‫OST تحافظ على فصلها لمدة 3 سنوات في أفريقيا مع نمو أفريقيا

تثق Africa Grow في Open Startup وتدعم فصلها التالي لمدة 3 سنوات في التوسع في إفريقيا

 – بدءا من أسبوع الغمر العالمي ومعسكر تدريب معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا كأول الأنشطة 

– مارس 2023 7 – African Media Agency – تونس  حصلت Open Startup (OST) – International ، وهي منظمة غير ربحية مكرسة لتعزيز ريادة الأعمال والابتكار في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا ، على منحة من أحدث شريك لها ، مرفق المساعدة الفنية AfricaGrow الممول من وزارة التنمية الاقتصادية والتعاون الألمانية. ستمكن هذه الشراكة التي مدتها ثلاث سنوات OST من توسيع أنشطتها في إفريقيا ، ودعم رواد الأعمال والشركات الناشئة بالموارد والشبكات والخبرات لمساعدتهم على النجاح. 

يعد دعم AfricaGrow ل OST علامة فارقة للمنظمة غير الربحية ، حيث يظهر التزامها بتعزيز نظام بيئي مزدهر للشركات الناشئة في إفريقيا وخارجها. تتمثل مهمة OST في ربط النظم البيئية المختلفة وخلق فرص لرواد الأعمال ، وستمكنها هذه الشراكة الجديدة من مواصلة السعي لتحقيق هذا الهدف. 

كجزء من فصلها الجديد ، تخطط OST لتعزيز مجتمعها عبر الحدود من الشركات الناشئة والتركيز على الاستعداد للاستثمار بمساعدة شركاء مثل BPI France و Go Ventures و AfricInvest. ستواصل المنظمة أيضا بناء وتعزيز التكنولوجيا العميقة في إفريقيا من خلال برنامج Brain ، بدعم من شركاء مثل IFC و AfrInvest والسفارة الأمريكية في تونس ، بالشراكة مع مركز Legatum للتنمية وريادة الأعمال في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا ، ومعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في إفريقيا ، و Instadeep. 

لبدء هذا الفصل الجديد ، يسر OST الإعلان عن أول نشاطين لها ، (1) النسخة الثانية من “أسبوع الغمر العالمي OST” (OST GIW) – وهو حدث إقليمي سيجمع الخبراء والمستثمرين وبناة النظام البيئي والشركات الناشئة وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين من المغرب،الأردن ،السنغال، تونس و هذا العام الجزائر. تم تصميم هذا الأسبوع لتعزيز التعاون بين المناطق وتقديم لمحة عن النظام البيئي للشركات الناشئة في المنطقة.  الحدث ، الذي سيقام في الفترة من  13 مارس إلى 17 مارس 2023.

(2) Brain MIT Bootcamp – برنامج تدريبي مدته خمسة أيام يهدف إلى دعم 30 باحثا وعلماء يتم تقديمه من قبل ممثلين وخبراء من

معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا (MIT). الهدف من هذا النشاط هو المساهمة في تأسيس DeepTech في إفريقيا. الحدث ، الذي سيقام في الفترة من 18 مارس إلى 22 مارس 2023.

جدول أعمال GIW

13 مارس: الترحيب واللقاءات

14 مارس: يوم بناء الشراكات وليلة التكنولوجيا

15 مارس: اليوم الإقليمي للنظم الإيكولوجية & نقاش: النظم الإيكولوجية في أفريقيا

16 مارس: يوم المستثمر مع Africinvest و Panel: الاستثمار في إفريقيا

17 مارس: حفل GIW – احتفال وتعمق في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا

أفريكا جرو

AfricaGro هو صندوق للصناديق ، تديره Allianz Global Investors وتنصح به DEG Impact ، ويستثمر في صناديق الأسهم الخاصة والرساميل الاستثمارية الإقليمية والجهوية لعموم إفريقيا. وذلك  بمرافقة من صندوق للمساعدة التقنية تموله الوزارة الاتحادية الألمانية للتعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية (BMZ) من خلال بنك التنمية الألماني. بتوفير التمويل والمساعدة الفنية لصناديق المحافظ والشركات المستثمر فيها والجهات الفاعلة في النظام البيئي لرأس المال الاستثماري الأفريقي ، تهدف AfricaGrow إلى مساعدة الشركات على النمو وتوسيع عملياتها وخلق فرص العمل والمساهمة في النمو الاقتصادي المستدام. 

