‫تعلن شركة E.C.D. Automotive Design عن توفر سيارات جاكوار المجددة الفئة E الآن في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

الشركة الرائدة في مجال تجديد السيارات الفاخرة في العالم تعيد إحياء السيارات الكلاسيكية الفئة E القديمة استجابة للطلبات المخصوصة على السيارات بمواصفات الشرق الأوسط

6 ديسمبر 2022 كيسيمي – فلوريدا (خدمة وكالات الأنباء العالمية) – تعلن شركة E.C.D. Automotive Design (E.C.D.)، أكبر شركة في العالم متخصصة في تحويل السيارات الكلاسيكية ديفندر ورينج روفر الأصلية إلى سيارات فاخرة مصممة حسب الطلب، تعلن توافر سيارات جاكوار الفئة E الكلاسيكية بعد تجديدها، في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. السيارات الرياضية الكلاسيكية مستوردة من بلجيكا وألمانيا والمملكة المتحدة إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بطلب من إدارة اللوجستيات الدولية في شركة E.C.D. التي ستصبح سيارات أساسية لسيارات جاكوار الفئة E الرائعة والمُصممة حسب الطلب. شاهد صورًا رائعة للسيارات هنا.

يأتي إعلان E.C.D. الصادر حديثًا لإضافة الفئة E المحدثة (تُسمى أيضًا XK-E) إلى أسطول طرازاتها، ليكون بمثابة تتويج لكونها استطاعت أن تكون الشركة الرائدة في تحديث السيارات الديفيندر ورينج روفر القديمة في أقل من 10 سنين، وذلك بفضل نهجها الذي يركز على العميل أولاً ، والانتباه للكمال وثقافة الابتكار. يأتي هذا التوسع في المنتجات من E.C.D. مع تحديث إدارة التحديثات الجديدة المنشأة على أحدث طراز والتي تبلغ مساحتها 100000 قدم مربع مع خطي إنتاج سيزيدان الإنتاج كثيرًا.

قال توم هامبل، الشريك المؤسس: “إنها أيقونة عالمية للقوة والأناقة والرفاهية، فأسماء مشهورة مثل جورج هاريسون وستيف ماكوين وفرانك سيناترا وسير إلتون جون فضلوا جميعًا سيارات طراز E. امتلاك هذه السيارة بمثابة اقتناء جوهرة تحمل التاريخ بداخلها. لكن في E.C.D. أنت تحصل على أكثر من مجرد سيارات كلاسيكية بريطانية، فأنت تحصل على تحفة أحلامك مصنوعة خصيصًا لك فقط بعملية التجديد الدقيقة التي نوفرها والتي تستغرق 2200 ساعة. كما أنها تتميز بخيار نظام ناقل الحركة الكهربائي الكامل أو مجموعة محركات GM V8 المليئة بالطاقة”.

عملية تجديد السيارة جاكوار الفئة E من E.C.D. هي رحلة مخصصة للغاية، تبدأ باختيار السلسلة 2 أو السلسلة 3 واختيار إما رودستر أو كوبيه – ومع الكوبيه نقدم خيار مقعدين أو أربعة مقاعد. للعديد من عشاق السيارات الكلاسيكية، يعتبر الجزء العلوي القابل للسحب من سيارة رودستر هو الخيار المفضل، ما يوفر مرح القيادة على الطرق الخلابة. كما أن السقف الكوبيه الصلب مع المنحنيات الهندسية المذهلة توفر مظهرًا ينطبع في الذاكرة وتجربة للقيادة مريحة في أي وقت من السنة. فور الانتهاء من التصميم والشكل الخارجي للهيكل، يقرر العملاء شكل العوادم الرياضية وخيارات تعليق أنظمة الكبح، والأهم من ذلك، يقررون أحد الخيارات الثلاثة المميزة لنظام ناقل الحركة.

للذين يرغبون في الجمع بين القوة والأداء الخالصين، فإن GM LT1 توفرهما معًا، أما الذين يسعون إلى الحفاظ على البيئة يمكنهم اختيار محرك تسلا الكهربائي الكامل. يمكن لمن يريد تجديدًا أصليًا لكنه يحافظ على مظهره القديم ورونقه اختيار محرك جاكوار التاريخي بسعة 4.2 لتر في السلسلة الثانية، أو محرك V12 في السلسلة الثالثة. أما الشكل الجمالي، يحدد العملاء المظهر الخارجي بألوان جاكوار التاريخية الجذابة مثل الأحمر والرمادي. أما الصالون، يتوفر للعملاء مجموعة واسعة من ألوان الجلود والتطريز والموكيت وتحديثات لوحة العدادات وغيرها ليكون اختيارًا أنيقًا لا يُنسى يعكس رغبات كل فرد حقًا. فور الانتهاء من التصميم، يتم إنشاء مقطع فيديو بنموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد واقعي ما يثير التصميم القادم.

وبعد ذلك، تنطلق E.C.D. في رحلة بحث عالمية عن السيارة الأساسية المثالية وتجلبها إلى منشأتها روفر دوم من أجل التجديد الدقيق الذي يستمر 18 شهرًا. بفضل الدقة التي يتمتع بها خبراؤنا وكأنهم أطباء في غرفة الجراحة، يقوم فريق الخبراء من الفنيين والحرفيين الرئيسيين بتفكيك وتحويل وتخصيص الفئة E المجددة مع تحسينات دقيقة ولمسات فاخرة تحافظ على الدقة الأصلية عالية الجودة التي قدمتها جاكوار في الفئة E عام 1960. بدءًا من التحديثات الإلكترونية مثل أنظمة الصوت المتطورة وأنظمة التنقل داخل لوحة العدادات إلى خيارات الجماليات مثل خياطة تنجيد المقاعد وأعمال الكروم التي تم الانتهاء منها حديثًا – لم تمر أي تفصيلة دون أن يلاحظها أحد في أثناء عملية تجديد جاكوار XK-E.

من المقرر الانتهاء من أول سيارة جاكوار الفئة E المجددة في ربيع أو صيف 2023 وستكون مزودة بمحرك تسلا كهربائي. ومع وجود أكثر من 9 فئات E مجددة تحت الطلب من قبل، فإن E.C.D. تتوقع الانتهاء من 10 أو 12 من هذه السيارات الدقيقة التجديد سنويًا. لمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية تصنيع سيارتك الخاصة، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني ecdautodesign.com.

عن E.C.D. Automotive Design
E.C.D. Automotive Design (E.C.D.) هي مبتكر السيارات الفاخرة المجددة والتي تجمع بين الجمال الإنجليزي الكلاسيكي والأداء الحديث. كل سيارة من إنتاج E.C.D. مصممة بالكامل حسب الطلب، لمرة واحدة باختيارات العميل من خلال تجربة تصميم الرسوم المتحركة الفاخرة والمصممة يدويًا من الألف إلى الياء والتي تستغرق 2200 ساعة من عمل الحرفيين المعتمدين من المعهد الوطني للتميز في خدمة السيارات (ASE). أُسست الشركة في عام 2013 على يد ثلاثة بريطانيين “من محبي السيارات ولا يستغنون عنها” حيث يمثل شغفهم بالمركبات الكلاسيكية القوة الدافعة وراء معايير عالية استثنائية للسيارات الفاخرة المخصصة والجودة. المقر العالمي، المعروف باسم “روفر دوم” ، عبارة عن منشأة تبلغ مساحتها 100000 قدم مربع تقع في مدينة كيسيمي بولاية فلوريدا، وهي موطن لـ 63 حرفيًا وفنيًا موهوبًا، حاصلين على مجموع 61 المعهد الوطني للتميز في خدمة السيارات (ASE) وخمسة شهادات من المستوى الرئيسي. لديها مركز لوجستي في المملكة المتحدة حيث يعمل سبعة موظفين في طلب ونقل مركبات العمل التي يبلغ عمرها 25 عامًا إلى الولايات المتحدة لاستعادتها.

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العلاقات العامة Uproar لـ E.C.D. Automotive Design
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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3431210

Zoltek celebrates the founder’s 80th birthday

Leading the carbon fiber industry on a global scale

St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Dec. 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoltek Corporation, the largest global manufacturer of industrial grade carbon fiber, has recently celebrated the 80th birthday of its founder, Zsolt Rumy.

