‫تمكين المؤسسات من المتثال للأمن السيبراني في المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال منهج SealPath القائم على البيانات

تقدم Credence Security  شريك التوزيع الإقليمي ل SealPath  الدعم للعملاء في رحلتهم الهادفة إلى الامتثال إلى ضوابط الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني، وضوابط الأمن السيبراني للأنظمة الحرجة.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 16/سبتمبر/2021/ PRNewswire/– أبرزت مؤخرًا SealPath -الرائدة في تقديم حلول حماية المعلومات والتحكم- كيفية مساعدة المؤسسات في المملكة العربية السعودية على الامتثال لهيئة الأمن السيبراني الوطنية من خلال تهجها الأمني القائم على البيانات الثورية..

وسعيا إلى أن تصبح مركزًا عالميا للتكنولوجيا والإبداع، فقد أطلقت المملكة العربية السعودية رؤية 2030، التي تمثل استراتيجية تحول وطنية تهدف إلى تنويع اقتصادها من مجرد الاعتماد على النفط إلى الاقتصاد الرقمي.

وحيث يزداد تغلغل التكنولوجيات الرقمية عبر جميع جوانب اقتصاد المملكة، فقد جعلتها أيضا هدفًا أكثر جاذبية للأطراف الفاعلة في مجال التهديد، مما عزز الالتزام الوطني لرفع جاهزية الأمن السيبراني، وتمكين بيئة آمنة لعمليات البيانات والعمليات الرقمية عبر جميع الصناعات. نتيجة لذلك، أنشئت المملكة العربية السعودية الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني لتطوير وتطبيق ضوابط الأمن السيبراني الحيوية، وضوابط الأمن السيبراني للأنظمة الحرجة.

وتهدف كلا من ضوابط الأمن السيبراني الحيوية، وضوابط الأمن السيبراني للأنظمة الحرجة إلى تأسيس أفضل ممارسات الأمن السيبراني على المستوى الوطني، والتي تغطي البنية التحتية الحرجة، والقطاعات ذات الأولوية الكبيرة، والخدمات الحكومية. وقد تطورت البروتوكولات الأمنية عقب دراسة شاملة لمعايير الأمن السيبراني المتنوعة على المستويين الوطني والعالمي.

تستطيع الشركات من خلال حلول SealPath الغنية بالمميزات الحصول على رؤية وتحكم كامل في البيانات أينما كانت على مدار دورة حياتها بضغطة واحدة، تسمح SealPath  بتقيدد الوصول إلى البيانات في الوقت الفعلي، حتى لو كانت هذه البيانات خارج شبكة المؤسسة. علاوة على ذلك، بمجرد دمجها مع أي بنية تحتية لأمن الشركات، يمكن لتقنيات أتمتة الحماية ل SealPath المساعدة في تعزيز الوعي بالأمن السيبراني داخل المؤسسة.

قال سيد عزام، المدير الإقليمي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط: “تُعد المملكة العربية السعودية أحد الدول الرائدة في الشرق الأوسط عند الحديث عن التحول الرقمي والابتكار” “ومن هذا المنطلق، اتخذت المملكة السعودية خطوات رائدة لتعزيز استراتيجياتها للحفاظ على التهديدات السيبرانية في الخليج،  لا تضمن اختصاصات الأمن في الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني مجرد حماية بيانات الأفراد، والمؤسسات فقط، وغنما تساعد أيضا في منع أي حوادث أمنية وطنية تسافر الابتكارات الأمنية ل SealPath بالبيانات، بما يسمح للمؤسسات من الاحتفاظ بها تحت السيطرة حتى لو كانت خارج مقاييسها. نعد بتمكين المؤسسات المحلية من تحقيق أقوى حماية ممكنى لبياناتهم، بما يضمن تزويدهم بالأدوات اللازمة للوفاء بالإجراءات الضرورية المنصوص عليها في ضوابط الأمن السيبراني الحيوية، وضوابط الأمن السيبراني للأنظمة الحرجة.

وإشهادًا على إمكانيات أدوات حماية البيانات المتطورة ل SealPath، قال المدير الإداري ل AD Credence Security الإقليمية الرائدة ” تعتبر البيانات شريان الحياة لأي مؤسسة، وبينما تستمر الحكومات والمؤسسات الإقليمية في تبني العصر الرقمي، فإنها تدرك مدى أهمية حماية هذا الأصل الرقمي، ونحن نفخر بأن نكون شريك توزيع SealPath في المنطقة، ونؤمن إيمانًا راسخًا بأن عروض حماية البيانات عالمية الطراز التي يقدمونها تمثل ما تحتاجه المؤسسات لتعزيز أوضاعها الأمنية، والامتثال لضوابط الصناعة الصارمة مثل الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني، وضوابط الأمن السيبراني الحيوية، وضوابط الأمن السيبراني للأنظمة الحرجة.

