‫أغنى مدن العالم في 2022

لندن13 سبتمبر / أيلول 2022/PRNewswire/ — تهيمن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية على أفضل 20 مدينة في العالم التي تضم أكبر عدد من أصحاب الملايين في عام 2022، حيث حصلت نيويورك على التاج بـ 345600 مليونير، وخمس مدن أمريكية أخرى — سان فرانسيسكو ولوس أنجلوس وشيكاغو وهيوستن ودالاس — لتأمين الأماكن في تصنيف أغنى مدن العالم. وتأتي طوكيو في المرتبة الثانية بما يقدر بـ 304,900 من الأفراد المقيمين ذوي الملاءة المالية العالية الذين تزيد ثروتهم عن 1 مليون دولار أمريكي، وتتراجع لندن، أغنى مدينة في العالم لسنوات عديدة، إلى المرتبة الرابعة تحت منطقة خليج سان فرانسيسكو بما يقدر بـ 272,400 مليونير فقط، وفقا لأحدث تقرير صادر عن تقرير هينلي للمواطنين العالميين، والذي يتتبع اتجاهات هجرة الثروة الخاصة في جميع أنحاء العالم.

ودخلت مدينتان صينيتان، بكين (المرتبة التاسعة) وشنغهاي (المرتبة العاشرة)، ضمن أفضل 10 مدن، وتمكنت كل من سويسرا وأستراليا من الحصول على مركزين رئيسيين في المدينتين، حيث حققت سيدني (المرتبة الحادية عشر) وزيوريخ (المرتبة الخامسة عشر) وملبورن (المرتبة السابعة عشر) وجنيف (المرتبة التاسعة عشر). سنغافورة (المرتبة الخامسة)، هونغ كونغ (الصين) (الثانية عشر)، فرانكفورت (الثالثة عشر)، تورونتو (الرابع عشر)، سيول (16)، وأخيرًا باريس، التي تراجعت 3 مراكز إلى المرتبة العشرون، تشكل بقية ترتيب 2022.

 ويضم التقرير بيانات حصرية من شركة New World Wealth العالمية لمعلومات الثروات، ويشمل أغنى خمس مدن في كل منطقة رئيسية، وأسرع 25 مدينة نموًا من حيث نمو المليونير.

ويشير الدكتور يورغ ستيفن ، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة هينلي آند بارتنرز ، إلى أن 14 من أفضل 20 دولة موجودة في البلدان التي تستضيف برامج هجرة الاستثمار “. يمكن تأمين الحق في العيش والعمل والدراسة والاستثمار في مراكز الثروة الدولية الرائدة مثل نيويورك و لندن سنغافورة و سيدني و تورنتو عن طريق الإقامة عن طريق الاستثمار. إن القدرة على نقل نفسك أو عائلتك أو عملك إلى مدينة أكثر ملاءمة أو لديك خيار الاختيار بين العديد من المساكن المختلفة في جميع أنحاء العالم هو جانب متزايد الأهمية من تخطيط الثروة الدولية والإرث للعملاء من القطاع الخاص.”

من المتوقع أن يقتحم سكان المدن المليونيرة في دبي ومومباي وشنتشن أغنى 20 مدينة بحلول عام 030 ، وفقا لأندرو أمويلز ، رئيس الأبحاث في New World Wealth . “تحقق المدن ذات صناعات النفط والغاز القوية أداءً جيدًا بشكل خاص هذا العام، بما في ذلك أمثال الرياض والشارقة ولواندا وأبو ظبي والدوحة ولاغوس. وتشمل القائمة الأخرى في القائمة الأسرع نموًا لوغانو، وهي نقطة سويسرية فعالة للمتقاعدين الأثرياء، وبنغالورو، “وادي السيليكون في الهند”، وهانغتشو، واحدة من أكثر المدن ذات المناظر الخلابة في الصين.

وتعليقًا على أحدث تقرير لـ Henley Global Citizens Report ، يقول الدكتور خوسيه كاباليرو ، كبير الاقتصاديين في مركز التنافسية العالمي التابع لمعهد IMD للتنافسية: “تعد نوعية الحياة محركًا أساسيًا للتنقل العالمي، وبالنسبة للمديرين التنفيذيين للأعمال، فإن مستويات المعيشة العالية والمؤسسات الفعالة هي بطاقات جذب مهمة للمدينة”.

ويتفق الدكتور ستيفن مع هذا الرأي، قائلًا: “المدن هي مراكز الفرص والابتكار والازدهار والثقافة. لقد شهدنا نموًا قياسيًا هذا العام، حيث يستكشف المزيد والمزيد من المستثمرين ذوي الثروات الكبيرة حلول هجرة الاستثمار التي توفر سيولة الموقع والاختيارية، مما يمكنهم من العيش وإجراء أعمالهم عبر مجموعة واسعة من الولايات القضائية والمدن المختلفة”.

 اقرأ البيان الصحفي كاملا

‫وصول أول شحنة من العنب المصري إلى البرازيل وسط أزمة المناخ عبر Tridge

سيئول، كوريا الجنوبية، 14 سبتمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — نجحت شركة Tridge ، منصة التجارة الزراعية الكورية الجنوبية، في تسهيل أول تصدير للعنب المصري إلى البرازيل.

اشترى تاجر جملة كبير للأغذية في ساو باولو بالبرازيل مؤخرًا حاويتين – أي ما يعادل 28 طنًا – من العنب المصري عبر منصة Tridge . وهذه هي الشحنة الأولى من العنب المصري المستورد إلى البرازيل، وفقًا للسجلات التجارية البرازيلية.

البرازيل، كدولة رئيسية منتجة للزراعة، نادرًا ما تستورد العنب الأجنبي، حيث احتل حجم وارداتها من العنب المرتبة 67 في العام الماضي. ومع ذلك، فإن الطلب على العنب الأجنبي يتزايد بسبب الظروف الجوية القاسية الأخيرة. تدهورت كمية كبيرة من العنب البرازيلي هذا الموسم حيث ضربت الأمطار الغزيرة والجبهات الباردة جنوب البرازيل.

