدارة الصينية.

يقول البروفيسور كريستوف لوش، الذي امتدت فترة ولايته لعمادة كلية كامبريدج ل 10 سنوات تنتهي في 31/أغسطس: ” تفخر كلية إدارة أعمال كامبريدج ببرنامج إدارة الأعمال التنفيذي العالمي الجديد، الذي يجذب الطلاب من حول العالم للبرنامج المتاح في كامبريدج، ويُعد برنامج إدارة الأعمال التنفيذي العالمي الجديد الموازي فرصة رائعة للمهنيين ذوي الخبرة المقيمين في منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادي، وخارجهما، وخاصة مع امتلاكهم لفرصة المشاركة في دراسات الصين مع شريكنا بكلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة بيكين”.

يذكر البرفيسور هاي وين، العميد المؤسس لكلية إدارة الأعمال في جامعة بيكين: “يقدم البرنامج التعاوني بين كلية إدارة الأعمال جامعة بيكين، وكلية إدارة الأعمال جامعة كامبريدج فرصة نادرة للتعلم من اثنتين من أفضل كليات إدارة الأعمال التي تمثل الشرق والغرب. سيكتسب الطلاب فهمًا أعمق للمعرفة الأساسية، والحصول على خبرة مباشرة ببيئات الأعمال المعاصرة في الصين”

سيبدأ تدريس البرنامج في يناير 2023، بينما يبدأ برنامج MCS/CCS في سبتمبر 2022، ومن المتوقع إعلان تفاصيل إجراءات الالتحاق فيما بعد هذا العام.

  الموقع الرسمي https://english.phbs.pku.edu.cn /

لمزيد من المعلومات:

كلية إدارة الأعمال جامعة كامبريدج
تشارليز جولد سميث
رئيس العلاقات الإعلامية
كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة كامبريدج، حامعة كامبريدج
+44 (0)7912 162279  c.goldsmith@jbs.cam.ac.uk

كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة بيكين
ماو نا
مدير المكتب الدولي
كلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة بيكين، جامعة بيكين
+86 755 2603 3097  maona@phbs.pku.edu.cn

صورة https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1604120/20210830110300.jpg – 


‫ VoltDB تطلق النسخ المتماثل النشط (N) عبر مركز البيانات

تتيح القدرة الحاصلة على براءة اختراع لمنصة بيانات VoltDB نسخ البيانات عبر أكثر من ثلاثة مراكز بيانات في وقت واحد مع التخفيف من تعارض البيانات في الوقت نفسه

بيدفورد، ماساتشوستس، 31 أغسطس 2021 /PRNewswire/ —  في استجابة مباشرة لتلبية احتياجات عملائها الرئيسيين، بالتعاون مع بعض أكبر مشغلي الاتصالات في السوق، VoltDB، أعلنت اليوم منصة البيانات الرائدة على مستوى المؤسسات والتي تم إنشاؤها لتمكين اتخاذ قرارات البيانات بسرعة عن تقديم النسخ المتماثل النشط Active(N)tm عبر مركز البيانات (XDCR). سيمنح النسخ المتماثل النشط (N) عبر مركز البيانات شركات الاتصالات والمؤسسات التي تسعى لتصميم حالات استخدام الجيل الخامس ميزة كبيرة من خلال زيادة مرونة شبكاتها ضد الانقطاعات والمخاطر الأمنية، بالإضافة إلى تقديم حماية إضافية ضد فقدان البيانات.

النسخ المتماثل النشط (N) عبر مركز البيانات ينسخ البيانات في الوقت الفعلي عبر ما يصل إلى أربعة مراكز بيانات أو أكثر في وقت واحد، مما يسمح بتوافر البيانات بنسبة “خمس تسعات” (أي 99.999٪)، والذي سرعان ما أصبح أمرًا ضروريًا لا بد منه في عصر الجيل الخامس.

صرح ديراج ريميلا، كبير مسؤولي المنتجات في VoltDB قائلًا : “لقد رفعنا للتو مستوى اتساق البيانات والمرونة وقابلية التوسع”. “يمكننا الآن تقديم مستوى من النسخ المتماثل لمركز البيانات لا يمكن أن تقدمه أي منصة بيانات أخرى، وهذا يمكّن الشركات حقًا من الحصول على وقت تشغيل مضمون ومرونة مدمجة في بنيتها البرامجية بحيث يمكنها زيادة نجاحها بشكل كبير في تحقيق الربح من تقنيات الجيل الخامس.”