على هذا النحو ، تعمل AfricaGrow مع الشركاء المحليين والجمعيات والمسرعات لتقديم برامج تدريبية وورش عمل وأحداث للتواصل في جميع أنحاء القارة الأفريقية. كجزء من جهودها لدعم النظام البيئي للشركات الناشئة في تونس والمغرب والسنغال ، تتعاون AfricaGrow مع OST.

حول OST

Open Startup (OST) هي منظمة غير ربحية تعمل كمركز إقليمي للشركات الناشئة في شمال إفريقيا والشرق الأوسط. تتمثل مهمة OST في تعزيز ريادة الأعمال والابتكار من خلال توفير الوصول إلى الموارد والشبكات والإرشاد عبر القارات. ومن خلال برامجها المختلفة، تدعم OST الشركات الناشئة ورواد الأعمال في بناء أعمالهم وتوسيع نطاقها، ودفع عجلة النمو الاقتصادي وخلق فرص العمل في المنطقة.

OST في شراكة مع كولومبيا للهندسة ، كلية كولومبيا للأعمال ، السفارة الأمريكية في تونس ، أفريكا جرو ، مجموعة أفريك إنفست ، مراكز كولومبيا العالمية في تونس ، مراكز كولومبيا العالمية في عمان ، مؤسسة دروسوس ، Innov’i – EU4Innovation ، الاتحاد الأوروبي في تونس ، فرانس إكسبيرينس ، وذا دوت.

OST Sustains its 3-year chapter in Africa with AfricaGrow

AfricaGrow trusts Open Startup and supports its next 3-year chapter in expanding into Africa – Starting with The Global Immersion Week and Brain MIT bootcamp as the first activities.

TUNIS, TUNISIA – African Media Agency – 7 March 2023 – Open Startup (OST)-International, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the Middle East and Africa, has secured a grant from its newest partner, the AfricaGrow Technical Assistance Facility funded by the German Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation. This three-year partnership will enable OST to expand its activities in Africa, supporting entrepreneurs and startups with resources, networks, and expertise to help them succeed.

AfricaGrow’s support for OST is a significant milestone for the non-profit organization, as it demonstrates its commitment to fostering a thriving startup ecosystem in Africa and beyond. OST’s mission is to connect different ecosystems and create opportunities for entrepreneurs, and this new partnership will enable it to continue pursuing this goal.

As part of its new chapter, OST plans to reinforce its cross-border community of startups and focus on investment readiness with the help of partners such as BPI France, Go Ventures, and AfricInvest. The organization will also continue to build and foster deep tech in Africa through its Brain program, supported by partners such as IFC, AfrInvest, and the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, in partnership with The Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT, MIT Africa, and Instadeep.

To kick off this new chapter, OST is excited to announce its two first activities, (1) the second edition of its “OST Global Immersion Week” (OST GIW) – a regional event that will bring together experts, investors, ecosystem builders, startups, and other stakeholders from Morocco, Jordan, Senegal, Tunisia, adding this year Algeria. This week is designed to foster cross-regional collaboration and offer a snapshot of the startup ecosystem in the region.  The event, which will take place from March 13th to March 17th, 2023.

(2) the Brain MIT Bootcamp– a five-day training program that aims to support 30 research-scientists and that is delivered by representatives and experts from 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The objective of this activity is to contribute to the foundation of DeepTech in Africa. The event, which will take place from March 18th to March 22nd, 2023.

Agenda of the GIW

March 13: Welcoming and Meetups 

March 14: Partnerships Building Day & Tech Night 

March 15: Regional Ecosystems Day & Talk: Ecosystems in Africa 

March 16: Investor Day with Africinvest & Panel: Investing in Africa 

March 17: GIW Ceremony- A celebration and deepdive into the MEA region 

About AfricaGrow

AfricaGrow is a Fund of Funds, managed by Allianz Global Investors and advised by DEG Impact, investing in Pan-African regional and country-specific private equity and venture capital funds. Attached to this fund is a Technical Assistance Facility funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW. By providing funding and technical assistance to portfolio funds, investee companies and actors of the African venture capital ecosystem, AfricaGrow aims to help businesses grow, expand their operations, create jobs, and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

As such, AfricaGrow works with local partners, associations, and accelerators to offer training programs, workshops, and networking events all over the African continent. As part of its efforts to support the start-up ecosystem in Tunisia, Morocco, and Senegal, AfricaGrow partners with OST.