“الآن هو الوقت المثالي لتصدير العنب المصري، الذي هو حاليًا في خضم حصاد العنب”، هذا ما قاله أوه كوانغ، مدير التجارة في Tridge. “فتحت اتفاقية التجارة الحرة بين السوق المشتركة لبلدان المخروط الجنوبي ومصر ( FTA ) في عام 2020 طريقًا لتصدير العنب المصري إلى البرازيل، مما جعل هذه الصفقة التجارية الفريدة ناجحة.”

وفقًا لبيانات Tridge ، تشير التقديرات إلى أن صادرات العنب البرازيلية قد انخفضت بأكثر من 45% على أساس سنوي في الأشهر الستة الأولى من عام 2022. ارتفع سعر العنب البرازيلي بنسبة تصل إلى 20% على أساس سنوي في بعض المناطق، وفقًا لتجميع بيانات Tridge .

في خضم أزمة الغذاء العالمية، تبحث Tridge بنشاط عن مشترين وموردين بديلين لمنتجاتهم القابلة للتلف مع نجاحات ملحوظة. على سبيل المثال، عندما أوقفت العقوبات التجارية بسبب الحرب في أوكرانيا صادرات المنتجات الطازجة إلى روسيا، أعاد Tridge توجيهها إلى أوروبا عندما كانت بالفعل في طريقها عن طريق البحر.

Tridge هي عبارة عن منصة تجارة زراعية عالمية تجعل التجارة عبر الحدود سهلة وخالية من الاحتكاك. من خلال مركز المصادر العالمي الخاص بها، تتجاوز Tridge مطابقة المشترين والبائعين لـ 15000 سلعة زراعية. يتم تسهيل ذلك من خلال خدمة الإيفاء الشاملة التي نقدمها والتي تشمل العناية الواجبة، والتحقق من شهادة المورد، والتفاوض على العقود، والتعبئة، والشحن، والجمارك، وغيرها الكثير.

Business School Students in High Demand: Nearly 9 in 10 Landed Jobs Prior to Graduation

Survey finds full-time MBA graduates in North America benefit the most from salary bump while Asia Pacific graduates record the biggest increase in rating of the overall value of degrees

RESTON, Va., Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Despite market fear of an imminent recession, 86 percent of 2022 business school graduates were employed at the time of graduation, up from 80 percent in 2021, according to a survey report released today by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). Contributing to the favorable trends are the regional results of graduates who studied in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. Among graduates of Asia-Pacific business schools, this year 91 percent report being employed at the time of graduation, compared with 78 percent in 2021. Similarly, among European graduates, 90 percent indicate they were employed this year compared with 75 percent last year.

The annual Enrolled Students Survey from GMAC, a global association of leading graduate business schools, aims to better understand current trends in student and recent graduates’ evaluations and outcomes of their graduate management education (GME). Conducted in May-June 2022, this year’s survey explores the views of 1,718 respondents from nearly 300 business schools in 57 countries around the word on their overall GME experience, job search, and compensation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Globally, the responding graduates of participating schools reported a median percentage increase in total compensation—including base salary and all other compensation—of 29 percent. Notably, among North American school graduates, those who attended full-time MBA programs reported a pre-GME total compensation median of US$80,000, and a post-GME total compensation median of US$120,000—an impressive 50 percent increase.

“With the volatile economic conditions and organizational challenges brought on by the pandemic, well-rounded and prepared business leaders and managers are especially in demand in the current job market,” said Matt Hazenbush, director of research analysis and communications at GMAC and author of the report. “As the survey findings suggest, graduate management education provides students with a powerful leg up for their career.”

Other Key Findings

Most students who set out to make a career change or gain a promotion encounter success

In step with the Great Resignation, students’ top goals and motivations in 2022 were to enrich their lives and make a career change. Among 2022 respondents, a majority who set out to make a career change or get promoted report that they were successful in achieving that goal. Specifically, among those who say making a career change was one of their top three motivations to pursuing GME, 57 percent said they were successful. Success rates for graduates from schools in Latin America/Middle East/Africa (66%) and North America (61%) were slightly higher, though not significantly, than those in Asia Pacific (54%) or Europe (55%), but across world regions a majority successfully made the career change they set out to make. Similarly, 56 percent of graduates who had the goal to gain a promotion were successful.

Social media use in the job search jumps up from last year

Use of social media in the job search—including sites like LinkedIn—increased significantly year-on-year, from 27 to 37 percent, overtaking networking with classmates and alumni (28%) as well as friends and family (35%). The increase in social media use as a job search method was significant among professional MBA (24% in 2021 to 31% in 2022) and business master’s students (23% in 2021 to 40% in 2022). By region, use of social media increased significantly among those who studied in Asia Pacific, Europe, and Latin America/Middle East/Africa, but not in North America.

Students from Asia-Pacific schools rate the overall value of their degree significantly higher in 2022 compared with 2021

Eighty-five percent of respondents rated the overall value of their degree as good to outstanding, up slightly from 82 percent in 2021. By region, students who studied in Asia-Pacific schools reported the largest year-on-year increase in favorable ratings for the overall value of their degree, rising from 75 percent to 86 percent between 2021 and 2022. While both full-time MBA and business master’s students in Asia Pacific had year-on-year increases, the increase was significant among full-time MBA students, rising from 66 percent to 84 percent. Globally, students who attended ranked schools reported similar levels of favorability of the overall value of their degree compared with students who attended non-ranked schools (85%, respectively).

As pandemic restrictions eased, student satisfaction with career and student services improved

Eighty-four percent of 2022 respondents gave career services a favorable review, up from 74 percent in 2021. Also improving were opinions on student services, up to 85 percent favorable from 80 percent in 2021. The improvement in favorability in career and student services was consistent across students of full-time MBA, business master’s, and professional MBA programs, as well as students who studied in Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America/Middle East/Africa, and North America.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry, as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s websites, including mba.com, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master’s programs. BusinessBecause and The MBA Tour are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
202-390-4180 (mobile)

‫فوز المراكز العربية بشهادة أفضل مكان عمل لعام 2022

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية14 سبتمبر / أيلول 2022/PRNewswire/ — تم الاعتراف مؤخرًا بالمراكز العربية، المالك والمشغل الرائد لمراكز التسوق في المملكة العربية السعودية، كواحدة من أفضل أماكن العمل في المملكة العربية السعودية لعام 2022. بعد عام غير مسبوق من التحديات واضطراب مكان العمل، واصل موظفو المراكز العربية الاستمتاع بالعمل في المنظمة، واعتبروا الشركة صاحب عمل رائع. وفقًا لنتائج الشركة، قال 94% من الموظفين أنها مكان عمل رائع مقارنة بـ 81% في شركة نموذجية في جميع أنحاء المملكة.