Born in December 1942 in Budapest, Hungary, Mr. Rumy was a carbon fiber industry pioneer that ultimately changed the carbon fiber world.  He created the first industrial-grade carbon fiber made to compete against other common building materials, and created Zoltek Corporation to drive the commercialization of carbon fibers.

Mr. Rumy fled Soviet communism after the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, and arrived in the US as a 14-year old war refugee through the International Red Cross and Catholic Charities.   He later graduated with a chemical engineering degree from the University of Minnesota, accepted a position with Monsanto Company and moved to St. Louis, Missouri in 1966. After several years of corporate sales and engineering jobs in the chemicals industry, he started his own distribution business in 1975.   After years of selling carbon and graphite products, he plunged into carbon fiber manufacturing in 1988 with the acquisition of Stackpole Fibers in Lowell, Massachusetts.

His vision of a low-cost carbon fiber began on a pilot line in St. Louis, MO, and later became realized after acquiring an acrylic fiber factory, Magyar Viscosa, back in his native Hungary.  He led a team of engineers that were able to convert this acrylic fiber factory to the world’s first low-cost carbon fiber factory.  Zoltek repeated this feat by acquiring a second acrylic fiber factory in Mexico, and the rest is history.

In 2014, Zoltek was acquired by Toray Industries of Japan, who at the time was the world’s largest aerospace carbon fiber producer.  With the support of the Toray Group, Zoltek has now grown to the largest carbon fiber manufacturer in the world, with more than 30,000 MT of annual capacity.

“Zsolt is a true pioneer who lived the American dream.  He built a company and changed the carbon fiber industry forever.  We are all honored to be part of his journey and grateful for his leadership and friendship”, EVP of Sales & Marketing Dave Purcell. “Now it’s our job to carry his vision forward and bring our low-cost carbon fiber to new applications around the world,” he added.

“The Will To Do, The Soul Dare” is an autobiography that details Zsolt’s extraordinary life experiences and his visionary spirit and courage that revolutionized the carbon fiber industry.  Zsolt’s book is available in major book stores and Amazon.  You may also request a free copy of Zsolt’s book (while supplies last) by sending your request to jschmidt@twinspringsinv.com.

Zsolt Rumy and Dave Purcell are current board members of Zoltek Corporation.

About Zoltek: Zoltek Corporation is the most trusted manufacturer of cost-efficient and customer-centric industrial grade carbon fiber used for automotive parts, wind turbine blades, thermoplastic compounding, marine infrastructure, and many more. In 2014, Zoltek joined the Toray Group (Japan) which has advanced the company’s technology and strengthened the technical and financial resources and positioned the company for further growth as the most reliable global leader of carbon fiber.

For more information, you may visit www.zoltek.com or follow us on any of our social media channels including www.linkedin.com/company/zoltek/ and https://www.facebook.com/ZoltekCorp. For more information about Toray Group, you may visit www.toray.com 


Jen Olson


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8709508

UL Solutions Announces GREENGUARD Gold Certification for KG2 Cleaner and Sanitiser

GREENGUARD Gold Certification helps Reza Chemical Industries and Reza Hygiene demonstrate how its low chemical emissions products support healthier indoor environments and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 by minimizing the release of volatile organic compounds.

NORTHBROOK, Ill., Dec. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science, today announced that KG2 Cleaner and Sanitiser received UL GREENGUARD Gold Certification to UL 2820, GREENGUARD Certification Program for Chemical Emissions for Cleaners and Cleaning Maintenance Systems. KG2 Cleaner and Sanitiser is manufactured by Reza Chemical Industries (RCI) for its partner Reza Hygiene, a contract manufacturer of chemical products for home care and personal care products based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and is the first cleaning product made in the Middle East to receive this designation.

KG2 Cleaner and Sanitiser received UL GREENGUARD Gold Certification for Chemical Emissions for Cleaners and Cleaning Maintenance Systems. UL GREENGUARD Certification is given to products that meet specific standards for low chemical emissions. UL GREENGUARD Gold Certification requires more stringent criteria, meaning that the product meets even lower total volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions levels limits and is acceptable for use in environments such as healthcare facilities and schools.

The UL GREENGUARD Certification Program tests products to rigorous chemical emissions standards to support healthier indoor environments. UL GREENGUARD Certification is given to products that meet specific standards for low chemical emissions. UL GREENGUARD Gold Certification requires more stringent criteria, meaning that the product meets even lower total volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions levels limits and is acceptable for use in environments such as schools and healthcare facilities.

Achieving GREENGUARD Gold Certification for KG2 Cleaner and Sanitiser helps demonstrate how RCI and Reza Hygiene are contributing to a more sustainable supply chain as a local supplier in Saudi Arabia. GREENGUARD Gold Certified products undergo strict chemical emission testing to help create healthier indoor living environments and minimize the release of pollutants that can contribute to health issues.UL Solutions logo

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 initiative is driving investment in sustainability and large development projects. Manufacturers in Saudi Arabia are increasingly focused on enhancing the sustainability of their products and operations to support Vision 2030 and meet their customers’ evolving expectations.

“Sustainability is top of mind for Reza Hygiene as well as RCI and other manufacturers who are searching for ways to demonstrate their commitment to healthier indoor environments,” said Hamid Syed, vice president and general manager at UL Solutions in the Middle East. “UL Solutions can empower sustainability managers in helping understand their products’ VOC emissions, minimizing the risks associated with VOCs and getting the certification to show it.”

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors than outdoors.

“Indoor air quality is a rapidly growing concern, and RCI and Reza Hygiene are committed to finding new ways to make their products more sustainable for healthier indoor environments. As a local supplier that supports local sourcing of technology and materials, RCI and Reza Hygiene are extremely proud to reach this milestone that demonstrates how we are helping to enhance indoor air quality in Saudi Arabia through low chemical emissions in our product,” said Ahmed Al Serisarie, Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental manager at Reza Chemical Industries. Al Serisarie, who leads the Green and Sustainability initiative for RCI and Reza Hygiene, continued, “Achieving UL GREENGUARD Gold Certification of our KG2 Cleaner and Sanitiser marks a step forward for product and supply chain sustainability in Saudi Arabia.”

About UL  Solutions

A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Steven Brewster
UL Solutions
T: +1 (847) 664.8425

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‫مصنع Geekvape الفائق: الذكاء يقود التطور السريع لصناعة السجائر الإلكترونية

شنتشن، الصين، 7 ديسمبر، 2022 / PRNewswire / — توظف شركة التصنيع الذكي جيلًا جديدًا من تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات مع تقنيات التصنيع المعاصرة لتحقيق ذكاء شامل في البحث والتطوير والتصميم والإنتاج والتوريد والخدمة. يقوم عدد متزايد من مؤسسات التصنيع المهمة بتحويل وتحسين التصنيع الذكي استجابة للطلب على الرقمنة، مما يساعد الشركات على الوصول إلى العملاء بشكل مباشر أكثر، والاستجابة لمتطلبات السوق بسرعة أكبر، وتحسين كفاءة الإنتاج، واستخدام موارد أقل.

يمكنك الاطّلاع على البيان الصحفي التفاعلي متعدّد القنوات الكامل هنا: https://www.multivu.com/players/English/9120051-geekvape-super-factory-e-cigarette-industry/ 

تعلمت الشركات غير التقليدية، مثل شركات السجائر الإلكترونية، في وقت مبكر أهمية التصنيع الذكي لتعزيز قدراتها الأساسية واتخذت إجراءات استباقية.

في السنوات الأخيرة، جمعت Geekvape Technology ، المزود الرائد لحلول الانحلال الإلكتروني، القوة لإجراء أبحاث تكنولوجية أصلية ومتطورة، مما أدى إلى فترة من التطور السريع. لهذا السبب، أصبحت واحدة من أفضل شركات السجائر الإلكترونية في العالم، وتباع علاماتها التجارية GEEKVAPE و GEEKBAR في أكثر من 70 دولة.

وفقًا لألن يانغ، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Geekvape ، أنشأت الشركة نظام تصنيع آلي قائم على المعلومات. قامت الشركة بدمج الإنتاج الخالي من الهدر وإدارة العمليات الموحدة لبناء نموذج سلسلة التوريد المقلل للنفايات الرائد في الصناعة ومنتجات وخدمات عالية الجودة للعملاء. يدمج نظام إدارة سلسلة التوريد في Geekvape حركات رأس المال والتجارة والمعلومات مع الحركات اللوجستية. الشركة مؤتمتة إلى حد كبير، مما يزيد من الطاقة الإنتاجية ويحقق إنتاجًا ذكيًا للمنتجات بفضل عملية تغليف خط التجميع الأوتوماتيكية الضخمة.