نبذة عن شركة CREDENCE SECURITY :

تأسست شركة Credence Security في عام 1999، وهي موزع متخصص ذو قيمة مضافة في الاتحاد الاقتصادي السوقي في أوروبا (PAN-EMEA)، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال الأمن السيبراني والتحليل الجنائي والحوكمة والمخاطر والامتثال. ويقع المقر الرئيسي في دبي والمكاتب الإقليمية في جوهانسبرغ ولندن ونيروبي وحيدر أباد. وتعتبر شركتنا جهة تقديم أساسية للحلول الأمنية والطب الشرعي لكل من مؤسسات القطاعين العام والخاص في جميع أنحاء أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا والهند من خلال شبكة مختارة من الموزعين المتخصصين.

وعلى عكس معظم الموزعين الآخرين، فإننا نتبع نهجًا استشاريًا لحل “القيمة المضافة”، ونتعاون مع شركائنا وعملائهم لفهم احتياجاتهم من منظور التكنولوجيا والأعمال، ثم نتعاون عن كثب مع شركائنا لتقديم حلول مخصصة حسب الطلب. وبفضل التعاون الوثيق مع موردين معترف بهم عالميًا وحائزين على جوائز، بما في ذلك AccessData بصفتها شركة Exterro وHumanFirewall وEntrust وMagnet Forensics وNetskope وOxygen Forensics وSealPath وZecOps وZeroFox، توفر شركة Credence Security أفضل تقنيات وحلول الأمن السيبراني والتحليل الجنائي الرقمي الذي يحمي المنظمات من التهديدات المستمرة المتقدمة والهجمات الإلكترونية الضارة والأعطال الداخلية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول شركة Credence Security، يُرجى زيارة credencesecurity.com أو تابع الشركة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على:

تويتر: https://twitter.com/CredenceSecure

لينكد إن: https://www.linkedin.com/company/credence-security

فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/CredenceSec

يوتيوب: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn4O73EKgUE-1BbMZS95yzQ

إنستغرام: https://www.instagram.com/credencesecurity/

نبذة عن SEALPATH

يعتبر أحد حلول إدارة الحقوق الرقمية للمؤسسات،  تساعد SealPath المؤسسات على حماية الوثائق الحساسة سواء على الشبكة أو على شبكات العملاء أو الشركاء، في السحابة أو على جهاز الجوال. ويمثل تشفيرًا مستمرًا مرافقًا للملفات ورسائل البريد الإلكتروني في أي مكان. كما تتحكم في منح سلطة الوصول للبيانات للأشخاص، وفي أي وقت، وبأي تصريح

لمزيد من المعلومات حول شركة إيسرتيس، تفضل بزيارة www.icertis.com.

‫جريت وول موتورز تطلق لأول مرة سيارتها الكوبيه الجديدة الرياضية متعددة الأغراض (SUV) – هافال H6S مع العديد من المميزات البارزة

باودينغ، الصين، 16 سبتمبر 2021/PRNewswire/ — أعلنت جريت وول موتورز في 27 أغسطس 2021 لأول مرة عن إطلاق الموديل الجديد المذهل؛ هافال H6S في مراسم الاحتفال العالمي بالذكرى العاشرة لصدور هافال H6. وبعد ذلك الحفل بيومين، ظهرت هافال H6S لأول مرة في معرض تشنغدو للسيارات.

HAVAL H6S showed up again at the 24th Chengdu Motor Show

نظرًا لكونها الإصدار الحديث من هافال H6، التي لطالما كانت السيارة الرياضية متعددة الأغراض الأولى الأكثر مبيعًا في الصين، فقد جذب أداء هافال H6S اهتمامًا كبيرًا. حيث وضعت جريت وول موتورز الاحتياجات الجديدة للعملاء نصب أعينيها، وطورت بناءً عليها أول سيارة كوبيه رياضية متعددة الأغراض في سلسلة هافال H6 استنادًا إلى أساس منصة L.E.M.O.N. ومنصة Coffee Intelligence.

استنادًا إلى التراكم الفني لهافال H6 على مدار السنوات العشر الماضية وفلسفة جريت وول موتورز “المتمحورة حول العميل”، فلم تنطوي هافال H6S على ابتكارات جريت وول موتورز في التصميم الداخلي والخارجي فحسب، بل ضمت أيضًا تحديثات في قمرة القيادة الذكية والأداء الكهربائي القوي ونظام التحكم.

تم تجهيز هافال H6S بنظام قمرة القيادة الذكي Coffee Intelligent (GC-OS). فبمساعدة قوة الحوسبة الفائقة للرقائق المتطورة المركبة على السيارة، فهي تحقق اختراقات متعددة الأبعاد في الذكاء الاصطناعي، والتفاعل، والنظام البيئي، وتقدم للمستخدمين تجربة جديدة للقيادة الذكية في جميع المواقف. وفي الوقت نفسه، ومن حيث أداء القوة الكهربائية، فهي تتميز بمحرك بنزين 2.0T ونظام L.E.M.O.N. نظام ناقل حركة هجين مخصص (DHT) لإتاحة الاختيار. مع منصة L.E.M.O.N. حيث يمكن لناقل الحركة الهجين المخصص (DHT) الذي تتميز به السيارة هافال H6S أن يحقق أداءً ممتازًا بقدرة قصوى تبلغ 179 كيلو وات وعزم دوران أقصى يبلغ 530 نيوتن في المتر، وتسارع يبلغ 100 كم في 7.5 ثانية، واستهلاك شامل للوقود يبلغ 4.9 لتر. ويمثل هذا دخول العلامة التجارية لهافال حقبة جديدة من الطاقة الهجينة.