برنامج Best Places to Work هو بمثابة برنامج شهادات دولي، يعتبر “المعيار البلاتيني” في تحديد أفضل أماكن العمل في جميع أنحاء العالم والاعتراف بها، مما يوفر لأصحاب العمل الفرصة لمعرفة المزيد حول مشاركة موظفيهم ورضاهم، وتكريم أولئك الذين يقدمون خبرة عمل مميزة تتمتع بأعلى المعايير فيما يتعلق بظروف العمل.

وفي تصريح صادر عن سعود الراجح، مدير الموارد البشرية في المؤسسة، قال : “يسعدنا حصولنا على شهادة أفضل مكان للعمل، وقد أكد هذا الإنجاز التزامنا واستراتيجياتنا تجاه موظفينا لتزويدهم بأفضل بيئة عمل وتوازن بين العمل والحياة وفرص نمو وظيفي متساوية داخل المنظمة. ”

نبذة عن برنامج أفضل أماكن العمل

 تمثل أفضل أماكن العمل الشهادة الأكثر تحديدًا “لاختيار صاحب العمل”، وهي الشهادة التي تطمح المنظمات في الحصول عليها. ويصادق البرنامج على أماكن العمل الرائدة في العديد من البلدان حول العالم ويعترف بها من خلال تقييم الملكية الذي يحلل جاذبية الشركة من خلال عملية من خطوتين تركز على 8 جوانب لمكان العمل. انضم إلى مجتمعنا على لينكد إن، تويتر، و فايسبوك.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة www.bestplacestoworkfor.org  

للتواصل: حمزة إدريسي +44 208 895 6562|  hamza@bestplacestoworkfor.org 

Dave and Buster’s to Open 11 Units Across KSA, UAE, and Egypt

Announces international franchise partnership with Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair Holding Group

DALLAS, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Just a few months after announcing its international expansion plans Dave & Buster’s inks its first multi-country, multi-unit deal.

“We couldn’t be more pleased and excited to announce our Partnership with Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair Holding Group to develop the Dave & Buster’s Brand across key West Asian Markets,” said Antonio Bautista, Chief International Development Officer of Dave & Buster’s.

The Brand will begin its expansion with sites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, followed by the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

“Dave & Buster’s is a preeminent entertainment brand, and this franchise partnership marks a strategic milestone for our organization as we continue expanding our entertainment and hospitality portfolio across the region,” said Mishal Alhokair, Deputy CEO of Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair Holding Group.

To drive international expansion, Dave & Buster’s has developed key strategic initiatives that uniquely support global market penetration:

  • Customizable footprint to drive box economics in each market as required
  • Menu localization with high regional resonance
  • Proprietary, dynamic pricing model
  • Global marketing programs that are demographically agnostic and locally executable
  • Differentiated and unique amusement strategy and packages
  • Localized entertainment and 3rd day part programming

“With four decades of market leading experience, a seasoned leadership team, and a best-in-class support center infrastructure, Dave & Buster’s is ready to RUN THE FUN for our global partners and guests,” added Antonio Bautista.

For more information on franchising opportunities visit www.daveandbusters.com/franchising or email InternationalDevelopment@daveandbusters.com

About Dave & Buster’s
Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Coppell, Texas, Dave & Buster’s Entertainment, Inc., is the owner and operator of 200 venues in North America that offer premier entertainment and dining experiences to guests through two distinct brands: Dave & Buster’s and Main Event. Dave & Buster’s has 148 stores in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and Canada and offers guests the opportunity to “Eat Drink Play and Watch,” all in one location. Each store offers a full menu of entrées and appetizers, a complete selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and an extensive assortment of entertainment attractions centered around playing games and watching live sports and other televised events. Main Event operates 52 centers in 17 states across the country, and offers state-of-the-art bowling, laser tag, hundreds of arcade games, and virtual reality, making it the perfect place for families to connect and make memories. For more information about each brand, visit www.daveandbusters.com www.mainevent.com

About Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair Holding Group “Believe in what you do & you shall become the master of your craft”
This phrase inspired Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair to start his first theme park in Riyadh, which was “an unprecedented leap” in the tourism and entertainment sector, a sector that ran on mere “coincidence.” Here in Abdul Mohsen Al Hokair Holding Group, we turned “the dream” into an organized industry that aspires to be the best locally, regionally, and internationally. Sheikh Abdul Mohsen’s vision began with the need for tourism and entertainment in the Gulf region, which led to the opening of parks, and recreational centers in 1978, making him the Sheikh of Tourism in the Gulf Region. The roots of our companies were based on research and planning and deep consideration for all aspects of success.

Now, many people look to us with deep appreciation and respect. Each of our companies has its own story of success, and together they crowned us as a holding company, an umbrella for all companies and businesses. Holding is the mother and protector of our businesses, which began from the first day of networking that Sheikh Abdul Mohsen started to a glorious road that we hope to continue.

Antonio Bautista

‫تفتح Dave and Buster’s‏ 11 وحدة في المملكة العربية السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة ومصر.

تعلن عن شراكة امتياز دولية مع مجموعة عبد المحسن الحكير القابضة.

دالاس، تكساس 14 سبتمبر 2022 — بعد بضعة أشهر فقط من الإعلان عن خطط التوسع الدولي، أبرمت شركة Dave & Buster أول صفقة متعددة البلدان ومتعددة الوحدات.

قال أنطونيو باوتيستا، رئيس التطوير الدولي في Dave & Buster’s: “لا يمكننا أن نكون أكثر سعادة وحماسة للإعلان عن شراكتنا مع مجموعة عبد المحسن الحكير القابضة لتطوير علامة Dave & Buster التجارية عبر أسواق غرب آسيا الرئيسية”

ستبدأ العلامة التجارية في التوسع مع مواقع في المملكة العربية السعودية، تليها الإمارات العربية المتحدة ومصر.