وفقًا للمدير العام لشركة Qisitech ، “لقد تقدمنا بسرعة منذ ترقية مصنع Qisitech الخاص بنا”، “حيث يتم دمج أبحاث معدات الانحلال الإلكترونية والإنتاج والمبيعات في التصنيع الذكي، مع ورش عمل نظيفة وخالية من الغبار للإنتاج التجريبي والتجميع وتعبئة السوائل والتعبئة.” بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتوفر آلات التعبئة والتغليف والاختبار والتجميع والنقش بالليزر للمساعدة في تطوير وإنتاج المنتجات الذكية. فالتجميع مؤتمت بنسبة 90%، ومعدل عائد الإنتاج بنسبة 99.8%.

وفقًا للتقارير، تقوم Geekvape ببناء حديقة Zhuhai الصناعية، والتي ستبلغ مساحتها الإجمالية أكثر من 200000 متر مربع واستثمار إجمالي قدره 1.55 مليار دولار أمريكي. ومن المتوقع أن يتم تشغيلها واستخدامها بحلول عام 2023. هذا المشروع مبتكر للغاية ومتطور، وسيكون بمثابة مثال عملي مهم لتحويل وتطوير الانحلال الإلكتروني التقليدي.

Geekvape قادرة على تقديم خدمة عملاء أكثر كفاءة ويمكن الاعتماد عليها وتفوقًا بفضل دعم السلسلة الصناعية الكاملة. أدى التصنيع الذكي إلى تحسين القدرة التنافسية لـ Geekvape Technology ، مما سمح لها بأن تصبح مخترعًا ورائدًا وممكنًا للتصنيع الذكي للسجائر الإلكترونية. بالإضافة إلى تزويد Geekvape بنتائج مالية إيجابية وتقديم تحسينات شاملة في احتواء التكاليف والجودة والكفاءة، فإن لديها القدرة على تعزيز الحفاظ على الطاقة والإنتاج الصديق للبيئة والنتائج الاجتماعية الإيجابية.

تعد أعمال السجائر الإلكترونية سوقًا جديدًا مهمًا للتصنيع الذكي يستحق اهتمام جميع الشركات المصنعة. في المستقبل، ستدرك المزيد والمزيد من شركات التصنيع أن التصنيع الذكي هو المفتاح لتحسين قدرتها التنافسية الأساسية. كما سيقدم قطاع السجائر الإلكترونية سياسات داعمة بشكل متزايد مع دخوله مجال التصنيع الذكي.

Geekvape’s Super Factory: Intelligence leads the rapid development of the e-cigarette industry

SHENZHEN, China, Dec. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Smart manufacturing employs a new generation of information and communication technology with contemporary manufacturing technologies to achieve comprehensive intelligence in R&D, design, production, supply, and service. A growing number of significant manufacturing organizations are transforming and improving intelligent manufacturing in response to the demand for digitalization, which helps businesses reach customers more directly, respond to market demands more quickly, improve production efficiency, and use fewer resources.

Experience the full interactive Multichannel News Release here: https://www.multivu.com/players/English/9120051-geekvape-super-factory-e-cigarette-industry/

Non-traditional companies, such as e-cigarette companies, learned early on the importance of smart manufacturing for enhancing their core capabilities and took proactive action.

In recent years, Geekvape Technology, a leading provider of electronic atomization solutions, has gathered the strength to conduct original and cutting-edge technological research, ushering in a period of rapid development. Because of this, it has become one of the best e-cigarette companies in the world, and its GEEKVAPE and GEEKBAR brands are sold in more than 70 countries.

According to Allen Yang, CEO of Geekvape, the company has established a lean, information-based, automated manufacturing system. The company has incorporated lean production and standardized process management to build an industry-leading lean supply chain model and higher-quality products and services for customers. Geekvape’s supply chain management system integrates capital, commercial, and informational movements with logistical ones. The company is largely automated, increasing production capacity and achieving intelligent product production thanks to a massive automatic assembly line packaging process.

“We’ve advanced quickly since upgrading our Qisitech factory,”  according to the General Director of Qisitech, “where electronic atomization equipment research, production, and sales are all integrated into smart manufacturing, with clean, dust-free workshops for trial production, assembly, liquid filling, and packing.” Additionally, packaging, testing, assembling, and laser engraving machines are available to aid in the development and production of intelligent products. Assembly is 90% automated, and the production yield rate is 99.8%.

According to reports, Geekvape is constructing the Zhuhai industrial park, which will have a total area of over 200,000 square meters and a total investment of $1.55 billion USD. It is anticipated to be operational and in use by 2023. This project is highly innovative and cutting-edge, and it will serve as a significant practical example for the transformation and advancement of conventional electronic atomization.

Geekvape is able to deliver more efficient, dependable, and superior customer service thanks to the backing of the full industrial chain. Smart manufacturing has improved Geekvape Technology’s competitiveness, allowing it to become an inventor, pioneer, and enabler of smart manufacturing for e-cigarettes. In addition to providing Geekvape’s with positive financial results and delivering overall improvements in cost containment, quality, and efficiency, it has the potential to advance energy conservation, environmentally friendly production, and positive social outcomes.

The e-cigarette business is an important new market for smart manufacturing that merits the attention of all manufacturers. In the future, more and more manufacturing companies will realize that smart manufacturing is the key to improving their core competitiveness. The e-cigarette sector will also introduce increasingly supportive policies as it enters the sphere of smart manufacturing.

Despite Multiple Remaining Crises, Top Official in Sudan Expresses Optimism for Two-Year Transitional Phase Leading to Civilian Rule, Democratic Elections

In Significant Breakthrough, Military, Political Actors Sign New Framework Political Agreement

While Sudan has been facing a multidimensional political, economic and security crisis since the military takeover of 25 October 2021, the dynamic of recent weeks is cause for optimism, suggesting that it may enter a transitional phase, thanks to a new political framework agreement, the top United Nations official in that country told the Security Council today.


Volker Perthes, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sudan and Head of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), noted that military leadership and political actors signed a political framework on Monday, 5 December, which may lead to the formation of a new civilian Government and democratic elections over a two-year transition phase.  On 24 October, the Trilateral Mechanism — the African Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and UNITAMS — received a document from the military leadership with their comments and amendments to the draft constitutional document, representing a significant breakthrough.


He affirmed that civilian signatories to the draft have formed a collective to engage in talks with the military, leading to agreement on a two-phase political process to return to civilian-led transition.  Once reached, the final political agreement will lead to a civilian Government that should be in a better position to address the multidimensional crisis and build a democratic State, he said.  The coup and subsequent impasse plunged the country into insecurity, including escalating tensions and violence, with 900 people reportedly killed and many more injured since the beginning of the year.


Since his last briefing, a state of emergency has been imposed on the Blue Nile region, he said, urging all sides engaged in conflict in several regions to at least commit to the principle of non-escalation.  Humanitarian partners estimate that 15.8 million people — one third of the population — will need assistance in 2023, while the United Nations and partner agencies’ humanitarian response plan is only funded at 41.3 per cent, he noted.  While the signing of the framework agreement is a significant breakthrough, critical issues must still be addressed, including security sector reform and merging of forces, transitional justice, implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement, and status of the Dismantling Committee.


In the ensuing debate, most delegates sounded a note of cautious optimism over recent developments on the ground and in the political sphere, while expressing concern over outbreaks of violence and a dire humanitarian situation.


The representative of Ghana, also speaking for Gabon and Kenya, called on signatories of the political framework agreement to continue their efforts in broadening the support base, and working with non-signatories to build consensus and address remaining issues.  Sudanese authorities must release all political detainees, a critical confidence-building measure for a viable and inclusive political dialogue, she said.


Voicing concern about the recurrent outbreak of intercommunal violence in Darfur — despite the signing on 3 August of a cessation of hostilities agreement — she called on the Government to investigate insecurity incidents and criminal activities in bringing the perpetrators to book.  Expressing concern about the dire economic situation in Sudan and the global food crisis, she echoed the Secretary-General’s appeal for support to vulnerable communities and continued international assistance for Sudan.