إن وعد تقنية الجيل الخامس بزمن انتقال منخفض للغاية يعمل على إنشاء حالات استخدام جديدة تجبر البيانات على أن تكون متاحة على الفور ومتسقة، بغض النظر عن موقع المستخدم. هذا النموذج الجديد يؤدي حتمًا إلى تعارض البيانات. سيوفر حل XDCR الفريد الذي تقدمه منصة VoltDB لشركات الاتصالات والمؤسسات إمكانية فريدة لحل التعارضات على مستوى التطبيق ومستوى قاعدة البيانات، من أجل الحفاظ على مرونة البيانات واتساقها، حتى في زمن انتقال أقل من 10 مللي ثانية وبغض النظر عن مكان البيانات، وما إذا كانت البيانات مخزنة في مركز بيانات واحد أو لدى عدة مراكز بيانات.

 وأضاف ريميلا: “يمكن لأي شخص إجراء المعاملات بسرعة”. “نقوم بتمكين عملائنا من خلال القدرة على القيام بذلك بسرعة مع الاستمرار في المراقبة والرصد ثم إصلاح التعارضات الحتمية التي تنشأ عندما يتم تغيير السجل نفسه في مراكز بيانات متعددة في وقت واحد. يضع هذا الحل شركات الاتصالات والمؤسسات التي تستخدم منصة بيانات VoltDB في وضع فريد للغاية نظرًا لتوفير حماية غير مسبوقة ضد تعطل مركز البيانات والهجمات الإلكترونية، مع توفير وصول سريع إلى البيانات عبر تطبيقاتها الموزعة عالميًا، بما في ذلك تنفيذ المهام الحرجة “.

من خلال النسخ المتماثل النشط (N) عبر مركز البيانات، تُثري منصة بيانات VoltDB منصات البيانات على مستوى المؤسسات بوظيفة غير مسبوقة لمساعدة العملاء على التميز في خارطة الطريق نحو الأتمتة والتحول الرقمي وبناء شبكات قوية تسمح بنشر حالات استخدام الجيل الخامس وتحقيق الربح منها بشكل أسرع.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول VoltDB، يُرجى زيارة الرابط:www.voltdb.com/why-voltdb/activen-xdcr/.

حول شركة VoltDB
تعمل VoltDB على تمكين التطبيقات على مستوى الشركات بداية من استيعاب البيانات ومعالجتها والعمل وفقًا لها في أجزاء من المللي ثانية من رقم واحد للاستفادة من تدفقات الإيرادات الجديدة ومنع خسارة الإيرادات. ومع العملاء الرائدين في الصناعة في مجالات الاتصالات، والتمويل، والألعاب، والعديد من القطاعات الأخرى، فإن منصة بيانات VoltDB في وضع فريد لتكون بمثابة تقنية الانتقال لأي شركة تسعى إلى الاستفادة الكاملة من شبكات الجيل الخامس، وإنترنت الأشياء، وأي شيء يأتي بعد ذلك.

الشعار – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1334383/VoltDB_Logo.jpg

VoltDB Launches Active(N) Lossless Cross Data Center Replication

Patented Capability Allows VoltDB Data Platform to Replicate Data Across More Than Three Data Centers at Once While Mitigating Data Conflicts

BEDFORD, Mass., Aug. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — In direct response to the needs of its key customers, working with some of the biggest telco operators in the market, VoltDB, the leading enterprise-grade data platform built to enable fast-data decisioning, today announced the introduction of its Active(N)tm Lossless Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR). Active(N) Lossless XDCR will give telcos and enterprises seeking to build 5G use cases a huge advantage by increasing their networks’ resilience against outages and security risks, as well as adding extra protection against data loss.

Active(N) Lossless XDCR replicates data in real time across up to four or more data centers at once, allowing for “five nines” (ie, 99.999%) availability, which is quickly becoming a must-have in the age of 5G.

“We have just raised the bar on data consistency, resiliency, and scalability,” said VoltDB Chief Product Officer Dheeraj Remella. “We can now offer a level of data center replication that no other data platform can offer, and that truly enables enterprises to have foolproof uptime and resiliency built  into their architecture so that they can significantly increase their success in 5G monetization.”

5G’s promise of ultra-low latency is creating new use cases that are forcing data to be both immediately available and consistent, regardless of a user’s location. This new paradigm is inevitably leading to data conflicts. VoltDB’s unique XDCR solution will provide telcos and enterprises with the unique possibility to resolve conflicts at both the application level and the database level, in order to maintain data resiliency and consistency, even at sub-10-millisecond latencies and regardless of where the data is stored, in single or with multiple data centers.