“Dave & Buster’s هي علامة تجارية ترفيهية بارزة، وتمثل شراكة الامتياز هذه علامة فارقة استراتيجية لمنظمتنا بينما نواصل توسيع محفظة الترفيه والضيافة لدينا في جميع أنحاء المنطقة.” قال مشعل الحكير، نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لـ مجموعة عبد المحسن الحكير القابضة

لدفع التوسع الدولي، طورت Dave & Buster’s مبادرات استراتيجية رئيسية تدعم بشكل فريد اختراق السوق العالمية:

  • بصمة قابلة للتخصيص لدفع اقتصاديات الصندوق في كل سوق على النحو المطلوب
  • توطين القائمة مع صدى إقليمي عالي
  • نموذج تسعير فعّال، مملوك
  • برامج تسويق عالمية محايدة ديموغرافيًا وقابلة للتنفيذ محليًا
  • استراتيجية وحزم تسلية متمايزة وفريدة من نوعها
  • الترفيه المُعرّب وبرمجة جزء اليوم الثالث

وأضاف أنطونيو باوتيستا: “مع أربعة عقود من الخبرة الرائدة في السوق، وفريق قيادة متمرس، وبنية تحتية لمركز الدعم الأفضل في فئتها، فإن Dave & Buster’s جاهزة لبدء المرح بالنسبة لشركائنا العالميين وضيوفنا”

لمزيد من المعلومات حول فرص الامتياز، يمكنك زيارة www.daveandbusters.com/franchising

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حول Dave & Buster’s

تأسست شركة .Dave & Buster’s Entertainment، Inc في عام 1982 ومقرها في كوبيل، تكساس، وهي المالك والمشغل لـ 200 موقع في أمريكا الشمالية تقدم تجارب ترفيه وتناول طعام ممتازة للضيوف من خلال علامتين تجاريتين متميزتين: Dave & Buster’s و Main Event. تمتلك Dave & Buster’s‏ 148 متجرًا في 41 ولاية، وفي بورتوريكو، وكندا، وتوفر للضيوف فرصة “تناول الطعام والشراب واللعب والمشاهدة”، كل ذلك في مكان واحد. يقدم كل متجر قائمة كاملة من المقبلات والسلطات، ومجموعة كاملة من المشروبات الكحولية وغير الكحولية، ومجموعة واسعة من أماكن الجذب الترفيهية التي تتمحور حول ممارسة الألعاب ومشاهدة الألعاب الرياضية المباشرة وغيرها من الأحداث المتلفزة. تدير Main Event‏ 52 مركزًا في 17 ولاية في جميع أنحاء البلاد، وتقدم أحدث ألعاب البولينج ، والليزر تاغ، ومئات من ألعاب الأركيد، والواقع الافتراضي، مما يجعلها المكان المثالي للعائلات للتواصل وصنع الذكريات. لمزيد من المعلومات حول كل علامة تجارية، يمكنك زيارة www.daveandbusters.com www.mainevent.com

حول مجموعة عبد المحسن الحكير القابضة “ثق فيما تفعله وستصبح سيد مهنتك”

ألهمت هذه العبارة الشيخ عبد المحسن الحكير لبدء أول حديقة ترفيهية في الرياض، والتي كانت بمثابة «قفزة غير مسبوقة» في قطاع السياحة والترفيه، وهو قطاع ظهر «مصادفة». »هنا في مجموعة عبد المحسن الحكير القابضة حوّلنا«الحلم» إلى صناعة منظمة تطمح إلى أن تكون الأفضل محليًا وإقليميًا ودوليًا. بدأت رؤية الشيخ عبد المحسن بضرورة السياحة والترفيه في منطقة الخليج، مما أدى إلى افتتاح الحدائق والمراكز الترفيهية في عام 1978، مما جعله شيخ السياحة في منطقة الخليج. استندت جذور شركاتنا إلى البحث والتخطيط والاعتبار العميق لجميع جوانب النجاح.

الآن، ينظر إلينا الكثير من الأشخاص بتقدير واحترام عميقين. لكل شركة من شركاتنا قصة نجاح خاصة بها، وقد توجنا معًا كشركة قابضة»، مظلة لجميع الشركات والأعمال. الشركة القابضة هي الشركة الأم والحامي لأعمالنا، والتي بدأت منذ اليوم الأول للتواصل، حيث بدأ الشيخ عبد المحسن طريقًا مجيدًا نتمنى أن نستمر فيه.

Mövenpick unveils new global campaign, “Hotels to Indulge”, inspiring consumers to delight in indulgence… done right!

#HotelsToIndulge pays homage to the brand’s strong roots in the culinary arts, while also fostering meaningful connections through food and drink, and transporting guests into the realms of culture, pleasure, and social change

PARIS, Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts is excited to unwrap its new global campaign, Hotels to Indulge, designed to expertly blend the guest experience with the transformative power of food, create connections through culture, and encourage guests to consciously indulge. Steeped in the brand’s heritage and philosophy of culinary excellence and human connection, the “indulgence done right” campaign features chocolate-inspired creative, playful imagery, and local gastronomy-themed guest experiences thoughtfully curated to feed and enrich the soul.Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts is excited to unwrap its new global campaign: Hotels to Indulge (CNW Group/Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts)

The new campaign was inspired by and crafted using recent consumer research, which indicates travelers around the world describe luxury as “having time to relax and enjoy oneself.”* The data and findings show that consumers are increasingly searching for unique experiences and are consciously looking at how to balance health and wellness with the unapologetic satisfaction of enjoying food and beverages. This type of simple indulgence is at the heart of the Mövenpick ethos and the Hotels to Indulge campaign. By combining wholesome pleasures and a healthy dose of self-indulgence, Mövenpick is passionate about creating elevated guest experiences that provide innate joy and transform the world into a realm of endless, playful possibilities.

Hotels to Indulge will inspire travelers to visit, stay, and enjoy Mövenpick along their journeys, where indulgence is deftly woven into every element of the guest experience,” said Alexander Schellenberger, Chief Brand Officer, Accor. “The campaign feeds off the brand’s philosophy of indulgence done right, which includes everything from the daily Chocolate Hour ritual at Mövenpick hotels to the brand’s planet-loving initiatives that nourish our world. It’s a wholehearted invitation to experience a hotel stay that satisfies the appetite – for love, connection, exploration, and life.”#HotelsToIndulge pays homage to the brand's strong roots in the culinary arts (CNW Group/Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts)

The brand’s heritage and philosophy of “indulgence done right” originated from Mövenpick founder Ueli Prager’s vision and his belief that, “We don’t do anything that’s really extraordinary. We are successful because we simply do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.” With Hotels to Indulge, Mövenpick will be “the” destination for food culture that brings people together, enables connections, stirs emotions, and creates magical culinary moments travelers and locals aspire to experience.