The representative of France welcomed the signing of the framework agreement, which must now be implemented and followed by the appointment of a civilian government.  The authorities must ensure conditions for this political process by guaranteeing the right to peaceful protest and ending impunity for those responsible for violence against protesters.  The establishment of a functioning Government is essential to stop the spiral of inter-community violence, she said.


Albania’s delegate expressed concern over the political, security, human rights and humanitarian situations in the country.  The political framework agreement is welcome, given the role played by Sudanese civil society, but reports of large-scale violence in Blue Nile State are alarming, demonstrating the urgent need to implement the Juba Peace Agreement.  In this regard, accountability for violence against civilians, as well as human rights and sexual and gender-based violations, is essential for implementing the agreement in a manner that improves Sudanese lives.


While emphasizing the stabilizing effect of the recent political agreement on the domestic political situation in Sudan, the Russian Federation’s representative stressed the need to focus on implementation.  She said the painstaking work must continue with all influential forces and groups, including those who did not sign the agreement.  As the Sudanese people can independently and without external interference resolve the issues they face, the Trilateral Mechanism must continue to support the political process and drafting of a constitution, with UNITAMS acting strictly in line with its defined mandate.


Sounding a note of warning, China’s representative stated that pressuring Sudan by cancelling economic aid and debt relief is nothing short of collective punishment, and can lead to serious economic and humanitarian consequences.  With the situation in Darfur relatively stable, and a drop in large-scale violence, he stressed that Security Council sanctions are no longer relevant to the situation on the ground, as they hinder the Sudanese Government’s ability to carry out security operations, and should be adjusted until they are lifted.


Welcoming recent optimism, the representative of Sudan urged the United Nations and Secretary-General to intensify their support for the country.  “Help Sudan so that we can lift the UN sanctions”, he encouraged, calling on the international community to honour its commitments to the Juba Peace Agreement and convince other armed groups that have not joined the peace process to do so.   He attributed the relative stability in Darfur to tribal and local reconciliation meetings in the West and South over the past year.  On the Blue Nile, he said the Government managed clashes there, restoring security and facilitating reconciliation, compensation and justice.


The resumption of hostilities in Kordofan was due to opposition armed groups, which are invested in tribal conflicts, he said.  Addressing violence against children, he spotlighted several practical elements that have been adopted by the transitional government.  On the dire humanitarian situation, he called on the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to help internally displaced persons and refugees, especially by ensuring basic sanitary and emergency services and restoring hospitals and health-care centres, voicing his country’s hope for closer cooperation with international financial institutions and development assistance from bilateral partners.


Also speaking were the representatives of United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland, United States, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Mexico and India.


The meeting began at 10:14 a.m. and ended at 11:40 a.m.




VOLKER PERTHES, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sudan and Head of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), noted that, since the military takeover of 25 October 2021, the country has found itself in a multidimensional political, economic and security crisis.  However, the dynamic of recent weeks has suggested that Sudan may find a way to entera transitional phase.  On Monday, 5 December, military leadership and political actors signed off on a political framework that may lead to the formation of a new civilian Government and democratic elections over a two-year transition phase.  On 24 October, the Trilateral Mechanism — the African Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and UNITAMS — received a document from the military leadership with their comments and amendments to the draft constitutional document, representing a significant breakthrough.  He affirmed that civilian signatories to the draft have formed a collective to engage in talks with the military, leading to agreement on a two-phase political process to return to civilian-led transition.


Once reached, the final political agreement will lead to a civilian Government that should be in a better position to address the multidimensional crisis and build a democratic State, he said.  It would also allow for the resumption of peace talks and restoration of broad-based international support for Sudan.  The coup and subsequent impasse plunged the country into insecurity, with escalating tensions and violence.  Since the beginning of the year, 900 people have been reportedly killed and many more injured.  The resurgence of violence demonstrates the fragility of the State, he noted, with local authorities lacking the resources to protect civilians.


Since his last briefing, a state of emergency has been imposed on the Blue Nile region, he said, urging all sides engaged in conflict in several regions to at least commit to the principle of non-escalation.  Across Sudan, more than 260,000 people have been displaced due to conflict since the beginning of 2022 — often caused by disputes over lack of access to resources and seemingly escalated by political manipulation.  He noted that humanitarian partners estimate that 15.8 million people — one third of the population — will need humanitarian assistance in 2023, an increase of 1.5 million over 2022, the largest in a decade.


The number of flood-affected people has reached 349,000, he said, with high inflation reducing household purchasing power and preventing people from meeting their basic needs.  The United Nations and partner agencies managed to assist 9.1 million people from January to September; however, the humanitarian response plan is only funded at 41.3 per cent.  He noted that protests against military rule have continued and largely remained peaceful, but there has been an excessive use of security force, with the death toll of protesters at 121 since the coup.


He stressed that it is incumbent upon authorities to respect the right to peaceful assembly and avoid excessive use of force, even when provoked.  He welcomed the recent visit of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, his first since assuming the role.  The meaningful participation of women and youth is critical to the political process towards transition, he noted, and some of their demands were included in the framework agreement.  While the signing of the framework agreement is a significant breakthrough, critical issues must still be addressed, including security sector reform and merging of forces, transitional justice, implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement, and the status of the Dismantling Committee.  While progress on the political track is encouraging, it can still be derailed by challenges, he said, adding that, as Sudan gets closer to a final political agreement, those who do not see their interests advanced may escalate attempts to undermine the process.  An inclusive process may safeguard against that risk, he stated, commending those Sudanese who have joined the framework agreement.




JAMES KARIUKI (United Kingdom) welcomed the signing of the political framework agreement as an important step toward a return to a civilian-led transitional government in Sudan.  He urged all parties to continue putting national interests above narrow political ends and to urgently unite behind a final agreement to form a civilian-led government.  He condemned the killing of two further protestors, calling for the security forces to exercise maximum restraint and respect for the right to peaceful protest.  The consequences of delay in reaching a final agreement will be severe, he said.  A civilian-led transitional government can put the country on the road to recovery and allow for the full resumption of international support.  The security situation across Sudan also remains fragile, he added, reiterating his deep concern about significant violence in Blue Nile State and West Kordofan.  The Sudanese authorities should implement security arrangements of the Juba Peace Agreement, engage with the impacted communities to restore peace, and fulfil their responsibility to protect civilians.


MONA JUUL (Norway) welcomed the signing of a framework political agreement, which was made possible through the leadership and ownership of a broad group of Sudanese actors and facilitation of the Trilateral Mechanism, comprised of UNITAMS, the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).  The Mechanism will have an important role to play in the facilitation of phase two of the political process, which must have a Sudanese solution as its outcome.  Women and youth must have a meaningful and constructive role in the process going forward, as any agreement resulting from a non-inclusive process will lack credibility.  Further, the next civilian transitional government must receive timely, and relevant support.  Humanitarian action must be scaled up to meet emerging needs, and prevent an even more dire situation next year.  People have the right to assemble peacefully, and the Sudanese authorities have an obligation to ensure that this right can be exercised without fear of repercussions.  Supporting African solutions cannot only be a figure of speech, but must translate into action, she said.


FERGAL MYTHEN (Ireland) called on the Sudanese military to hand over power to a civilian-led government and create a conducive environment for the next stage of progress by stopping the use of force against protestors, halting unlawful detention and ensuring the right of peaceful assembly and association.  While the release of high-level political prisoners earlier in the week was a critical confidence building measure, there are still ordinary Sudanese people remaining in detention.  Their freedom, he underscored, will be a sign that the framework political agreement marks the beginning of a return of the people to power.  A lasting political agreement requires the buy‑in of people throughout the country, not just in Khartoum, he said, adding that “it cannot just be another elite bargain”.  Women must be at the negotiating table in all decision-making bodies and areas of public life.  Accountability and transitional justice must deliver for the victims of both current and past crimes.  In encouraging Sudan to draw upon the United Nations’ expertise and lessons from other countries in this regard, he also voiced his concern over the alarming rise in sub-national violence and the worsening humanitarian situation.


CAROLYN ABENA ANIMA OPPONG-NTIRI (Ghana), also speaking for Gabon and Kenya, called on signatories of the political framework agreement to continue their efforts in broadening the support base, and working with non-signatories to build consensus and address the remaining issues.  The Sudanese authorities must release all political detainees, she said, calling it a critical confidence-building measure for a viable and inclusive political dialogue.  Voicing concern about the recurrent outbreak of intercommunal violence in Darfur, despite the signing on 3 August of a cessation of hostilities agreement, she called on the Government to investigate insecurity incidents and criminal activities and bring the perpetrators to book.  The national plan for the protection of civilians must be implemented expeditiously, she said, calling on all parties to remain faithful to their commitments, including implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement.