بالنسبة لنظام التحكم، توفر هافال H6S سبعة أوضاع قيادة، بما في ذلك السباق، والرياضة، والوضع الاقتصادي، والثلج، والرمل، والطرق الوعرة والوضع العادي. يمكّنها ذلك من التحكم ومتعة القيادة للمركبات الفاخرة، ويمكنها تلبية احتياجات المستخدمين في ظل مختلف عادات وظروف القيادة.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتمتع هافال H6S بالعديد من المزايا في كل من التصميم الداخلي والخارجي. إن الجزء الداخلي من السيارة أسود اللون بشكل أساسي، بما في ذلك الألواح الزخرفية المصنوعة من ألياف الكربون، وغرز صفراء زاهية، وشاشة كبيرة معلقة، وعجلة قيادة متعددة الوظائف مع محرك نقل السرعات، ومقابض ناقل الحركة، وتكوينات أخرى، مما يعطي إحساسًا كافيًا بالتكنولوجيا والحركة. قد تلبي هذه التصميمات الطلب المتنوع للمستخدمين. للتصميم الخارجي، تتبنى هافال H6S مفهوم التصميم الجمالي لسمك القرش الأسود. مع وجه أمامي على شكل زعنفة صدرية لسمك القرش، ومصابيح أمامية LED أوتوماتيكية تشبه عيني القرش، تعطي هذه التصميمات تأثيرًا بصريًا قويًا مثل سمكة القرش. كما أن الهيكل المصمم على طراز سقف منحني حتى مؤخرة السيارة والنهاية الخلفية لتصميم الجناح الخلفي المعلق يجعل السيارة الرياضية متعددة الأغراض تبدو أكثر شبابًا ورياضية.

في المستقبل، من المتوقع أن تُباع هافال H6S في أسواق مختلفة حول العالم، مما يثري مجموعة منتجات هافال في السوق الدولية، ويوفر تجربة سفر تكنولوجية عالية الجودة ومتنوعة للمستخدمين العالميين بقوة قصوى للمنتج، وذكاء، وطاقة جديدة.

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1626269/image.jpg

Chengdu Motor Show Witnesses Debut of New Models of GWM POER, With Sales of 200,000 Units Since Its Launch

BAODING, China, Sept. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On August 29, several new models of GWM POER made their debut and the key of the 200,000th GWM POER was handed over to the user at the 24th Chengdu Motor Show.

GWM POER’s other models such as ZHUFENG version, JICHE POER, HUO POER, DIANZHUANG POER, LVZHUANG POER, HEIDAN and LONGDAN (Transcription) were also present at the show. Different GWM POER versions can meet global users’ needs for using cars in multiple scenes and for multiple purposes.


The ZHUFENG version inherits the leading strength of GWM POER off-road pickups and is equipped with a 2.0T engine and an 8AT transmission to further strengthen its off-road capability; different driving modes are available for easy driving on hump-shaped, water-flooded and snake-shaped roads, paying tribute to the climbing spirit with sound performance; in the shock absorber structure, the front double-wishbone independent suspension and the rear multi-link suspension are used to ensure performance and comfort.

JICHE POER, a partner of motorbike riders, has a large cargo box of 2480/1520/538mm, which is equipped with a high-strength ladder chassis and a super load-bearing suspension to support the loading of a 2m- to 2.4m-long motorbike, equivalent to a super loading capacity of up to 400kg. Meanwhile, the easy-to-operate box can be dragged with a remote control winch, so a user can glide the motorbike onto the box alone. This easily solves the difficulties of motorbike riders while going out and promotes the development of motorbike culture.

Over two years, GWM POER has seized market share with strong product strength and intelligent configuration, with global sales of 200,000 units. From January to August 2021, 77,356 GWM POER were sold worldwide, up 13.4% year on year, becoming a hot-selling “new category” in the global pickup market.

In Chile, GWM POER kept increasing the sales volume of GWM pickups. After becoming the champion among the Chinese pickup brands in June, it reached a new high in July and won first place among international and domestic pickup brands.

In Saudi Arabia, GWM POER and GWM Wingle, as high-end and low-end pickups, effectively promoted GWM pickups to rank among the top three in local industry sales for two consecutive months, and to surpass some Japanese pickup brands. The market share increased steadily to 11%, ranking first among Chinese pickup brands.

Since its launch in 2019, GWM POER has reached more than 50 countries and regions like Australia, Chile, South Africa, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Russia, and recently entered emerging markets like Peru and Ecuador. Its globalization pattern has been expanding.