The new campaign underpins a vital part of the brand’s strategic plan to elevate brand awareness, strengthen its premium positioning, enhance relevancy with core and younger audiences, and deepen engagement and advocacy through elevated, unpretentious and authentic experiences. Hotels to Indulge launches in September 2022 with a strategic media plan focused on engaging audiences across social and digital channels.

“Mövenpick does premium hotels but also delicious chocolate, ice cream, coffee and wine. Conceptually, the campaign is whimsical and fairy-tale like, representing places where you take a piece off the wall and it is made of something sweet. Going back to the very roots of the brand, we found a lot of humour, hedonism, culinary moments and bon vivants. The hotels really do have indulgence at their core, an indulgence done right, like the Swiss expertly know how to do. Take the chocolate and cream staircase of Dubai, the honey drop from Marrakesh or the raspberry macaroon from Zürich. Those are clear invitations to a yummy tucked up stay,” said Jean-Guilhem Lamberti, Chief Creative Officer, Accor.The new campaign features playful, chocolate-inspired creative #HotelsToIndulge (CNW Group/Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts)

As part of the campaign kick-off, Mövenpick has partnered with famed pâtissier Eric Lanlard, affectionately known as ‘Cake-Boy,’ for exclusive culinary moments in select markets, beginning with the Middle East. This fall, Mövenpick will invite influencers and content creators to participate in a Weekend of Indulgence with Eric Lanlard at Mövenpick Resort Al Marjan Island. This will be the first in a series of events at Mövenpick properties worldwide that will feature experiences such as chocolate master classes, custom amenities, chocolate-inspired social hours, and sensational dinners. An exclusive Mövenpick Chocolate Hour concept designed by Eric Lanlard will also be offered across 15 hotels and resorts in the Middle East, Africa and Turkey that will surely surprise and delight guests.

In addition to on-property events, the Hotels to Indulge campaign will feature a social media contest encouraging individuals to share unexpected, unscripted moments of joy. These could range from random acts of kindness or serendipitously running into a favorite football player to capturing a child’s reaction to their first bite of chocolate cake or seeing snow-capped mountains for the first time. Though times are uncertain, the social campaign is one-way Mövenpick is taking action to remind people that life is full of small moments of joy and that we must all strive to embrace and celebrate them. To participate, fans of the brand can simply post photos or videos on Instagram using the hashtag #HotelsToIndulge. Mövenpick will work in collaboration with a curated group of select partners to encourage their online community to share unexpected stories that move them the most for a chance to win exciting prizes. The contest will launch on 01 October 2022 and conclude on 30 December 2022. See Mövenpick Hotels-to-Indulge Terms & Conditions for further details.

“Mövenpick, deeply understands the pleasure that a touch of culinary artistry can bring,” said Eric Lanlard, aka Cake-Boy. “It is a joy to work with Mövenpick and help create those magical, unexpected moments that happen when a guest participates in a culinary creation they’ve never experienced before, or a taste that will forever connect them to a special place and time. It is undeniable that food experiences while traveling create powerful memories.”

Moreover, Mövenpick is furthering its brand promise to nourish the world and promote social change with its annual Kilo of Kindness charitable campaign. Launching in October, the seventh annual Kilo of Kindness campaign will invite guests, visitors and the Mövenpick community to donate food, clothing or educational supplies to disadvantaged communities worldwide. More than 45 Mövenpick hotels across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East are set to support the campaign and distribute donations in partnership with local charities.

Having originated in 1948 as a restaurant aimed at demystifying fine dining, Mövenpick possesses a rich expertise in gastronomic innovation. The brand’s culinary history remains a key source of inspiration for its hospitality vision and is brought to life in the Hotels to Indulge campaign imagery – through the use of food as a visual metaphor for indulgent yet accessible experiences offered at Mövenpick properties around the globe.

For more information, please visit movenpick.com.

*Insights sourced from Foresight Factory 2022 Wellness Survey

About Mövenpick

In Switzerland, in 1948, Ueli Prager created Mövenpick, a revolutionary dining concept where anyone could enjoy a taste of good wine, good times and the good life. Today, that same brand of welcoming hospitality lives on in every Mövenpick hotel, where everyone can appreciate life’s essential pleasures, through moments of true indulgence. With more than 110 hotels and resorts around the world and another 50 planned by 2025, Mövenpick remains true to its Swiss heritage and rich culinary legacy, honoring its founder’s promise to do things well by doing things right. In recognition of the brand’s holistic approach to sustainability, and its deep commitment to local environments and communities, Green Globe has named Mövenpick the world’s most sustainable hotel company every year since 2017. Mövenpick is part of Accor, a world leading hospitality group counting over 5,300 properties throughout more than 110 countries, and a participating brand in ALL – Accor Live Limitless – a lifestyle loyalty program providing access to a wide variety of rewards, services, and experiences.

movenpick.com | all.accor.com | group.accor.com

Raquel Delago, External Brand Communications, Raquel.Delago@accor.com

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1898048/M_venpick_Hotels___Resorts_M_venpick_unveils_new_global_campaign.mp4
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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1897927/M_venpick_Hotels___Resorts_M_venpick_unveils_new_global_campaign.jpg

Grand Richmond Hotel Achieves GHA’s WellHotel® Accreditation for Medical Travel & Well-being

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla., Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Grand Richmond Hotel, one of Bangkok’s premier hotels was awarded WellHotel® Accreditation for Medical Travel and Well-being by Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA).

Setting the standard for luxury events and business and leisure stays, the Grand Richmond Hotel is a distinctive five-star convention venue and hotel located in northern Bangkok just a short drive from the city center. The hotel is operated by the Richmond Group, one of Thailand’s premier hoteliers, who recently added a new 35-story tower to the property and upgraded the existing facilities with an elegant remodel and redesign. The hotel welcomes travelers from all over the world and is sought-after a destination for guests seeking to focus on their well-being or recover after a medical treatment.