Expressing concern about the dire economic situation in Sudan and the global food crisis, she echoed the Secretary-General’s appeal for exceptional modalities to support vulnerable communities and continued international assistance for Sudan.  She further urged the international donor community and international financial institutions to reconsider the temporary suspension of aid to the country and continue their support programmes and projects.  Highlighting UNITAMS’ role in supporting the democratic transition process, she said all programmes and initiatives must be determined according to needs and priorities identified by Sudan.


JOHN KELLEY (United States) said the initial political framework agreement announced by Sudanese parties is an essential first step towards re-establishing Sudan’s democratic transition.  However, time is of the essence, he stressed, urging all Sudanese actors to engage in dialogue in good faith and establish a civilian-led transitional Government as soon as possible.  The Government, including the military and security services, must fully respect freedoms of association, expression and peaceful assembly.  They must also fulfil their responsibilities to protect the population and hold accountable those responsible for violence against civilians.  He called on the Government to create a more conducive environment for negotiations by releasing political detainees, ceasing violence against protesters and reversing recent administrative decisions undermining the Sudanese Bar Association and other professional organizations.  He condemned actions of spoilers inside and outside Sudan attempting to restrict political space and undermine the country’s stability and democratic transition.  Recent violence in Darfur and Blue Nile State demonstrates the urgent need to implement the agreement, including security sector reform, robust international monitoring and reporting mechanisms, full deployment of security keeping forces in Darfur and comprehensive, inclusive and transparent transitional justice processes.


ALBANA DAUTLLARI (Albania) expressed continued concern over the political, security, human rights and humanitarian situations in Sudan.  The signature, on 5 December, of the political framework agreement by a broad representation of political forces and military is very welcome.  She welcomed the role played by Sudanese civil society and commended Sudanese women for their commitment to peace and human rights.  Reports of large-scale violence in Blue Nile State are alarming and demonstrate the urgent need to implement the Juba Peace Agreement.  In this regard, accountability for violence against civilians, as well as human rights and sexual and gender-based violations, is essential for implementing the agreement in a manner that improves Sudanese lives.  Moreover, humanitarian needs remain very high, she said, adding that Sudanese authorities must provide access to all those affected and ensure the safety of humanitarian workers, who are risking their lives to help those in need, she said.


JOÃO GENÉSIO DE ALMEIDA FILHO (Brazil) commended Sudan for its latest developments on the political front and welcomed the Sudanese Bar Association’s draft transitional constitution.  He expressed hope that current discussions among civilian political forces will help form the basis for a broader political settlement and that signing of the political framework agreement between civilians and military will open an avenue for closer and fruitful cooperation.  Concerned about recurring intercommunal violence, he called on Sudan’s authorities to increase their efforts to protect civilians, enhance accountability and guarantee conditions conducive to the safe return of displaced persons.  It is urgent to mobilize support from international partners to resume financial assistance to Sudan, ensure the provision of basic services and generate new economic opportunities.  Tackling socioeconomic constraints and poverty, as well as implementing, without further delay, the Juba Peace Agreement are fundamental steps towards sustainable peace, he said.


AMEIRAH OBAID MOHAMED OBAID ALHEFEITI (United Arab Emirates) welcomed the signing of the political framework agreement, expressing hope that it opens a new page, with the Sudanese people continuing their path towards security and prosperity.  The upcoming phase requires building on current momentum, she said, stressing the importance of including women in consultations.  She stressed that the success of the transitional period in Sudan requires the resumption of programmes by international financial institutions and continued support from international partners for Sudan’s economy.  Regarding the situation in Darfur, local reconciliation agreements demonstrated their effectiveness in continuing to support stability, as well as valuable contributions of the Permanent Ceasefire Committee, which has made significant progress in implementing transitional security arrangements for Darfur in accordance with the Juba Peace Agreement.


ANNA M. EVSTIGNEEVA (Russian Federation) emphasized the stabilizing effect of the recent political agreement on the domestic political situation in Sudan.  This will help enable the resumption of international donor assistance and, in turn, facilitate an address of outstanding socioeconomic issues.  In stressing the need to focus on implementation, she said the painstaking work must continue with all influential forces and groups, including those who did not sign the agreement.  As the Sudanese people can independently and without external interference resolve the issues they face, the Trilateral Mechanism must continue to support the political process and the drafting of a constitution.  UNITAMS must act strictly in line with its defined mandate, pay equal attention to all components and intensify its work on donor assistance.  It is hypocritical, she underscored, to link the resumption of international assistance with the transfer of power to a civilian government.  Turning to the situation in Darfur, she acknowledged the role of the military leadership, urging central and local powers to continue undertaking swift measures to prevent intercommunal violence and escalation.  She then called for a review of the Council’s sanctions, as they have lost their significance, are no longer helpful, curtail the Government’s work and impact the lives of Sudanese people.


GENG SHUANG (China) welcomed the signing of the political framework agreement on Monday — a major step for Sudan to break its impasse and restore political transition.  He called on non-signatory political forces to join the process as soon as possible, and for all to seize the momentum and engage in dialogue towards a solution of outstanding issues.  Transition requires painstaking efforts, and the international community should support the Sudanese-owned and -led process.  Pressuring Sudan by cancelling economic aid and debt relief is nothing short of collective punishment, he stressed, and can lead to serious economic and humanitarian consequences.  Citing worrying recent intercommunal violence in Blue Nile State and other areas, he noted that the Sudanese Government has deployed forces to the incident areas, leading to ceasefire agreements and stabilization; however, land and livestock disputes are perennial in Sudan, requiring dialogue between communities to resolve resource allocation.  He noted the situation in Darfur has been relatively stable, with a drop in large-scale violence.  Security Council sanctions are no longer relevant to the situation on the ground, he stressed, as they hinder the Sudanese Government’s ability to carry out security operations, and should be adjusted until they are lifted.  Noting that one third of the population still requires humanitarian assistance, he called on the international community to increase its efforts, further citing a number of Chinese initiatives to assist the Sudanese people.


JOSÉ DE JESÚS CISNEROS CHÁVEZ (Mexico), welcoming the signing of the framework agreement between civilians and military in Sudan, said any pending issues must be resolved through peaceful and inclusive dialogue.  He called on political forces, which have so far not signed the agreement, to join it.  To revitalize the political process, priority must be given to security sector reform, implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement and transitional justice, he said, urging key actors to work in a coordinated fashion with the Trilateral Mechanism towards that end.  Women have been one of the drivers of the revolution in Sudan, he underscored, adding that they must have the space for participation in decision-making processes at all levels and stages.  The proposed quota of at least 40 per cent of posts in Government and legislature reserved for women will undoubtedly contribute to greater inclusion, he said, calling for necessary measures to achieve the quota.  Voicing concern about violence in recent months and serious violations of children’s rights, he urged authorities to address causes and redouble their prevention efforts.  Implementation of the national plan for the protection of civilians must be expedited, he said.


NATHALIE BROADHURST ESTIVAL (France) welcomed the signing of a framework agreement between the military and a large portion of the civilian opposition.  It must now be implemented and followed by the appointment of a civilian government.  The authorities must ensure conditions for this political process by guaranteeing the right to peaceful protest and ending impunity for those responsible for violence against protesters.  The establishment of a functioning Government is essential to stop the spiral of inter-community violence, she said.  Further, she encouraged all armed groups that did not sign the Juba Peace Agreement to join the peace process without delay.  The re-establishment of a credible democratic transition meets the aspirations of the population, is consistent with commitments made by the military and is essential for restoring the confidence of the international community.  Cooperation between the authorities and the Tripartite Mechanism must continue, with a view to implementing in good faith the letter and spirit of the framework agreement that has just been signed, she said.