The new GWM POER models unveiled this time will continue to enter the global market, strongly pushing GWM pickups to rank among the global top three pickup brands, and constantly empowering GWM to realize global annual sales of 4 million units by 2025.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1627655/GWM.jpg

Samtrade FX Signs Sponsorship Deal With La Liga Team, Valencia CF

   KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sept. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Global trading brokerage Samtrade FX has inked a 3-year “VCF Back of Shirt” sponsorship deal with Valencia Club de Fútbol (“Valencia CF”). This agreement with Valencia CF delivers a strong statement of Samtrade FX’s desire and strategic intent to expand into the wider European market.

Samtrade FX - the official VCF Back of Shirt partner of Valencia CF

As the VCF Back of Shirt Partner of Valencia CF, Samtrade FX will have its logo, branding, and corporate colours displayed on both the playing and training kit, as well as on the advertising of the Mestalla Stadium – on the giant screen, giant canvas, official bus, the training ground in Paterna, in the Club’s institutional events and all its digital assets: website, app and official Valencia CF social networks.

Samtrade FX founder and Chief Executive Officer, Sam Goh, commented on the partnership,  This partnership is an exciting opportunity to bring together two brands who enjoy global recognition for their commitment to excellence. We see tremendous similarities between Samtrade FX’s lightning-fast and reliable platform and Valencia CF’s swift and accurate play on the pitch.”

“In addition, we are really proud to be the world’s first FX brokerage to pay for the sponsorship with Cryptocurrency and appreciate Valencia CF’s incredible vision and foresight to accept it.”

Commenting on the sponsorship, President of Valencia CF – Anil Murthy said:

VCF is very happy to be the first La Liga club to sign a sponsorship agreement with Samtrade FX, an award-winning online trading brokerage. This new agreement is in line with our aim to grow VCF’s brand and fan base internationally especially in a market as important as Asia”.

Samtrade FX’s goal of “Making your priority ours” is borne by a team of advisors and customer service staff that are committed towards supporting clients throughout their trading journey. This enduring commitment to the community is yet another shared value between Valencia CF and Samtrade FX.


Samtrade FX is an online trading brokerage that provides forex trading and other related services, with more than 200,000 clients. It was founded with the objective of providing traders with safe, easy, and low-cost access to foreign exchange markets. Samtrade FX’s founders and partners are all traders themselves and have extensive trading experience in forex and contract for differences trading.  Its Advisory Board includes knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are able to provide clients with unrivalled professional advice.

Samtrade FX is incorporated in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines under registered number 25290 IBC 2019 by the Registrar of International Business Companies. Samtrade FX is also a member of The Financial Commission.  Samtrade FX is registered and regulated by FINTRAC (Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada) under Money Services Business (MSB) with registration number: M19977589. Its affiliate, S.A.M. Trade (Asia) Pte Ltd is publicly traded on the OTC Markets in the United States of America with the symbol (OTCMKTS: SMFX).

Media Contact
Heidi Chan

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1627408/Samtrade_FX___ValenciaCF_Sponsorship_image.jpg
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1551562/Samtrade_FX_Logo.jpg


WHO aims for 30 percent of needed Africa coronavirus jabs by February

GENEVA, The World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners have said they hope to provide Africa with about 30 percent of the COVID-19 vaccines the continent needs by February, badly missing the 60 percent vaccination coverage goal that African leaders had once hoped for this year.

Out of 5.7 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines administered around the world so far, only 2 percent have been in Africa.

The African Union accused manufacturers of COVID-19 shots of denying African countries a fair chance to buy them and urged manufacturing countries – in particular India to lift export restrictions on vaccines and their components.

“Those manufacturers know very well that they never gave us proper access,” Strive Masiyiwa, AU Special Envoy for COVID-19, told a WHO briefing from Geneva. “We could have handled this very differently.”

But the companies that manufacture the vaccines including Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna have shown no indications they are eager to switch their current tactics, which involve appealing to rich countries and their regulators to authorize booster shots.

Masiyiwa stressed that, in aiming to vaccinate 60 percent of its population, the African Union and its partners had expected to buy half the doses needed, while half were expected to come as donations through the COVAX program, backed by the WHO and the GAVI global vaccine alliance.

“We want access to purchase,” he said.

GAVI CEO Seth Berkley said his organization had been counting on supplies from India the world’s largest vaccine manufacturing center at the start of the outbreak but had received no doses from India since March when India imposed export restrictions.

Masiyiwa added: “The suppliers over the last eight to nine months have made it clear that the biggest challenge they face is export restrictions.”

He urged the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to begin working on a standby pandemic readiness fund to help poorer nations buy vaccines in the future, instead of having to rely on a sharing facility like COVAX – which has so far managed to provide only 260 million doses.

“Vaccine sharing is good but we shouldn’t have to be relying on vaccine sharing, particularly when we can come to the table with structures in place and say we also want to buy,” he said.