“Anyone can do transactions quickly,” Remella said. “We enable our customers with the capabilities to do them quickly while still observing and then fixing the inevitable conflicts that arise when the same record is changed in multiple data centers at the same time. This puts telcos and enterprises that use VoltDB in a very unique position to provide unprecedented protection against data-center failure and cyber-attacks, while also providing insanely fast data-access for their globally distributed applications, including the mission-critical ones.”

With Active(N) Lossless XDCR, VoltDB enriches their enterprise grade data platform with an unprecedented functionality to help customers differentiate in the roadmap towards automation and digital transformation and to build robust networks that allow for faster 5G use case deployment and monetization.

For more information on VoltDB, visit www.voltdb.com/why-voltdb/activen-xdcr/.

About VoltDB
VoltDB empowers enterprise-grade applications to ingest, process, and act on data in single-digit milliseconds to tap into new revenue streams and prevent revenue loss. With industry-leading customers in telecommunications, finance, gaming, and many other verticals, the VoltDB Data Platform is uniquely positioned to be the go-to technology for any company seeking to take full advantage of 5G, IoT, and whatever comes next.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1334383/VoltDB_Logo.jpg

GWM Appears at Chengdu Motor Show with Over 10 New Products From Its Five Vehicle Brands

BAODING, China, Aug. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On August 29, the grand opening ceremony of the 24th Chengdu Motor Show was unveiled, where GWM attracted many visitors with over 10 new products from its five vehicle brands—HAVAL, TANK, GWM Pickup, ORA and WEY.

GWM Appears at 24th CDMS

In the HAVAL exhibition area, HAVAL H6S, GWM’s first coupe SUV built on the L.E.M.O.N. and COIFS platform, made its debut. With a “shark-shaped” exterior design, the SUV has a large polygonal front grille in the front face to create a visual effect as mighty as a shark. The fastback style body and the rear end of a suspended rear wing design make the SUV look youthful and sporty. For the interior design, the SUV is equipped with a large suspended screen, intelligent full-colour HUD, face recognition and other technologies, showing a sense of future. It offers a 2.0T gasoline engine and a L.E.M.O.N. DHT system for selection. The beautiful and intelligent car is expected to go global. Due to a tough and cool appearance and an intelligent configuration, HAVAL DAGOU, another hot seller, is very eye-catching, with a product strength surpassing that of the same level. Its sales volume in China has exceeded 10,000 in the first month since its launch. This year, the excellent car won praise from the local media in the Australian market. This has boosted GWM’s confidence in entering the global market.

TANK, the fifth-largest brand, is presenting its two masterpieces “TANK 400” and “TANK 500” to the world firstly. TANK 400 is a medium- and large-sized mecha off-road SUV integrating a unique mecha design, off-road performance and technologies. TANK 500 is positioned as a cool medium- and large-sized luxury off-road SUV, with tough exterior lines, a huge chrome-plated grille, and irregularly shaped headlights on both sides. The interior is equipped with a 12.3-inch digital dashboard, combined with the central touch screen and the rear control screen, achieving “three-screen linkage”. And it’s equipped with the “3.0T V6+9AT” super powertrain firstly, with a maximum power of 260kW and a maximum torque of 500Nm, meeting the diverse needs of everyday use and outdoor off-roading.

ORA also has various new cars unveiled here. Among them, the ORA Balei Mao (name for Chinese market)was publicly exhibited firstly. Its exterior design is very retro, using classic elements such as heavy chrome-plated bumpers and wide-spoke silver-white two-color wheels. Also, GWM POER held the 200,000th car delivery ceremony at the auto show site and launched the Everest version of the off-road pickup truck, shocking the audience with its hardcore performance. At the WEY booth, the first Macchiato equipped with the intelligent DHT hybrid powertrain and “a new generation of smart retro-fashioned car” also debuted.

GWM’s booth became the focus with its rich and personalized products. Also, GWM will continue to focus on users and launch more trendy products to bring a richer product experience to global users.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1605441/GWM_Appears_at_24th_CDMS.jpg

Dante Labs Announces Appointment of Sandra Close to its Board of Directors to Support Strategic Initiatives in Diagnostics

CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom, Aug. 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dante Labs, a global leader in genomics and precision medicine, announced today the appointment of Sandra Close, Ph.D., as a member of its Board of Directors. Sandra was formerly the Chief Diagnostics Strategy Officer at Invitae, a leading medical genetics company, which acquired ArcherDX in 2020.

“I’m thrilled to welcome Sandra Close to the Dante Labs Board,” said Dante Labs CEO Andrea Riposati. “Sandra’s expertise in leading strategic efforts to provide actionable, more personalized medical information have had real life impact on people’s healthcare decisions, and her leadership in the field will be a valuable addition to our board as we expand the capabilities of the diagnostics side of our business.”