RUCHIRA KAMBOJ (India), Council President for December, speaking in her national capacity, welcomed the signing of a political framework agreement in Sudan, noting that efforts of Sudanese authorities to create a conducive environment by annulling the nationwide emergency and releasing political detainees has helped in easing tensions.  Sudanese stakeholders need to consolidate gains made so far and move towards an inclusive political agreement, she added, stressing the need for a Sudanese-led and Sudanese-owned, inclusive and credible political dialogue to find a lasting solution.  Voicing hope that stakeholders will continue to address security sector reforms and accountability, as well implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement, she encouraged the Trilateral Mechanism to work closely with stakeholders to facilitate the political agreement.  Also voicing hope for efforts to expedite the deployment of the Joint Security Keeping Forces, she said intercommunal violence in West Kordofan and Blue Nile States, due particularly to land disputes, can be tackled only by prioritizing reconciliation and addressing political and security-related issues.  Noting that suspension of a significant portion of international donor assistance and the pause in engagement by international financial institutions has severely impacted overseas development assistance and humanitarian activities, she called on the international community to scale up support.


AL-HARITH IDRISS AL-HARITH MOHAMED (Sudan), noting the recent optimism, urged the United Nations and the Secretary-General to intensify their support for Sudan.  “Help Sudan so that we can lift the UN sanctions”, he encouraged, as he called on the international community to honour their commitments to the Juba Peace Agreement and convince other armed groups that have not joined the peace process to do so.  Turning to relative stability in Darfur, he attributed the situation to tribal and local reconciliation meetings in the West and South over the past year.  The Government, he said, managed clashes in the Blue Nile, controlled the situation, restored security and facilitated reconciliatory, compensation, justice and in-kind support efforts.  The resumption of hostilities in Kordofan was due to opposition armed groups, which are invested in tribal conflicts.  The Government sent reinforcements to ensure security, enable the return of displaced persons and facilitate the work of humanitarian personnel.  These conflicts, he explained, are quite often due to disputes over property, rights, taxes or environmental issues.  Climate-related changes have exacerbated clashes between farmers and locals, resulting in an increase in internally displaced persons and impacted efforts to combat poverty and ensure economic development.


Addressing violence against children, he spotlighted several practical elements that have been adopted by the transitional government, including legislation, a national protection plan, the establishment of human rights units within armed forces and the active participation of his country in peacebuilding workshops.  As the Juba Agreement’s protocols must be applied to ensure a democratic transition, there must be an earmarked budget for the ceasefire committee, he emphasized.  Regarding the dire humanitarian situation, he called on the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to help internally displaced persons and refugees, especially by ensuring basic sanitary and emergency services and restoring hospitals and health-care centres.  He then welcomed the conclusions and observations of the Secretary-General’s report and called on the international community to provide the necessary financial support to implement the Juba Agreement.  It must shoulder its responsibility and provide humanitarian assistance to the hundreds of thousands of refugees living in neighbouring countries, he stressed, as he voiced his country’s hope for closer cooperation with international financial institutions and development assistance from bilateral partners.


Source: United Nations

South Sudan: ‘Raw violence’ displaces thousands during ‘ruthless conflict’, UNHCR says

Throughout South Sudan’s Greater Upper Nile Region “desperation is rising” as escalating armed conflict, which has displaced at least 20,000 people since August, have forced some to run for their lives up to four times, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Wednesday.


“And more people are fleeing as conflict intensifies”, Arafat Jamal, UNHCR’s Representative in the world’s youngest country, said in a press release.

At least 3,000 people have already fled to neighbouring Sudan – further escalating South Sudan’s refugee crisis, which is already the largest in Africa.


‘Civilians under attack’

“Civilians are under attack in this ruthless conflict; we must ensure their protection”, the UN official stressed.


Fighting erupted in the Upper Nile village of Tonga on 15 August. Violence has since spread further to northern parts of Jonglei and Unity states.


And currently, conflict is spreading through Upper Nile’s Fashoda county, threatening the town of Kodok.


Some in hiding

Women, children, and others at high risk, make up the majority of the displaced.


Some of those unable to flee, including older people, have been hiding in bushes during attacks, and along the White Nile River.


Fleeing civilians are visibly traumatized and report killings, injuries, gender-based violence, abductions, extortion, looting and the burning of property.


Many have lost their homes and been separated from their families.


Last month, Mr. Jamal led an inter-agency visit to the Adidiang island site, located about 40 kilometres south of the state capital, Malakal.


Under the protection of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), the site was originally set up nearly 10 years ago to host up to 12,000 internally displaced.


Today, it accommodates some 37,000 souls – overcrowded even before the recent arrivals.


It was the UN’s first visit to the camp since an attack on 7 September, when some 4,000 civilians sheltering there were forced to flee to Malakal.


Survivors of the Adidiang attack reported that dozens were killed or wounded, while others drowned in the river when trying to escape.


‘Pattern of attacks’

On Sunday, UNHCR led another interagency mission to Diel in Jonglei.


“In both Adidiang and Diel, we witnessed the aftermath of raw violence”, said Mr. Jamal.


“It was heartbreaking to see a clear pattern of attacks on civilians and their homes”.


In Diel, northern Jonglei, some of the displaced are returning to their burnt-out villages and homes. Some have been forced to eat wild water plants to survive.


Stepping up response

South Sudan has struggled to end violence between armed groups and military forces since a so-called Revitalized Peace Agreement brokered by regional bloc IGAD, between the President and his main rival, was inked in 2018. Implementation has been slow.

UNHCR, together with UN and NGO partners, has scaled up its response to provide life-saving support to the most vulnerable with shelter, relief items, protection services, cash, and other assistance.


Having now acquired river boats to improve mobility, UNHCR can currently reach people faster and more easily, including those in remote and hard-to-reach areas.


Downward spiral

Despite UNHCR’s support in de-escalating tensions and promoting peace, the situation continues to deteriorate.


Armed conflict, localized violence, dramatic flooding, worsening food insecurity and economic destabilization, have left 6.8 million in need of urgent life-saving aid.

As more people flee violence, needs are surging and UNHCR is scaling up its response amidst a severe funding shortfall.


By the end of November, just 46 per cent of the $214.8 million needed this year had been received.


‘Devastating’ impacts

At the same time, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim, Peter Van der Auweraert, noted that the humanitarian community in South Sudan is “appalled by the continuous violence that has a devastating impact on the lives and livelihoods of ordinary women, men and children”.


In Fashoda County, Upper Nile State, a recent surge in violence has displaced over 9,100 people.


The clashes that broke out in mid-November have also resulted in civilian deaths and injuries, the abduction of women and children, destruction of properties and livelihoods, as well as reported incidences of gender-based violence.


Working ‘around the clock’

Since the start of the crisis, over 2,300 people have arrived in the Malakal Protection of Civilians site – putting additional pressure on its already limited capacity.


Local responders pointed out that at least 75 per cent of the estimated 5,000 people displaced to Melut County from Manyo County are women and children, many of whom were separated from their caregivers.


“Humanitarian partners are working tirelessly, around the clock, on multiple frontlines to provide the newly displaced people with critical supplies and services,” said Mr. Van der Auweraert.


“Hostilities must cease immediately to reduce human suffering and prevent further loss of innocent lives”.


Source: UN News Network

Committee on Resolution 1591 (2005) Committed to Working with Sudan, All Relevant Stakeholders towards Making Peace Reality, Chair Tells Security Council

The sanctions regime on Sudan was established solely to help bring peace to Darfur and not to punish Khartoum, the Head of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) emphasized to the Security Council as she presented her quarterly update today.


Carolyn Abena Anima Oppong-Ntiri (Ghana), Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan, briefed the 15-member organ on its activities for the period from 13 September to the present day.


During this reporting period, the Committee received the second quarterly report of the Panel of Experts on the Sudan and heard updates about the Juba Peace Agreement, implementation process, regional situation, status of armed groups and the protection of civilians.  The Panel, she noted, is currently conducting its investigations in Sudan, including in Darfur.


“I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that the sanctions regime was established for the sole purpose of helping to bring peace to Darfur.  It is not to punish Sudan, but to support the attainment of sustainable peace,” she said, reaffirming the Committee’s commitment to work with Khartoum and all relevant stakeholders to make this a reality.


Al-Harith Idriss al-Harith Mohamed (Sudan) said the situation in Darfur has improved as he spotlighted several political developments since July 2004 which included the revolution in 2018, the 2019 Political Agreement for the Establishment of Governing Structures and Institutions in the Transitional Period, the 2019 Interim Constitutional Declaration and the 2020 Juba Peace Agreement, among others.  While there are intermittent communal conflicts, these clashes are not politically driven.  They are instead due to issues related to land, water, climate and the environment, he stressed.