He reiterated a demand for patent waivers on vaccines, saying that Africa wanted to set up its own manufacturing capacity.

Tedros called last week for a “moratorium” on the use of boosters in healthy populations until the end of the year. Countries including Israel, France, and Germany have already started dispensing third doses to certain groups.

In the US, the FDA is going to publicly debate the topic of boosters this week. In an opinion piece on Monday, two top FDA officials and senior WHO scientists wrote in the Lancet that the average person does not need a booster shot.

To date, fewer than 4 percent of Africans have been fully immunized and most of the vaccine doses administered around the world have been given in just 10 rich countries.

COVAX is set to fall nearly 30 percent short of its previous goal of two billion shots this year. GAVI and the WHO have blamed the shortfall on a range of factors including export restrictions on the Serum Institute of India (SII).


Source: NAM News Network

Nigerian Air Force Confirms Civilian Deaths in Strike Against Extremists

The Nigerian air force confirmed Thursday an airstrike against suspected Islamic extremists that killed civilians in the northeastern state of Yobe.

A spokesman said the Wednesday attack was called in response to movements by suspected members of Boko Haram or Islamic State’s West African (ISWAP) branch, which broke away from Boko Haram in 2016.

“Unfortunately, reports reaching Nigerian Air Force headquarters alleged that some civilians were erroneously killed, while others were injured,” Air Commodore Edward Gabkwetin said in a statement.

“Therefore, a board of inquiry has been set up to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the incident.”

Reports on the number of people killed range from six to 10.

Source: Voice of America

Attacks on Eritrean Refugees in Tigray are War Crimes, Watchdog Says

ADDIS ABABA — Eritrean refugees caught up in the months-long war in Ethiopia have suffered abuses including executions and rape that amount to “clear war crimes,” Human Rights Watch said Thursday.

A new report from the U.S.-based rights watchdog details the role of both Eritrean soldiers and rebel fighters from Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region in extensive carnage marked by forced repatriations and large-scale destruction at two refugee camps.

“The horrific killings, rapes and looting against Eritrean refugees in Tigray are clear war crimes,” said Laetitia Bader, HRW’s Horn of Africa director.

“For years, Tigray was a haven for Eritrean refugees fleeing abuse, but many now feel they are no longer safe,” she added.

Northern Ethiopia erupted in conflict last November when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent troops into Tigray to topple the regional ruling party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, or the TPLF, a move he said came in response to attacks on federal army camps.

Before fighting broke out Tigray was home to 92,000 Eritrean refugees, including 19,200 in the Hitsats and Shimelba camps, according to Ethiopia’s Agency for Refugees and Returnees Affairs (ARRA).

Although Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a brutal border war in 1998-2000 that left tens of thousands dead, Abiy initiated a rapprochement with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki that earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, and Asmara has lent him military backing in Tigray.

Eritrean and Tigrayan forces first clashed near Hitsats about two weeks after the conflict began.

HRW said Thursday it had received “credible reports” that Eritrean troops killed 31 people in Hitsats town, and that the true toll was “likely significantly higher.”

AFP has previously documented how, once fighting reached Hitsats camp, pro-TPLF militia targeted refugees in reprisal killings, shooting dead nine young Eritrean men outside a church.

When the Eritreans gained control of the camp, they are believed to have transported 17 injured refugees to Eritrea for treatment, the HRW report said.

However, most of those evacuees remain unaccounted for, along with 20-30 others who were detained, “including refugee committee members and perceived opposition members, two of them women,” it said.

The Tigrayan forces regained control of the area in early December and began robbing, detaining, raping and attacking refugees with weapons including a grenade, potentially killing dozens, HRW said.

Eritrean forces returned the following month and forced those still in the camps to evacuate, and satellite imagery indicates Hitsats was largely destroyed soon after, the watchdog added.

Missing refugees

Thousands of refugees formerly in Hitsats and Shamella remain unaccounted for, while hundreds had little choice but to return to Eritrea in what HRW described as “coerced repatriations.”

Others ended up in two camps in southern Tigray, Mai Aini and Adi Harush, which came under TPLF control in July.

ARRA, Ethiopia’s refugee body, has accused the TPLF of deploying heavy artillery in both those camps, looting vehicles and warehouses and preventing refugees from leaving — creating what is “tantamount to a hostage situation.”

The TPLF has dismissed such allegations and vowed to ensure the refugees’ protection.

Ethiopian officials are trying to expedite the relocation of refugees out of southern Tigray to a 90-hectare site in the neighboring Amhara region.

Yet the TPLF launched an offensive into Amhara in July, and the region has been hit hard by recent fighting.

HRW said Thursday that all parties to the conflict should grant freedom of movement to the refugees, as well as expanded access to aid.


Source: Voice of America

President Barrow Presents Over 10 Community Ambulances to Beneficiary Communities

President Adama Barrow handed over 10 ambulances to communities in the Nuimis, Jokadu, Badibu and Sabach Sanjal to kickstart the Community Ambulance Service, on day two of the Meet the People Tour Tuesday in Njaba Kunda.