Dr. Close stated, “I’m very pleased to be joining Dante’s Board at this exciting time to help accelerate diagnostics in healthcare, particularly in rare disease and oncology where earlier intervention is so essential to better health outcomes.”

Dr. Close is an experienced leader in driving quality, regulatory and business strategy for growing diagnostics companies on a global scale. Her work at Invitae was focused on leading diagnostics strategy efforts on the oncology team, having joined Invitae through the acquisition of ArcherDX, where she served as Executive Vice President of Quality, Regulatory and Business Strategy. Prior to that, Dr. Close served as CEO and Independent Consultant at GenEngine, an information company providing genetics support technology and services. Prior to her work at GenEngine, Dr. Close held several roles in biotechnology and biopharma. Dr. Close will join Illumina Chief Operations Officer Bob Ragusa, GRAIL SVP Mark Morgan and Pacific Biosciences Chief Operating Officer Mark Van Oene to Dante Labs Board of Directors.

About Dante Labs
Dante Labs is a global genomic data company building and commercializing a new class of transformative health and longevity applications based on whole genome sequencing and AI. Our assets include one of the largest private genome databases with research consent, a proprietary software platform designed to unleash the power of genomic data at scale and proprietary processes which enable an industrial approach to genomic sequencing.

Headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom, with a research laboratory in Wolverhampton, Dante Labs supported the UK Government’s urgent requirement to scale-up a high-capacity, highly automated testing solution for Covid-19, including infected patients as well as those with antibodies. Dante Labs was able to deliver by leveraging existing technology that had been developed for whole genome sequencing.

Giorgio Lodi
+39 0862 191 0671


The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Science & Technology is pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) is offering Masters and PhD Scholarships tenable in the United Kingdom from September/October 2022.

Applications will open on Monday 20th September 2021. All candidates must apply through the CSC’s online application system – https://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/about-us/scholarships/ latest by Monday 1st November 2021 4pm GMT.

The CSC has a deadline of Monday 22nd November 2021, 4pm GMT for receipt of all required supporting documentation:

Proof of citizenship or refugee status in a Commonwealth country all university academic transcripts two references one supporting statement from a UK institution for PhD candidates

Only supporting documentation submitted directly to the CSC’s online application system in the correct format will be accepted and candidates whose applications do not include these documents by this date will not be eligible for further consideration for a Commonwealth Scholarship. No hard copy documentation will be accepted by the CSC so please do not send any physical copies. Full candidate eligibility requirements are available at: http://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/about-us/scholarships/


The CSC’s selection committee will grade applications on the following criteria:

Academic merit of the candidate

Quality of the study plan

Potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country.

Source: Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology


The recently concluded cooking demonstration which started from the 4th to the 10th July targets hundred farmers in four communities in Fass Njaga Choi, Alkali Kunda (NBR) Wassu and Mamudfana in CRR/S/N. Each of the communities was limited to 25 participants drawn from within due to the covid-19 containment protocol.

The facilitators were drawn from the three institutions FTS, NARI and NaNA who used social and behavioral change techniques (SBCC) through a food approach to help farmers identify the different food groups. This will help to support the eradication of Hidden Hunger (Malnutrition) and its related complications as well as the achievement of the sustainable Development Goals SDG 2 (Hunger).

Micronutrient deficiency also known as Hidden Hunger affects more than 2 billion people worldwide and its caused when intake of vitamins is inadequate in the body. At least, half of children worldwide younger than 5 years of age suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Many a time, people misconceive micronutrient deficiency to be lack of adequate food in the household. However, families may have adequate food but the improper intake of food in the right way may result to Hidden Hunger. Its ramifications are adverse and can result to health implications in both children and adults. It can cause poor physical and mental development in children, vulnerability to diseases, mental retardation, blindness and general losses in productivity.

In addressing these challenges of micronutrient deficiency especially among the world’s poorest countries, the Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations under the patronage of the European Union project titled ‘’Improving food and Nutrition Security in The Gambia through food fortification seeks to combat Hidden Hunger in the Gambia through the cultivation of Bio-Fortified foods in three Agricultural regions North Bank Region, Central River Region North and Central River Region South. These regions according to research are the most affected regions with micronutrient deficiency in The Gambia.