GHA recently launched WellHotel® Accreditation for hotels seeking to enhance the guest experience and safety protocols for wellness and/or medical travel guests. GHA WellHotel® for Well-being and WellHotel® for Medical Travel focuses on validating the services and programs hotels provide for these growing markets and the accreditation seal builds trust and offers a competitive edge to those hotels that achieve accredited status.

Ms. Laksawan Wongworrakan, Grand Richmond Hotel’s Chief Executive Officer stated, “At Grand Richmond we strive to offer each guest the most exquisite experience with the utmost attention to detail. Many of our guests choose the Grand Richmond Hotel to focus on their health and well-being. We offer them a calm and healing environment with safety protocols and services that meet their unique needs. It is an honor to have achieved GHA WellHotel® for Medical Travel and Well-being Accreditation which demonstrates our commitment to the safety and well-being of our wellness and medical travel guests.”

GHA WellHotel® Accreditation offers these key highlights:

  • Building trust, confidence and comfort for wellness tourists or medical travel guests through a third-party review and trusted GHA WellHotel® seal.
  • Attraction by guests in new niche markets to increase room bookings and length of stay.
  • Validation of the hotel’s cleanliness and safety and instilling peace of mind that proper cleaning and sanitation is a hotel priority.
  • Validation that safety protocols are in use for guests and staff.
  • Attraction for bookings through wellness travel agents and medical travel facilitators.
  • Providing assurance to medical travel and wellness guests that the hotel identifies and supports the cultural, dietary, religious, handicapped access, and other unique needs of the guests/patients.
  • Increase in guest satisfaction for wellness tourists and medical travel guests.
  • Well-being and medical travel packages provide an opportunity for organizations to increase TRevPAR.

The GHA WellHotel® application and accreditation process are completed conveniently online and include access to the accreditation handbook and online training.

According to Ms. Renée-Marie Stephano, GHA’s Interim Chief Executive Officer, “As travel continues to increase post-pandemic, there is a growing number of consumers that are choosing hotel experiences that support a healthy lifestyle – whether it be healthy eating plans, exercise routines, wellness programs and/or an appropriate environment to recover after a medical procedure or treatment. GHA WellHotel® demonstrates to these growing niche markets that the property has implemented programs and services that meet their unique needs and expectations and also complies with recognized industry-wide hotel cleaning and sanitation standards. We congratulate the Grand Richmond Hotel for achieving GHA WellHotel® Accreditation for Medical Travel and Well-being and applaud its commitment to prioritizing guest safety and the guest experience for wellness and medical travel guests.”

About GHA

Global Healthcare Accreditation® (GHA) is a dynamic and innovative accreditation body with specialized focused in medical and wellness travel, safety, and well-being. Founded in September of 2016, GHA’s initial purpose as an independent accrediting body centered on improving the patient experience for medical travelers and supporting healthcare providers in validating quality, increasing visibility, and implementing a sustainable business model for medical travel. Since then, GHA pioneers a variety of programs covering the entire spectrum of the care continuum and offers certification and accreditation for stakeholders in all aspects of health and wellbeing.

Visit: https://globalhealthcareaccreditation.com/

About Grand Richmond Hotel

The Grand Richmond Hotel is a distinctive five-star convention venue and hotel located in northern Bangkok, Thailand, just a short drive from the city center. The hotel features 774 luxury rooms and suites, 28 versatile and superbly equipped function rooms and two grand ballrooms. The property is operated by the Richmond Group, one of Thailand’s premier hoteliers and caters to discerning travelers from around the globe.


Sabin Receives Additional $21.8 Million From BARDA to Advance Marburg Vaccine

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sabin Vaccine Institute today announced it is receiving an additional $21.8 million under an existing contract with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These funds advance development of a vaccine against Marburg virus disease, a virus that is related to Ebola Zaire which killed 2200 people during the last major outbreak that ended in 2020.

The Sabin Marburg vaccine is the only candidate currently slated for a Phase 2 clinical trial. Marburg is among the world’s deadliest viruses, resulting in the death of approximately half the people the virus infects. Currently, there are no approved vaccines or treatments for the disease. As recently as July this year, two people in Ghana died after being infected with Marburg virus, reinforcing the urgent need for medical therapies.

The latest tranche of funds enables Sabin to conduct a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial among adults in the U.S. to further evaluate the safety and the efficacy of the Marburg vaccine candidate and advance non-clinical vaccine dosing studies. The Phase 2 clinical trial in the U.S. will begin after Sabin has initiated a same-stage trial in Africa, currently scheduled for 2023. Sabin will also undertake a non-clinical study on the vaccine candidate during this phase.

“Beginning Phase 2 clinical trials for the Marburg vaccine is a pivotal milestone for us and we appreciate BARDA’s continued confidence in our work and support for this critical next step,” says Sabin Chief Executive Officer Amy Finan. “Vaccines remain our best bet against death and disability from deadly viruses. I am hopeful that in the years ahead, we can offer this life-saving vaccine to every person who needs it.”

In 2019, BARDA awarded Sabin a multi-year contract valued at $128 million to further the development of vaccines against two lethal viruses: Marburg and Ebola Sudan. With BARDA now exercising the latest option of that contract, Sabin’s Ebola and Marburg Research & Development program, to date, has been awarded $98.6 million.

BARDA is part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, under contract number 75A50119C000555.

Learn more about Sabin’s Marburg and Ebola Sudan Program.

About the Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation. Unlocking the potential of vaccines through partnership, Sabin has built a robust ecosystem of funders, innovators, implementers, practitioners, policy makers and public stakeholders to advance its vision of a future free from preventable diseases. As a non-profit with more than two decades of experience, Sabin is committed to finding solutions that last and extending the full benefits of vaccines to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. At Sabin, we believe in the power of vaccines to change the world. For more information, visit www.sabin.org and follow us on Twitter, @SabinVaccine.

About Ebola Sudan and Marburg

Ebola Sudan and Marburg are members of the filovirus family. Both can cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. No therapeutic treatment of the hemorrhagic fevers caused by filoviruses has been licensed to date. Marburg and Ebola viruses are transmitted to humans by infected animals, particularly fruit bats. Once a human is infected, the virus can spread to others through close personal contact or contact with bodily fluids. Isolation of infected people is currently the centerpiece of filovirus control.