Lower Nuimi Constituency received the first two ambulances. Handing over the keys to the Chief of Lower Nuimi, President Barrow called on the host communities to make good use of the ambulance. He said the initiative is in response to the people’s demands for emergency ambulatory services. He added that an additional fleet of ambulances will also be deployed on highways for emergency road situations.

The other constituencies are Upper Nuimi, Jokadu, Lower and Upper Badibu, and Sabach Sanjal.

The Ministry of Women’s Affairs also awarded more than 1.7 million Dalasis low interest loans to twenty six women groups in the Nuimis, Jokadu and Badibus.
Speaking at the event in Njaba Kunda, Alagie Jawara, the National Assembly member for Lower Badibu, thanked President for responding to the needs of the people. Honourable Jawara also commended the President and his administration for providing fertilizer to the farmers on time.

President Barrow said he is elected to serve the people and that the tour is to fulfil that responsibility. The President pledged a better distribution mechanism of fertilizer to avoid unscrupulous business people highjacking the process. He called on citizens to be patriotic to their country.

In Farafenni, President Barrow under the Programme for Accelerated Community Development -PACD under the Office of The President, presented farming implements and promised to provide more tractors and power tillers to farmers around the country.

The President also highlighted his Government’s achievements in education, health, energy and water supply. He said electricity problems will be a thing of the pass by 2023.


Source: Statehouse Gambia

Tom Golisano Gifts $30 Million to Special Olympics to Expand Critical Health Services Globally for People with Intellectual Disabilities

WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Special Olympics announced today that it has received its largest single private gift in the organization’s 53-year history. Tom Golisano, Paychex founder, philanthropist and father of a son with an intellectual disability, will provide $30 million, his third major gift to Special Olympics, to expand the Special Olympics Healthy Communities program, which provides health services globally for people with intellectual disabilities (ID), a population that has been critically underserved, especially during the pandemic.

Tom Golisano, Paychex founder, philanthropist and father of a son with intellectual disability, gifts $30 million to Special Olympics to Expand Critical Health Services Globally for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Tom Golisano and Golisano Foundation Executive Director Ann Costello observe an eye screening at an event before the pandemic.

Through the Healthy Communities program over the past five years, Special Olympics conducted 700,000 athlete health screenings – double the number done in the previous five years – and offered follow-up care in the communities that decreased urgent referral needs by half. Healthy Communities added 150,000 athletes to fitness and health programs, decreasing their blood pressure, improving health outcomes and potentially adding years to their lives. More than 150,000 health care providers have been trained in 60 countries and 130 health professional schools now have inclusive health curricula to train students on intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics has also partnered with many organizations, including foundations, governments, universities, and philanthropists to contribute to Healthy Communities programming.

“By investing in our Healthy Communities, Mr. Golisano will allow us to expand to hundreds of new domestic and global regions,” said Dr. Alicia Bazzano, Special Olympics Chief Health Officer. “This new gift comes at a critical time for our global community as we have seen during this pandemic just how little this population has been prioritized.”

People with intellectual disabilities die on average 16-20 years sooner than the general population. More often than not, these deaths are preventable and result from treatable conditions, like constipation, seizures and heart disease. During the pandemic many people with intellectual disabilities have not had access to critical COVID-19 care and resources like ventilators and vaccines.

A study published earlier this year in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Catalyst; found that people with intellectual disabilities are almost six times more likely to die from COVID than the general population. The pandemic magnified how people with intellectual disabilities historically have not been seen as a priority for access to equitable health care.

Over the next five years, Special Olympics will move the world closer to inclusion in health care for people with intellectual disabilities through multiple key strategic actions including:

  • Reaching three million in-person and virtual health screenings in over 100 countries and ensuring follow-up care is received.
  • Improving the overall health and fitness of 600,000 athletes.
  • Reaching 650,000 young children with intellectual disabilities and their families—to provide them with early intervention services to enable them to walk, run, skip and play earlier.
  • Creating the Golisano Virtual University to provide training to 100,000 more health care professionals enabling them to treat people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Creating the first-ever Global Report on the Health of People with Intellectual Disabilities – this report will evaluate disparities across health systems to develop inclusive policies and practices in target countries.

As the leading advocate for health of those with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics is driving towards access to life-changing health care for this population. Since 2012, Tom Golisano and his foundation have prioritized the health needs of people with ID, donating previous gifts totaling $37 million to help achieve health equity for people with ID all over the world, beginning with the launch of Special Olympics Healthy Communities.

“I am pleased to continue financial support for Special Olympics’ extraordinary health work, which is giving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities improved access to health services and the opportunity to live happier, more productive lives,” said Golisano. “Special Olympics’ impact on the health of people with ID is impressive – as is its strategy on how to build on this success over the next several years. The focus on measurement, standardization of practices, early diagnosis, a trained workforce, and health systems that demonstrate inclusive policies, will effectively position Special Olympics to further our mutual goal of health equity.”