The project since its inception in 2018 is working in partnership with the National Agriculture Research Institute, National Nutrition Agency and the Food Technology Services (FTS) of the Department of Agriculture (DoA) and supported by the Food and Agriculture Oragnisations (FAO) of the united nations. All these institutions have a stake in the implementation of the project. Hence with support from the project, the National Agriculture research institute introduced the orange sweet potato and the recent bio-fortified cassava rich in vitamin A. These were distributed to farmers in the selected regions who planted their first trials and the harvest was bumper according to farmers. The first matured trials was followed by a cooking demonstration to further raise awareness of participants on food preservation to maintain the micronutrients for health. Moreover, participants are trained how to prepare different dishes out of the vitamin- A rich cassava for optimal health and growth in both children and adults.


Source: Agriculture Ministry of Gambia

President Barrow Commends Foni for Cooperating with Government in Promoting Unity

During a rally in Foni Bondali on Saturday, 28th August 2021, President Adama Barrow praised the people of Foni for their unity and cooperation with the government in fostering unity and peace in the country.

The President urged the people of Foni to shun divisive politics and embrace his policy-driven strategy to develop the country for the benefit of all people, promising that by 2023, all districts will have complete access to electricity. He encouraged young people to pursue higher education, which aligns with his government’s youth-oriented initiatives.

A significant highlight during the meeting was decorating the five chiefs in Foni for uniting the people in their respective districts. The chiefs; Biram Camara of Foni Kansala, Omar Colley of Foni Bondali, Alhagie Junkung Camara of Foni Brefet, Ebrima K.K. Sanyang Foni Jarrol and Modou Lamin Jobarteh Foni Bintang were all awarded medals by the Minister of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs, Honourable Musa Drammeh.

The Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Amie Fabureh, spoke at the meeting and said that farmers in Foni have benefited from the government’s subsidized fertilizer program and other development initiatives. She praised President Barrow’s accomplishments in agriculture and women’s issues.

Other speakers included Minister of Youths and Sports Honorable Bakary Badjie and Minister of Tourism and Culture, Honorable Hamat Bah. They all urged the people to unite for the sake of Foni and its people’s growth.


Source: Statehouse Gambia

Invitation to Presidential 2021 Meet The People Tour

His Excellency President Adama Barrow will embark on his annual constitutionally mandated Meet the People Tour scheduled from 13th to 30th September 2021.

The Tour provides the President and his cabinet the opportunity to dialogue with Gambians at grassroots levels, to gather first-hand their fundamental concerns to address them in the National policies and programmes. It is also an opportunity for the President to assess the impact of his policies and programmes on the people’s lives.

Thus, the Office of the President officially writes to invite all accredited media to cover the Tour.

Please note that heads of media houses should confirm attendance with the names of journalists representing your institution by the latest Friday, 3rd  September 2021. Confirmation of the accreditation will enable us to facilitate the logistical arrangements.


Source: Statehouse Gambia

Joy Spreader Group Inc. Maintains Rapid Growth during 1H 2021

Driven by Successful Implementation of Strategy, Joy Spreader Expands SFV-based E-commerce Marketing Business Achieves Outstanding Result

BEIJING, Aug. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Joy Spreader  (HKG: 6988, “Group”, “Joy Spreader”), a leading marketing technology company, recently announced its interim results for the first six months ended June 30, 2021, whereby the firm achieved revenue of HK$624 million (approx. US$79.8 million) during the first half of 2021, an increase of 62.37 per cent from the same period of last year. Gross profit and net profit (excluding foreign exchange gains or losses) for the period also grew 105.15 per cent and 102.26 per cent year on year to HK$214 million (approx.US$27.4 million) and HK$137 million (approx. US$17.5 million), respectively.

The interim financial report also showed that Joy Spreader achieved a total turnover of matching transactions of HK$2.416 billion (approx. US$309.2 million) during the first half of 2021, representing a year on year rise of 149.17 per cent. In particular, sales of interactive entertainment products gained 123.38 per cent year on year to HK$1.769 billion (approx. US$226.4 million) while gross merchandise value (GMV) of e-commerce products rose 264.08 per cent to HK$647 million (approx. US$82.8 million).

Since its incorporation, Joy Spreader has helped customers accurately target consumers and facilitate transactions while actively expanding in the new mobile media marketing sector. The Group has also started implementing an innovative business model which involves establishing close relationships with customers across a variety of industries via the cost-per-sale (CPS) model.

Over the past few years, Joy Spreader has capitalized on opportunities to further expand its e-commerce products marketing business focused on selling goods via short-form video (SFV) platforms, now the Group’s second biggest growth engine, in addition to constantly strengthening its interactive entertainment and other digital product marketing businesses, including gaming and cyber literature.