Marburg was the first filovirus to be recognized in 1967 when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever were reported in a few Europe-based laboratories including in the town of Marburg, Germany. Ebola was identified in 1976 when two simultaneous outbreaks occurred in northern Zaire (now the DRC) in a village near the Ebola River and southern Sudan. The outbreaks involved what eventually proved to be two different species of Ebola virus; both were named after the nations in which they were discovered.

Media contact:

Rajee Suri

JA Solar and S’ENERGY Complete Installation of 10.705MW Floating PV Project in Israel

BEIJING, Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — JA Solar (“the Company”), a leading manufacturer of high-performance photovoltaic (PV) products, recently announced the installation of the 10.705MW Tel Yitzhak Reservoir floating PV power plant in Israel. The project is the first to be completed as part of a 50MW order signed between JA Solar and S’energy, one of the first companies in Israel to enter the solar energy market. Ralco Energy, JA Solar partner in Israel for the last 10 years, gave full services for this project and support logistically and technically as pre&after sale service with local full package support.

JA Solar supplies modules for Tel Yitzhak Reservoir floating PV plant

The installation of floating PV power plants ensures full utilization of idle water resources to provide green electricity while reducing water evaporation and protecting water resources, which is of great importance in water-deficient areas. With its capacity of 10.705MW, the Tel Yitzhak Reservoir floating PV power plant is completely installed with JA Solar DeepBlue 3.0 PV modules. This product series has been well-received and widely recognized by global markets since its release in 2020, and its cumulative shipments had reached 24GW by the end of June 2022. In 2021, DeepBlue 3.0 became one of the first PV modules to obtain the KS high durability/eco-friendly certification in South Korea, thanks to its steady performance in high temperatures, high humidity, wet leakages, and mechanical load performance tests.

With its rich solar irradiance resources, the PV market in the Middle East and North Africa region has been developing rapidly. In the GW-scale Israeli PV market, through cooperation with leading distributors and developers including S’energy and Ralco Energy, JA Solar has gained wide recognition with its outstanding product quality and service system, proven by its  market share of around 40% in local market in 2021.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1898528/JA_Solar_supplies_modules_Tel_Yitzhak_Reservoir_floating_PV_power.jpg

CONTACT: Oriana Zhang, +86-15701610173, zhangbobo@jasolar.com

Radware Launches New Cloud Security Center in the United Arab Emirates

Responds to regional demand for low latency performance and complies with offshore data routing requirements

MAHWAH, N.J., Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Radware® (NASDAQ: RDWR), a leading provider of cyber security and application delivery solutions, announced the launch of a new cloud security center in the United Arab Emirates. Located in Dubai, the facility will reduce latency for in-region traffic and offer customers faster mitigation response times against denial-of-service attacks, web application attacks, malicious bot traffic, and attacks on APIs. It will also mitigate compliance processes involved in offshore routing.

The Dubai addition complements Radware’s existing cloud security network. Today, the network includes over 10Tbps of mitigation capacity across more than 50 security centers located around the globe.

“As part of our strategic cloud services initiative, we continue to accelerate cloud innovation to provide our customers with the highest level of cyber security services,” said Haim Zelikovsky, vice president of cloud security services for Radware. “This includes increasing the fighting capacity of our cloud infrastructure to help our customers manage the increasing complexity and sheer volume of cyberattacks with as little disruption as possible.”

According to Radware’s First Half 2022 Global Threat Analysis Report, the first six months of 2022 saw a dramatic increase in cyberattacks across the globe. The number of DDoS attacks climbed 203% and malicious web application transactions grew by 38% compared to the same period last year.

“The new site in Dubai fills a growing demand for a local security presence that can deliver rapid response times with accuracy for organizations in the public and private sector,” said Nikhil Karan Taneja, Radware’s vice president and managing director for India, the Middle East, and South Asia. “The launch of the center underscores our ongoing commitment to delivering state-of-the-art cyber protection and scaling our capacity in a way that will benefit the whole region.”

About Radware
Radware® (NASDAQ: RDWR) is a global leader of cyber security and application delivery solutions for physical, cloud, and software defined data centers. Its award-winning solutions portfolio secures the digital experience by providing infrastructure, application, and corporate IT protection, and availability services to enterprises globally. Radware’s solutions empower enterprise and carrier customers worldwide to adapt to market challenges quickly, maintain business continuity, and achieve maximum productivity while keeping costs down. For more information, please visit the Radware website.

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Radware believes the information in this document is accurate in all material respects as of its publication date. However, the information is provided without any express, statutory, or implied warranties and is subject to change without notice.

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This press release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements made herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements about Radware’s plans, outlook, beliefs, or opinions, are forward-looking statements. Generally, forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “estimates,” “plans,” and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as “will,” “should,” “would,” “may,” and “could.” For example, when we say that we have an ongoing commitment to scale our capacity, we are using a forward-looking statement. Because such statements deal with future events, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and actual results, expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, could differ materially from Radware’s current forecasts and estimates. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to: the impact of global economic conditions and volatility of the market for our products; natural disasters and public health crises, such as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; a shortage of components or manufacturing capacity could cause a delay in our ability to fulfill orders or increase our manufacturing costs; our business may be affected by sanctions, export controls, and similar measures, targeting Russia and other countries and territories, as well as other responses to Russia’s military conflict in Ukraine, including indefinite suspension of operations in Russia and dealings with Russian entities by many multi-national businesses across a variety of industries; our ability to successfully implement our strategic initiative to accelerate our cloud business; our ability to expand our operations effectively; timely availability and customer acceptance of our new and existing solutions; risks and uncertainties relating to acquisitions or other investments; the impact of economic and political uncertainties and weaknesses in various regions of the world, including the commencement or escalation of hostilities or acts of terrorism; intense competition in the market for cyber security and application delivery solutions and in our industry in general, and changes in the competitive landscape; changes in government regulation; outages, interruptions, or delays in hosting services or our internal network system; compliance with open source and third-party licenses; the risk that our intangible assets or goodwill may become impaired; our dependence on independent distributors to sell our products; long sales cycles for our solutions; changes in foreign currency exchange rates; undetected defects or errors in our products or a failure of our products to protect against malicious attacks; the availability of components and manufacturing capacity; the ability of vendors to provide our hardware platforms and components for our main accessories; our ability to protect our proprietary technology; intellectual property infringement claims made by third parties; changes in tax laws; our ability to realize our investment objectives for our cash and liquid investments; our ability to attract, train, and retain highly qualified personnel; and other factors and risks over which we may have little or no control. This list is intended to identify only certain of the principal factors that could cause actual results to differ. For a more detailed description of the risks and uncertainties affecting Radware, refer to Radware’s Annual Report on Form 20-F, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the other risk factors discussed from time to time by Radware in reports filed with, or furnished to, the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and, except as required by applicable law, Radware undertakes no commitment to revise or update any forward-looking statement in order to reflect events or circumstances after the date any such statement is made. Radware’s public filings are available from the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov or may be obtained on Radware’s website at www.radware.com.