“Over the last decade, Tom’s commitment of $67 million has helped us expand our health programming from local and regional health services, to now over 120 Healthy Communities,” said Dr. Timothy Shriver, Chairman, Special Olympics. “Tom and Foundation Executive Director Ann Costello have been visionaries in reducing health disparities and improving the quality of life for people with different abilities. They have been consistent and outspoken in their commitment to the physical and social-emotional health of those with intellectual disabilities. We thank them for their leadership, partnership and passion for making health care more equitable for our population.”

Special Olympics Health, made possible by the Golisano Foundation, and in the United States in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is creating a world where people with intellectual disabilities have every opportunity to be healthy and can take full advantage of the same health programs and services available to people without intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics has provided 2.5 million free health screenings in 146 countries and trained nearly 350,000 healthcare professionals. The organization is investing in a life-span approach, serving as health partners for every person with an intellectual disability throughout their life.

About Special Olympics

Founded in 1968, Special Olympics is a global movement to end discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities. We foster acceptance of all people through the power of sport and programming in education, health and leadership. With more than six million athletes and Special Olympics Unified Sports® partners in over 190 countries and territories and more than one million coaches and volunteers, Special Olympics delivers more than 30 Olympic-type sports and over 100,000 Games and competitions every year. Engage with us on: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and our blog on Medium. Learn more at www.SpecialOlympics.org.

About Tom Golisano and the Golisano Foundation

Tom Golisano — entrepreneur, philanthropist, and civic leader — is the founder and chairman of the board of Paychex, Inc., a leading national provider of payroll, human resource, and benefit outsourcing solutions with more than 14,000 employees and 100 office locations nationwide serving more than a half-million small and medium-sized businesses. Tom’s vision, perseverance, and action have left an indelible mark on a broad spectrum of issues that touch our lives – in business, healthcare, education, voter policies, politics, and tax reform. His personal philanthropic contributions to hospitals, educational institutions, and other organizations exceed $330 million. A fierce advocate for dignity and inclusion, Tom Golisano applied his pioneering spirit to establish the Golisano Foundation to help make the world a better place for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Founded in 1985, the Golisano Foundation is now one of the largest private foundations in the United States devoted exclusively to supporting programs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. With $45 million in gross assets, it awards more than $2 million in grants annually “Imagining the Possibilities,” advocating for families, fighting for their dignity, and giving people with IDD the opportunity to thrive in their communities.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1627025/Ann_Costello_and_Tom_Golisano.jpg

Dante Labs Announces Appointment of Global Legal Expert Rachel Haverfield as General Counsel to its Expanding Leadership Team

CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom, Sept. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dante Labs, a global leader in genomics and precision medicine, today announced the appointment of Rachel Haverfield to the company’s leadership as General Counsel to drive the growth and scale of the business and opportunity.

“We are so pleased to have Rachel joining Dante’s growing leadership of top talent in the industry,” said Andrea Riposati, CEO of Dante Labs. “Rachel’s global, legal commercial, regulatory and compliance expertise will be instrumental to Dante Labs as we empower governments, patient groups and individuals worldwide with actionable, clinically-relevant whole genome based insights and personalized medicine.”

Rachel Haverfield joins Dante Labs as General Counsel. As a dynamic international in-house lawyer with major law firm, public and private company experience, Rachel will serve as principal legal advisor and manager on all transactions, intellectual property matters, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions at Dante Labs. Prior to joining Dante, Rachel was Vice President of Legal EMEA at Illumina based in Cambridge.

“I’m thrilled to be joining Dante Labs at this exciting time when genomics is emerging as essential to healthcare and is resulting in better outcomes for patients,” said Rachel Haverfield, General Counsel of Dante Labs. “I’m excited to join this team of experts aligned in our mission to scale the business globally in order to bring a more human approach to healthcare.”

About Dante Labs
Dante Labs is a global genomic data company building and commercializing a new class of transformative health and longevity applications based on whole genome sequencing and AI. Our assets include one of the largest private genome databases with research consent, a proprietary software platform designed to unleash the power of genomic data at scale and proprietary processes which enable an industrial approach to genomic sequencing.

Headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom, with a research laboratory in Wolverhampton, Dante Labs supported the UK Government’s urgent requirement to scale-up a high-capacity, highly automated testing solution for Covid-19, including infected patients as well as those with antibodies. Dante Labs was able to deliver by leveraging existing technology that had been developed for whole genome sequencing.

Giorgio Lodi
+39 0862 191 0671

التلفزيون الصيني المركزي: تُعد قاعة المعارض أحد نواقل الثقافة غير الملموسة في مقاطعة شنشي الصينية

بيكين، 16/سبتمبر/2021/ PRNewswire/– تُعد قاعة المعارض للتراث الثقافي غير المادي في سويدي- إحدى مقاطعات شانكس بشمال غرب الصين، أحد نواقل الثقافة المهمة التي أسسها الأجداد، وتوارثوها جيلًا بعد جيل.