The security situation in Darfur, he continued, has significantly improved to the extent that African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) has terminated its mandate.  However, transboundary militias and the adverse impacts of the regional situation still cast a shadow on overall regional security.  In addressing the demands of certain countries, he noted that peace cannot be quantified by an index on the absence of total violence.  “This is a utopian request that has never been achieved since Adam’s fall from Eden,” he emphasized.  Despite certain security and political challenges, the transitional Government continues to undertake commendable steps with partners to facilitate sustainable peace in the region.  As such, the international community must honour its pledges, he urged.


He then highlighted the reconciliation meetings in West Darfur and South Darfur over the past month under the auspices of the Vice-President of the Sovereign Council, the State’s upholding of the rule of law and its security arrangements through the purchase of related equipment.  Such successes provide impetus to the dynamics of peace, he said.


Turning to the report of the Secretary-General titled “Situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan” (document S/2022/898), he noted that most of its indices are unquantifiable and unimplementable.  They, he pointed out, extend beyond the context of Darfur in that they focus on the national level.  On requests to accelerate the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement, he underscored the report’s silence concerning both the reluctance of donors to honour their pledges and the sanctions which need to be reassessed in line with Council resolution 2620 (2022).


Sudan continues to implement its national plan for the protection of civilians, which includes creating a joint security force between the Government and parties to peace, he said.  In reiterating his country’s constructive support to the international efforts to achieve peace in Darfur, he requested the Council to terminate the mandate of the independent experts panel and end sanctions by March 2023.


Source: United Nations

‫GWM تعمق استراتيجيتها العالمية الجديدة للطاقة

باودينغ، الصين، 6 دجنبر/كانون الأول 2022 / PRNewswire / — عقدت GWM في 2 دجنبر/كانون الأول، مؤتمر 2022 في الخارج في تايلاند بنجاح. ناقش أكثر من 200 موزع من أكثر من 50 دولة ومنطقة حول العالم استراتيجية التطوير والتخطيط للطاقة الجديدة لشركة GWM .

GWM Deepens Its Global New Energy Strategy

تمتلك GWM سلسلة صناعة كاملة للطاقة الجديدة في تايلاند. يهدف هذا الحدث إلى تزويد الموزعين في الخارج بتجربة شاملة لمنتجات الطاقة الجديدة والتقنيات والإنتاج والمبيعات والجوانب الأخرى، وتوفير نموذج للتحول الجديد للطاقة في المزيد من المناطق.

في المؤتمر، شارك ممثل GWM تايلاند في النشر الاستراتيجي للطاقة الجديدة في السوق المحلية. مع التركيز على منتجات الطاقة الجديدة، أطلقت الشركة منتجات متنوعة تغطي السيارات الكهربائية الهجينة HEV والسيارات الكهربائية الهجينة القابلة للتوصيل بمصدر كهرباء PHEV والسيارات الكهربائية التي تعمل بالبطارية BEV . استنادًا إلى ممارسات محطة الطاقة الجديدة Rayong ، قامت GWM أيضًا ببناء “نظام بيئي للغابات” يغطي إنتاج المركبات والمنتجات الذكية وخدمات الشحن وأنماط حياة المستخدمين.

في عام واحد فقط، حققت GWM إنجازات ملحوظة في سوق رابطة أمم جنوب شرق اسيا (الآسيان). اعتبارًا من نونبر/تشرين الثاني 2022، قامت الشركة بتسليم أكثر من 13000 سيارة طاقة جديدة في تايلاند، بينما حافظت HAVAL H6 HEV على مكانتها الرائدة من حيث حجم المبيعات في سوق سيارات الدفع الرباعي من الفئة C لمدة 15 شهرًا. قامت الشركة من قاعدتها في تايلاند، بطرح منتجاتها الجديدة للطاقة في دول رابطة أمم جنوب شرق اسيا (الآسيان) الأخرى.

قال باركر شي، نائب رئيس GWM ، إن هناك العديد من التجارب لمسار تطوير الطاقة الجديد الذي يجب أن نستفيد منه في تايلاند. باعتبارها واحدة من الأسواق الرئيسية لشركة GWM ، فإن إنجازات التنمية في تايلاند ستدفع GWM إلى طليعة التحول النظيف والمستدام.

تقوم GWM أيضًا بطرح إستراتيجيتها الجديدة للطاقة على مستوى العالم بسرعة عالية. في السوق الأوروبية، تم إطلاق WEY Coffee 01 و ORA FUNKY CAT (المعروفة أيضًا باسم ORA GOOD CAT ) بصفة رسمية. تم شحن الدفعة الأولى من WEY Coffee 01 وسيتم تسليمها إلى المستخدمين الألمان. علاوة على ذلك، تخطط الشركة لتوسيع أسواق إسبانيا والسويد للترويج لتصميمها الجديد للطاقة وإضفاء الطابع المميز على علامتها التجارية. في أمريكا الجنوبية. أكملت GWM التحديث الفني لمصنعها في البرازيل في نونبر/تشرين الثاني من هذا العام. لقد أرست هذه الإنجازات أساسًا متينًا للسوق العالمي.

إلى جانب التنفيذ السريع لاستراتيجية الطاقة الجديدة هذه، فقد عززت التوسع في الأعمال التجارية العالمية ونمو المبيعات. تمتلك الشركة الآن، شبكة مبيعات خارجية مكونة من 700 تاجر وتم تصدير منتجاتها إلى أكثر من 170 دولة ومنطقة، مع إجمالي حجم مبيعات خارجي يتجاوز المليون. بين يناير/كانون الثاني وأكتوبر/تشرين الأول من هذا العام، تجاوز حجم مبيعات سيارات الطاقة الجديدة 100000.

ستواصل GWM تعزيز تنفيذ استراتيجية الطاقة العالمية الجديدة مع مخطط سوق رابطة أمم جنوب شرق اسيا (الآسيان). وستستكشف الشركة باستمرار منتجات الطاقة الجديدة التي تلبي احتياجات السفر الأخضر للمستخدمين العالميين، وتجلب لهم تجربة نظيفة وذكية.

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1961667/GWMImage.jpg

‫بناء جسر إلى المستقبل: عُقد “يوم السحابة المفتوح” لشركات الصين وجنوب إفريقيا بنجاح

جوهانسبرغ وبيجين، 6 ديسمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — في 1 ديسمبر، “الجسر إلى المستقبل”، وهو نشاط موضوعي لـ” يوم السحابة المفتوح “لشركات الصين وجنوب إفريقيا، والذي تم تنظيمه بشكل مشترك من قبل NEC Longyuan Power ، والرابطة الاقتصادية والتجارية لجنوب الصين، و People ‘s Daily Online South Africa ، في وقت واحد في الصين (بكين، غانسو) وجنوب إفريقيا (جوهانسبرغ، الكاب الشمالية) عبر وصلة فيديو مباشر. جاء ذلك بمناسبة الذكرى الخامسة والعشرين لاقامة العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين الصين وجنوب افريقيا.

De Aar Wind Farm

وشجع الحدث تفاعلات “حزام واحد، طريق واحد” بين الناس، وسلط الضوء على قصة التعاون في مجال الطاقة النظيفة في تطوير “حزام واحد، طريق واحد”، وأظهر السمعة الدولية الإيجابية للشركات الصينية من خلال التبادلات الثقافية عبر الحدود.

وألقى كل من سيدريك توماس فروليك، رئيس مجلس النواب ورئيس اللجان والرقابة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في الجمعية الوطنية للبرلمان في جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا، ليو غويو، رئيس مجموعة الطاقة الوطنية، سعادة سيابونغا كويلي، سفير جنوب أفريقيا لدى الصين، ووانغ وينان، رئيس الرابطة الاقتصادية والتجارية لجنوب الصين، خطابًا، وشين شياودونغ، السفير الصيني لدى جنوب أفريقيا، كلمة بالفيديو.

وكان ﻻزاروس ماهلانغو، مدير رصد برنامج الملكية الفكرية، والوزير المفوض بسفارة جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا لدى الصين، ومغامات مهدي باساديان، ويوسف تيمول، الوزير اﻻقتصادي بسفارة جنوب أفريقيا في جمهورية الصين الشعبية، وغاري سميث، نائب المدير العام لمكتب الدعاية التابع لمجلس الدولة في جنوب أفريقيا، والسيد هو فينان، مفتش من الدرجة اﻷولى.Yumen Wind Farm

والسيد هو جي، نائب المدير العام والمفتش الأول لمكتب الدعاية التابع للهيئة، والسيد جانغ بن، نائب المدير العام لإدارة أفريقيا بوزارة الخارجية، من بين العديد من الضيوف الموقرين المدعوين لحضور هذا الحدث على الإنترنت.