Media Contact:
Gerri Dyrek

دراسة تؤكد عدم جاهزية نظم الصحة العالمية لمواجهة وباء آخر

اتفق 49% من العاملين في مجال الرعاية الصحية في استطلاع أجري بتكليفٍ من “ويش” على أن النظم الصحية ليست مستعدّة لإدارة حالة طوارئ صحية أخرى

الدوحة، قطر, 14 سبتمبر / أيلول 2022/PRNewswire/ — كشف استطلاع عالمي لتقييم آثار جائحة كوفيد-19على العاملين في مجال الصحة والرعاية أن الضغوط الحالية المتأتية من ضعف التمويل، ونقص الموظفين، والاستعدادات غير الملائمة تشير إلى عدم أهلية النظم الصحية في جميع أنحاء العالم للتعامل مع جائحة أخرى.

WISH and Qatar Foundation Logo

واتفق 49 % من المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية، الذين شملهم الاستطلاع في دولٍ مثل المملكة المتحدة والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة العربية السعودية ونيجيريا والهند والبرازيل، على أن غياب الاستعداد هو أحد أكبر التهديدات التي تواجه أنظمة بلدانهم الصحية في حال ظهرت جائحة أخرى بنفس خطورة وباء كوفيد-19 خلال السنوات الخمسة القادمة.

أجرت يوجوف ( YouGov) الاستطلاع بتكليفٍ من مؤتمر القمة العالمي للابتكار في الرعاية الصحية (ويش)، مبادرة الصحة العالمية التابعة لمؤسسة قطر .

وبحثت الدراسة مدى تأثير جائحة كوفيد-19على حياة العاملين في مجال الصحة والرعاية. كما حاولت فهم مشاعر العاملين في مجال الرعاية الصحية تجاه حياتهم المهنية ومكان عملهم، وكذلك استكشاف ما يحمله مستقبل الرعاية الصحية من وجهة نظرهم.

ومن بين العوامل التي قد تجعل النظم الصحية العالمية عرضة للفشل في حال حدوث جائحة جديدة، أشار 60 % من المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية إلى تدني الدعم المالي، فيما شدد 55 % من المستطلعين على أن نقص المواهب يعتبر أحد العوامل الرئيسية الخطيرة على كفاءة النظم الصحية.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ذكر 44 % من المستطلعين أن عدم القدرة على دعم المرضى بشكل صحيح، تشكّل أيضًا تهديدًا خطيرًا على أنظمة بلدانهم الصحية.

وعلّقت سلطانة أفضل، الرئيس التنفيذي لـ”ويش”، قائلة: “تسلّط نتائج الدراسة الضوء على بعض التحديات الحرجة التي فرضتها علينا جائحة كوفيد-19 على مدار العامين الماضيين، والتي لا يزال أولئك الذين يقدمون الرعاية لنا يحاولون التخفيف منها حتى اليوم. بصفتنا مناصرين لعالم يتمتع بصحة أفضل من خلال التعاون العالمي، فإننا نحث الحكومات، وقادة القطاع، وواضعي السياسات على أخذ هذه الأفكار والعمل على بناء أنظمة صحية من الجيل التالي تكون جاهزة بشكل أفضل لمواجهة تحديات مماثلة في المستقبل، من أجل تحسين معايير الرعاية، والأهم من ذلك، تخفيف العبء الذي تشعر به القوى العاملة في مجال الرعاية الصحية لدينا”.

وأوضحت سلطانة أفضل: “لقد أدى الوباء الحالي إلى إجهاد النظم الصحية في سعيها لإيجاد تدابير استجابة عاجلة مثل زيادة قدرة قطاع الصحة، وتعزيز مكافحة العدوى، والانتقال إلى نماذج الرعاية عن بعد، وتمكين توزيع اللقاحات على الجميع، وغيرها. هناك حاجة لتقييم التحديات، ولإقبال الجهات المعنية على تمكين الاستجابة على المستوى الوطني، وكذلك توفير فرص تسريع تبادل الاستراتيجيات على الصعيد الدولي.

ويش هي منصة عالمية تجمع خبراء الرعاية الصحية وواضعي السياسات والمبتكرين معًا لتوحيد جهودهم بهدف بناء عالم يتمتع بصحة أفضل. ويتمثل هدف “قمة ويش”، التي تُقام كل سنتين، إلى عرض أبحاث “ويش” القائمة على الأدلة، ومناقشة السبل الكفيلة بترجمة نتائجها إلى حلولٍ عمليّة قائمة على السياسات تساعد في تعزيز خدمات الرعاية الصحية في جميع أنحاء العالم.

ومن المقرر أن تنعقد الدورة السادسة للقمة هذا العام بشكلٍ يجمع بين الحضور الفعلي والافتراضي في الفترة من 4 إلى 6 أكتوبر تحت شعار “نحو مستقبل مفعم بالحياة”. ستستكشف القمة بعمق إرث كوفيد-19 من وجهات نظر مختلفة، بما في ذلك كيفية بناء أنظمة رعاية صحية أكثر مرونة واستدامة، وتحسين استجابتنا لأزمة الصحة النفسية التي يواجهها العاملون في مجال الصحة والرعاية، وتسخير التقدم السريع في الابتكار الصيدلاني الذي حدث أثناء الجائحة.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول “ويش”، تفضّل بزيارة www.wish.org.qa .

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