 تبلغ مساحة القاعة 5123 متر مربع، وتضم عناصر من التراث الثاقي غير المادي على مستوى الدولة، فضلا عن ثمانية عناصر للتراث الثقافي على مستوى المقاطعة، وقد زار الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ قاعة المعرض في  الرابع عشر من سبتمبر.

 يبلغ تاريخ النحت الحجري ما يزيد عن 2000 عام في سويدي وتعتبر مهارة نحت الحجر فنًا يسري في جذور السكان في سويدي، ويعيشون عليه. يتجلى ذلك في في المواهب الرائعة والإبداع الفني للسكان هناك.

 يعكس Suimi suona الذي يعتبر جزءً من الفن الشعبي– Shaanbei suona طريقة حياة السكان ونفسياتهم الثقافية في في شمال شنشي، حيث كان يعد جزءَ من حياتهم لأجيال.

 وتُعد  يانجكو الشهيرة في شمال شنشي  رقصة تقليدية تتمتع بشهرة واسعة. وتمثل فرعًا من فروع الرقص التقليدي لسكان هان، وتعكس يانجكو في شمال شينش الصدق والتفاؤل بين السكان هناك، كما تتمتع بقيمة تاريخية وثقافية عظيمة.

 وتعتبر حماية هذه الكنوز القيمة، وتوارثها، والاستفادة منها بشكل جيد مسؤولية مشتركة، وتتمتع بأهمية كبيرة لاستمرارية الحضارة البشرية، والتطور المستدام في العالم.

 الرابط https://youtu.be/RYs0O9MGUFY 

فيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYs0O9MGUFY

‫ PUBG: NEW STATE تتخطى حاجز 40 مليون طلبات تسجيل مسبقة في الهند

تكشف شركة KRAFTON، Inc. عن تاريخ الإطلاق الرسمي للعبة في أكتوبر

سانتا مونيكا، كاليفورنيا, 16 سبتمبر ،2021 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة KRAFTON, Inc.، مطورو لعبة PUBG: BATTLEGROUND اليوم أن PUBG: NEW STATE قامت رسميًا بتسجيل أكثر من 40 مليون تسجيل مسبق* على Google Play ومتجر تطبيقات Apple، بعد نجاحها الثاني في اختبار ألفا في 28 دولة الشهر الماضي كما فتحت شركة KRAFTON، Inc. مؤخرًا طلبات مسبقة في الهند، مما ساهم في زيادة عمليات التسجيل المسبق.

كما أعلنت الشركة أنها ستكشف رسميًا عن تاريخ الإطلاق الرسمي لـ PUBG: NEW STATE في أكتوبر.

قال مينكيو بارك، المنتج التنفيذي لـ PUBG: NEW STATE: “لقد تمكنا من تحقيق هذا المستوى من النجاح بسبب حماس المعجبين على مستوى العالم وإيمانهم بعمل PUBG Studios. نركز الآن على دراسة التعليقات القيمة التي جمعناها خلال اختبار ألفا الثاني للعبة PUBG: NEW STATE وصقل اللعبة قبل إطلاقها رسميًا في وقت لاحق من هذا العام. نحن نكرس جميع مواردنا لضمان تلبية PUBG: NEW STATE لتوقعات معجبينا، على صعيدي الترفيه والاستقرار. “

تم تطوير PUBG: NEW STATE بواسطة PUBG Studios، رواد الألعاب من نوع باتل رويال ومطورو لعبة PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS، وسيتم إطلاق PUBG: NEW STATE كتجربة مجانية للعب على Android و iOS في عام 2021. PUBG: NEW STATE تعيد إنشاء تجربة لعب الباتل رويال في PUBG: BATTLEGROUND، مما يجعلها لعبة الباتل رويال الأكثر واقعية على الهاتف المحمول.

للمزيد من المعلومات حول اللعبة يرجى زيارة http://newstate.pubg.com أو المتابعة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على Twitter و Facebook و Instagram و YouTube.

* لا يشمل التسجيل المسبق على Android الصين أو فيتنام.

حول KRAFTON, Inc .

 هي عبارة عن مجموعة من استوديوهات تطوير الألعاب المستقلة التي تم جمعها معًا لإنشاء تجارب ترفيهية مبتكرة وجذابة للاعبين في جميع أنحاء العالم. تتكون الشركة من PUBG Studios و Bluehole Studio وStriking Distance Studios و Rising Wings و Dreamotion، ولكل منها خبرتها الفريدة الخاصة. تعتبر KRAFTON مسؤولة عن ألعاب الترفيه الرائدة بما في ذلك PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS وPUBG: NEW STATE و The Callisto Protocol و TERA و ELYON. كشركة تعتمد على التكنولوجيا وتتمتع بقدرات عالمية المستوى، تسعى KRAFTON إلى توسيع مجالات أعمالها بما يتجاوز الألعاب إلى ترفيه الوسائط المتعددة والتعلم العميق. لمزيد من المعلومات حول KRAFTON،

للمزيد من المعلومات حول KRAFTON، يرجى زيارة https://www.krafton.com.