كانت “الصين تلتقي بقوس قزح” و”مرحبًا بالطاقة الجديدة” و”الحديث عن مستقبل منخفض الكربون” هي الأجزاء الثلاثة التي شكلت موضوع الحدث “قوس قزح إلى المستقبل “.

كانت مزرعة يومن للرياح في مقاطعة غانسو، التي تتمتع بمناخ ومناظر طبيعية شبيهة بجنوب إفريقيا، ومزرعة رياح آر في جنوب إفريقيا، أول مشروع طاقة رياح صيني في البلاد لدمج الاستثمار والبناء والتشغيل، هما المحطتان في الرحلة المشتركة عبر السحابة، من الصين إلى جنوب إفريقيا.

هذا “اليوم المفتوح السحابي” هو العام الثالث على التوالي منذ عام 2020 الذي تعقد فيه شركة NEC Longyuan Power يومًا مفتوحًا للجمهور في البلد الذي يقع فيه المشروع.

فيديو:  https://www.facebook.com/LongyuanSA/videos/1217276935489954/

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1961297/De_Aar_Wind_Farm.jpg

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1961298/Yumen_Wind_Farm.jpg

‫Hisense تعزز استراتيجية النمو في سوق الشرق الأوسط وتكثف جهودها في مجال العولمة

تشينغداو، الصين، 6 ديسمبر، 2022 / PRNewswire / — اتخذت Hisense إحدى القوى الصاعدة في صناعة الأجهزة المنزلية، خطوة أخرى في رفع نفوذها العالمي. وبصفتها الراعي الرسمي لبطولة كأس العالم FIFA قطر 2022، حظيت العلامة التجارية باهتمام عالمي من خلال حضورها المؤثر في استادات FIFATM لبطولة كأس العالم، والتي لا تشير فقط إلى توسع بصمة Hisense في سوق الشرق الأوسط، ولكنها أيضًا بمثابة مثال لاستراتيجية Hisense للعولمة.

Hisense LED Perimeter Board on FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022(TM)

الشرق الأوسط جزء لا يتجزأ من استراتيجية Hisense العالمية

منذ أن دخلت Hisense سوق جنوب أفريقيا لأول مرة في عام 1996، قامت ببناء تأثير علامتها التجارية وقدرتها التنافسية في سوق الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا لأكثر من 20 عامًا. وقد شهد التفاني طويل الأجل نموًا متسارعًا لشركة Hisense في هذه السوق الناشئة: من عام 2017 إلى عام 2021، نمت إيرادات مبيعات Hisense في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا من 663 مليون دولار أمريكي إلى 1.28 مليار دولار أمريكي، محققة متوسط معدل نمو سنوي قدره 17.88%. في عام 2022، شهدت مبيعات Hisense في دبي زيادة بنسبة 22% على أساس سنوي في الأشهر ال 10 الأولى.

 وقال جيسون أو، رئيس Hisense الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا: “أصبحت منطقة الشرق الأوسط واحدة من أسرع أسواق Hisense نموًا على مستوى العالم وتشكل جزءًا لا يتجزأ من استراتيجية Hisense للعولمة”.Hisense first flagship store in Dubai

إن نجاح Hisense في سوق الشرق الأوسط يشترك في ارتباط لا ينفصم مع ممارسات التوطين الخاصة بها. على مر السنين، قامت Hisense بدمج جهودها في مجال البحث والتطوير مع احتياجات السوق المتنوعة، وإطلاق منتجات متميزة ومحلية للمستهلكين. في مارس 2022، حصلت Hisense على “جائزة دبي العالمية للجودة”، وهي اعتراف رسمي بإنجازات Hisense البارزة ومساهماتها الإيجابية في الانتعاش الاقتصادي المحلي والتنمية.

يمثل عام 2022 عامًا حاسمًا آخر في مخطط Hisense التنموي في الشرق الأوسط. هذا العام، هبطت Hisense أول متجر رئيسي لها في دبي، وتخطط لافتتاح 4 متاجر رئيسية في الشرق الأوسط في عام 2022. وقال أوو: “تتوقع Hisense استخدام المتاجر الرئيسية الراقية لتعزيز صورة علامة Hisense التجارية كشركة متعددة الجنسيات جديرة بالثقة مع منتجات من الدرجة الأولى وتقنيات متطورة”.

بطولة كأس العالم FIFA قطر ٢٠٢٢ TM : محرك النمو الرئيسي لعولمة Hisense

إنها خطوة فارقة في استراتيجية العولمة في Hisense أن تصبح راعيًا لكأس العالم لكرة القدم 2022 TM . ومع إقامة كأس العالم FIFATM لكرة القدم في الشرق الأوسط للمرة الأولى، تأمل Hisense في تعميق علاقاتها مع عملائها في الشرق الأوسط وزيادة الوعي بعلامتها التجارية العالمية من خلال التعاون المتعمق مع FIFA .

على سبيل المثال، تساعد Hisense الدوحة في بناء نظام نقل ذكي باستخدام تقنية B2B . دخل المشروع حيز التنفيذ خلال البطولة، مما يضمن حركة مرور فعالة بناء على مسار GPS ووظائف تتبع الفيديو في الوقت الفعلي.

بالنسبة لشركة Hisense ، فإن رعاية كأس العالم FIFATM ليست مجرد قرار تسويقي قياسي. إنها أيضًا طريقة مهمة لتشكيل رابطة حقيقية مع المستهلكين العالميين عبر وسيلة الرياضة، والتي تكرم الأرواح العالمية وتكسر حواجز اللغة.

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1961461/image1.jpg

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1961462/image2.jpg  

GWM Global Smart Plant Facilitates New Energy Transformation and Upgrading

BAODING, China, Dec. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, more than 200 global distributors from over 50 countries and regions visited GWM Rayong Plant in Thailand to get an in-depth knowledge of its achievements in intelligent manufacturing and advanced technologies.

GWM Global Smart Plant Facilitates New Energy Transformation and Upgrading

The visit tour involved four manufacturing process workshops, namely stamping, welding, painting, and final assembly. Staff on-site gave a detailed introduction to environmentally friendly techniques, intelligent manufacturing capacity, and full-process vehicle manufacturing procedures to distributors. The digital and intelligent performance of the plant was impressive to distributors.

A distributor from Australia said that this visit helped them have a better understanding of the advanced strength of GWM. They would increase the number of orders for models from GWM and would have more confidence in promoting products and services to users.

Covering an area of 658,800 square meters, GWM Rayong Plant is equipped with a complete vehicle manufacturing process, allowing the production of new energy models such as HEV, PHEV and BEV, and ICE models in the same plant. In September 2022, the 10,000th new energy vehicle rolled off the production line in the Plant. After delivering to users, the HAVAL H6 HEV was recognized by users for its fine craftwork of manufacturing and intelligent technical configuration.

Following the manufacturing concept of “Intelligence, Safety and Green”, the plant is equipped with new automatic manufacturing facilities as well as a variety of cutting-edge and intelligent devices such as intelligent robots and computer controlled systems. The workshop for welding and assembly process is a good example. GWM adopts more than 40 FANUC robots to cooperate in the manufacturing process to ensure the accuracy of welding and durability of high-tensile steel car bodies, strongly supporting the manufacturing of high-quality and global products of the company.

In addition to improving the performance of intelligent manufacturing, GWM has continued to increase its investments in R&D. Based on the concept of “precise investment, pursuing industry leadership “, GWM invested CNY 8.544 billion in the first three quarters of 2022, with an increase of 64.74% YoY. The investment covers the fields of the whole vehicle, core parts, new energy, and intelligent R&D to help the company take a lead in making technological breakthroughs.

GWM has achieved outstanding sales performance with its intelligent products that are oriented to the global market and are with high standards. In the first ten months of 2022, GWM sold a total of 902,521 vehicles. Among the sales performance, the number of new energy models was with a YoY increase of 9.95%, and the percentage of intelligent vehicles grew to 85.84%.

In the future, GWM will step up the application of intelligent technology, and expand its strategic new energy deployment around the globe with intelligent manufacturing capacity that can better meet users’ needs. The company will provide more green, intelligent, and high-quality products for global users.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1962684/WechatIMG8544.jpg