Benefiting from the booming SFV-based e-commerce sector, Joy Spreader’s e-commerce products marketing business posted a rise of 285.24 per cent in revenue, surging to HK$129 million (approx. US$16.5 million) for the first half of 2021. Gross profit also showed a year on year increase of 143.31 per cent to HK$65.28 million (approx. US$8.3 million).

The spurt in the growth of the e-commerce products marketing business was partly attributable to the rapid expansion of the SFV sharing app Douyin-based e-commerce market. According to data from LatePost, combined GMV of e-commerce merchants on Douyin exceeded 500 billion yuan (approx. US$75 billion) for the whole of 2020 and is expected to almost double to 1 trillion yuan (approx. US$150 billion) in 2021. According to LatePost, the figure is anticipated to reach 9.5 trillion yuan (approx. US$1.4 trillion) by 2023.

In addition, Joy Spreader has further enhanced its capabilities in marketing products and providing services via Douyin, which has in turn driven the rapid growth in the SFV-based marketing business. As of June 30, 2021, the number of Douyin accounts had grown to 657,300, a year on year gain of 720.23 per cent, 65,200 of which are active, up 215.93 per cent. Averaged GMV of the active Douyin accounts also showed a year on year rise of 15.24 per cent to HK$9,920.44 (approx. US$1,296.8).

With the further expansion of the Douyin-based e-commerce market, in tandem with the continuous enhancement of the marketing ecosystem of e-commerce merchants on Douyin, Joy Spreader’s SFV-based e-commerce products marketing business is expected to continue rapid growth thanks to the successful implementation of its strategy to expand the business.

Going forward, Joy Spreader plans to further deepen its leadership in the SFV-based e-commerce market. To this end, the Group expects to provide tailor-made new media content to corporate customers by continuing to support the creation of new media accounts and IP content to increase traffic through strategic alliances, investments and incubation projects.

At the same time, Joy Spreader intends to further its efforts in building relationships with overseas e-commerce platforms with the establishment of Hainan Joy Spreader Interactive International Technology Co., Ltd, an e-commerce marketing platform for foreign markets.

So far, the Group has created a new technology model and service system based on the characteristics of new mobile media platforms and of the market environment outside of China, with the aim of expanding its e-commerce products marketing business via international e-commerce platforms modeled on Douyin. To this end, the Group plans to launch an e-commerce marketing service first in Southeast Asia, followed by the anticipated expansion of the service into other countries and regions worldwide.

With the continued growth of the SFV-based e-commerce business, Joy Spreader expects to further consolidate its leadership in the performance marketing sector and enter a new stage of growth characterized by unified management, diversified businesses and global reach.

For more information about Joy Spreader Group Inc., please visit here.

Ghana Public Health Sector Enables Efficient COVID-19 Response Readiness with GhiLMIS

One Network and S4D Consulting worked together to ensure Ghana Public Health Sector supply chain capability outputs with COVID-19 supply chain needs.

DALLAS, Aug. 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — One Network Enterprises (ONE), the leading global provider of supply chain control towers and the Digital Supply Chain Network™, is pleased to announce that the Ghana Ministry of Health has utilized the Ghana Integrated Logistics Management Information System, known as GhiLMIS, to help successfully meet and address COVID-19 supply chain needs. The comprehensive implementation process of GhiLMIS shifted the focus from manual reporting systems to the usage of data delivered from the network, to make more informed decisions. This has had significant positive impacts on operations in the shortest period of time which enabled, and continues to enable, COVID-19 response readiness.

One Network Enterprises (ONE) is the global provider of a secure, and scalable multi-party network in the cloud.

With the Government of Ghana’s high commitment to the COVID-19 pandemic response, their plan was to procure and distribute the appropriate medicines and supplies for the early treatment of cases that would reduce morbidity and mortality. Key to achieving this was GhiLMIS. The system has been able to capture and process COVID-19 related transactions through the entire value chain while tracking and tracing COVID-19 items throughout the supply chain. Data derived from the system has been leveraged to enable informed decisions for demand and supply planning and scenario modeling, distribution segmentation and demand prioritization.

GhiLMIS, built on the One Network NEO platform, provides an electronic logistics management information system that connects more than 1500 medical facilities across the country on the One Network Digital Supply Chain Networktm.  The project was funded by the Global Fund and its successful implementation, managed by S4D Consulting, was based on a patient centric approach that ensured data quality while improving and optimizing operational performance and reducing supply chain costs.

The system has been instrumental in producing:

  1. Improved planning and decision making to address the country’s COVID-19 needs and address pandemic disruptions to the entire supply chain;
  2. Better execution of supply and demand planning utilizing intelligent demand and replenishment sensing engines;
  3. A supply chain that is agile and responsive to all disruptions brought on by COVID-19;
  4. Multi-tier collaboration to ensure responsiveness to customer needs in real time;
  5. A business intelligence engine that provides prescriptive and predictive analytics to different scenarios and;
  6. Establishment of a foundation for future growth.

“When we did our initial systems evaluation, we realized we had over 100 different systems. There was no portability of the data, there was no standardization, there was no visibility which was hampering our efforts,” said Samuel Ampomah, Head of IT, Ghana Ministry of Health. “The logistics management information system was designed to help address these challenges. The Ministry of Health now has a clear strategy to move toward data standardization. The GhiLMIS provides the capability of interfacing with every system which enhances data exchange, standardizing the data to enable real time reporting and access to data that enables us to make informed decisions.”

“Today real time logistics and transactional data, is generated by the click of the button addressing operational inefficiencies that existed prior to the system implementation,” said Bernard Asamany, Deputy Director, Supplies, Stores and Drugs Management Division, Ghana Health Services.

“The Ghana Ministry of Health did a fantastic job getting all their partners and staff up to speed and deployed quickly on GhiLMIS,”  said said Greg Brady, Founder and Chairman of One Network Enterprises. “As a fully deployed digitized, country wide network, GhiLMIS has enabled the Ghana MoH to react quickly and fully support COVID-19 pandemic response measures.  In addition, they are well prepared to take on other relief measures that may come up in the future to best serve their population.”

“The interruptions caused by the pandemic created a critical need to ensure that the Ghana’s public health supply chain are activated,” said Philip Lule, GhilMIS implementation lead and CEO for Systems for Development (S4D). “It emphasized the need to ensure an agile and responsive supply chain management system, that is both effective and efficient in fighting any disruptions future and current. It highlighted how data plays a critical role in addressing supply chain needs, creates agile opportunities and facilitates resilience.”

One Network Health Logistics Management Systems and Digital Supply Chain Networktm are contributing to positive results to improve supply chain efficiencies in Rwanda, Ghana, and Nigeria, connecting thousands health care facilities that service the health care needs of more than 250 million people throughout these countries.

Learn more about the GhiLMIS project.

About One Network Enterprises
One Network is the leading global provider of supply chain control towers and the Digital Supply Chain Networktm. It is the only available solution that gives supply chain managers and executives end-to-end visibility with a single version of the truth, from inbound supply to outbound order fulfillment and logistics, matching demand with available supply in real-time. This multitier, multiparty digital platform helps optimize and automate planning and execution across the entire supply chain network.

Powered by NEO, One Network’s machine learning and intelligent agent technology, real time predictive and prescriptive analytics autonomously enable industry-leading performance for the highest service levels and product quality at the lowest possible cost. It’s the industry’s only solution with a fully integrated data model that connects companies to their suppliers and all logistics partners, providing a network-wide, real-time single version of the truth. Leading global organizations have joined One Network transforming industries like Retail, Food Service, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Healthcare, Public Sector, Telecom, Defense, and Logistics. Headquartered in Dallas, One Network has offices across the Americas, Europe, and APAC. For more information, please visit www.onenetwork.com.

Michelle Gaubert Julia Angelen Joy
One Network Enterprises Interdependence Public Relations
+1 510 316 0590 +1 949 777 2423 x 330
mgaubert@onenetwork.com  julia@interdependence.com 

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/392922/One_Network_Logo.jpg

جنوبی ایشیا میں ایکومیٹکا کلاؤڈ ای آر پی بزنس میں تیزی

بزنس مینجمنٹ سافٹ ویئر کمپنی نے اے پی اے سی میں بڑھتی ہوئی مانگ کو پورا کرنے کے لئے ری سیلر نیٹ ورک میں اضافہ کردیا

کرک لینڈ، واش، 31 اگست 2021 /پی آر نیوز وائر/ – دنیا کی سب سے تیزی سے بڑھتی ہوئی کلاؤڈ ای آر پی کمپنی ایکومیٹکا نے سری لنکا پر توجہ مرکوز کرتے ہوئے سپورٹ چینلز کو بڑھانے اور جنوبی ایشیا کے خطے میں صارفین کی بہتر خدمت کے لئے ایشیا پیسیفک (اے پی اے سی) میں تیزی سے توسیع کا اعلان کیاhttps://mma.prnewswire.com/media/526275/Acumatica___Logo.jpg

ایکومیٹکا کے مضبوط شراکت دار ماحولیاتی نظام اور اس کی بین الاقوامی افرادی قوت کے ذریعے جنوبی ایشیا بھر کے صارفین تعیناتی اور مصنوعات کی فیچر اپ ڈیٹس کے لئے علاقائی معاونت میں اضافے کے ساتھ وقت کے لحاظ سے حساس ایشو ریزولوشن سے مستفید ہوں گے۔

ایکومیٹکا کے سی ای او جون روسکل نے کہا کہ ہم سری لنکا میں شراکت داری کو مضبوط بنا کر جنوبی ایشیا میں اپنی جڑیں مزید گہرا کرنے کے لئے پرجوش ہیں۔”ایکومیٹکا ایک عالمی کمپنی ہے، جس میں شراکت داروں اور ری سیلرز کا دنیا بھر میں نیٹ ورک ہے، جو مختلف صنعتوں میں صارفین کی مدد کرتا ہے۔اے پی اے سی میں ہماری مصنوعات کی مانگ نے واقعی ہم سے مزید سرمایہ کاری اور عزم کا مطالبہ کیا۔

ایکومیٹکا میں اس وقت علاقائی ٹیم کے 50 سے زائد ارکان اور ایک درجن کے قریب فعال ری سیلرز موجود ہیں جو پورے سری لنکا، بنگلہ دیش اور مالدیپ میں واقع ہیں۔ یہ ری سیلرز بنیادی طور پر تقسیم، مینوفیکچرنگ اور تعمیراتی صنعتوں پر توجہ مرکوز کرتے ہیں۔

ایکومیٹکا میں ایشیائی خطے کے ڈائریکٹر تھورسٹن لیپیک نے کہا کہ ہم جنوبی ایشیا میں اپنے ابتدائی دور کے ایکومیٹکا شراکت داروں کی شراکت داری کو خلوص نیت سے اہمیت دیتے ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ان کی مہارت اور مقامی تعلقات کے ذریعے ہم ایکومیٹکا کے موبائل، موافق اور موثر کلاؤڈ ای آر پی حل کی ضرورت میں بڑھتے ہوئے کاروباروں کی کثرت کی حمایت کر سکتے ہیں۔ وہ خطے میں ہماری کامیابی کا مرکز ہیں۔

آئی ڈی سی مارکیٹ اسکیپ: ایشیا/ پیسیفک سافٹ ویئر بطور ایک سروس اور کلاؤڈ فعال مینوفیکچرنگ انٹرپرائز ریسورس پلاننگ ایپلی کیشنز 2021 وینڈر جانچ پڑتال
،حال ہی میں ایکومیٹکا کو اے پی اے سی مارکیٹ میں ایک اہم پلیئر قرار دیا گیا ہے۔ رپورٹ میں ایکومیٹکا کے منفرد کھپت پر مبنی لائسنسنگ ماڈل پر روشنی ڈالی گئی ہے جو گاہکوں سے ان کے لین دین کے حجم کی بنیاد پر چارج کرتا ہے۔آئی ڈی سی نے یہ بھی نوٹ کیا ہے کہ قیمتوں کا ڈھانچہ انٹرپرائز سافٹ ویئر کو آمدنی میں اضافے کے مطابق خرچ کرنے میں چھوٹی تنظیموں کی مدد کرتا ہے۔

یہ علاقائی توسیع برطانیہ میں ایکومیٹکا کے لندن دفتر کے افتتاح کے بعد کی گئی، 2008 میں اپنے قیام کے بعد سے، ایکومیٹکا نے غیر معمولی اور صنعت کی قیادت میں ترقی کا تجربہ کیا ہے، جس میں عالمی سطح پر نئے صارفین، شراکت دار، ری سیلرز اور کارپوریٹ ٹیم کے ارکان شامل ہوئے ہیں۔ایکومیٹکا کمپنیوں کو بنیادی ڈیجیٹلائزیشن کے عمل سے آگے لے جاتا ہے اور انہیں پختہ، موثر اور مربوط کاروباروں میں تبدیل کرنے میں مدد فراہم کرتا ہے۔


ایکومیٹکا کے بارے میں

ایکومیٹکا کلاؤڈ ای آر پی کے آپ کی کمپنی کو نئی ڈیجیٹل معیشت میں پھلنے پھولنے کے لئے تبدیل کرنے کے لئے بہترین کاروباری انتظامی حل فراہم کرتا ہے۔ تیزی سے انضمام، پیمائش اور استعمال میں آسانی کے لئے کھلے فن تعمیر کے ساتھ فیوچر پروف پلیٹ فارم پر تعمیر کیا گیا، ایکومیٹکا چھوٹی اور مِڈمارکیٹ تنظیموں کو بے مثال قدر فراہم کرتا ہے۔ Â مربوط کاروبار۔ فراہم کرتا ہے۔

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