About OST

Open Startup (OST) is a non-profit organization serving as a regional hub for startups in North Africa and the Middle East. OST’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship and innovation by providing access to resources, networks, and mentorship across continents. Through its various programs, OST supports startups and entrepreneurs in building and scaling their businesses, driving economic growth and job creation in the region.

OST is in partnership with Columbia Engineering, Columbia Business School, U.S. Embassy Tunis, Africa Grow, AfricInvest Group, Columbia Global Centers I Tunis, Columbia Global Centers l Amman, Drosos Foundation, Innov’i – EU4Innovation, Union européenne en Tunisie, France Expertise, and The Dot.

Media Contact :

Dana Al Mubaidin 

DaBuzz Consulting


WHR lance un nouvel outil de veille stratégique d’entreprise pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients

MILWAUKEE, 07 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), un leader mondial du secteur de la relocalisation des employés, a annoncé le lancement de son nouvel outil de veille stratégique d’entreprise conçu spécifiquement pour répondre aux besoins croissants de ses clients. Appelé WHR Insights, ce nouvel outil est une série de visualisations de données interactives intégrée dans le WHR Client Portal qui peut être personnalisé en fonction des programmes de relocalisation, avantages sociaux, politiques et autres ICP de chaque client. WHR Insights analyse les données sur les dépenses des employés (ex. : expéditions d’articles ménagers), la satisfaction liée aux enquêtes, les attentes politiques et des composantes individuelles. L’outil, gratuit pour tous ses clients, leur permet de prendre de meilleures décisions sur l’endroit où relocaliser les employés, le niveau de logement autres avantages sociaux à fournir, et comment donner aux employés le meilleur soutien global pendant une transition de relocalisation ou d’affectation.

Regardez une brève vidéo sur WHR Insights ici.

En utilisant WHR Insights, les équipes chargées de la mobilité et des RH peuvent optimiser leurs programmes, en s’assurant qu’ils procurent le meilleur soutien possible aux employés pendant le processus de relocalisation ou d’affectation, ce qui augmente en retour la satisfaction et la rétention des employés. De nouvelles données sont rafraîchies chaque nuit, permettant aux clients d’accéder à des données en temps réel.

Sean Thrun, responsable des initiatives stratégiques chez WHR, a déclaré : « WHR Insights est la dernière addition au sein de notre suite technologique pour nos clients. Nous pensons que l’analyse interactive des données devrait constituer la norme dans la mobilité mondiale, pas l’exception. Grâce à WHR Insights, toutes les parties prenantes peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées qui sont cruciales pour le succès de leurs programmes de mobilité. Les équipes chargées des achats peuvent suivre les dépenses de diversification, la satisfaction des employés et bien plus encore, lorsqu’elles calculent la partie contingente des frais conformément à l’accord-cadre de services. Les équipes chargées des finances peuvent visualiser les prévisions et provisions du budget de relocalisation, en filtrant par centre de coûts ou par division et en exportant les données de manière instantanée pour une manipulation complémentaire dans Excel. Les équipes chargées de la mobilité choisissent tout d’abord des modèles de tableau de bord prédéfinis dans WHR, que ce soit pour l’utilisation d’éléments core-flex, les articles ménagers uniquement, le budget par rapport aux dépenses réelles, les montants forfaitaires, les attentes politiques, les initiations, la satisfaction des employés ou la vente résidentielle. Nous personnalisons ensuite chaque tableau de bord en fonction de votre structure de programmes, politique et organisationnelle sur demande.

« Avec WHR Insights, les entreprises peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées qui bénéficient à la fois aux employés et à l’organisation, découlant sur de meilleurs taux de rétention et une productivité accrue. Dans le paysage commercial compétitif actuel, disposer du bon ensemble de solutions comme WHR Insights peut donner aux entreprises un avantage stratégique dans la relocalisation des employés. »

À propos de WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) est une société de gestion des mutations mondiale privée, axée sur le client, qui se distingue par une prestation de services meilleure de sa catégorie et par une technologie de pointe dont elle est propriétaire. WHR possède des bureaux à Milwaukee, dans le Wisconsin, à Bâle, en Suisse, et à Singapour. Avec son taux de rétention de la clientèle de 100 % au cours des dix dernières années, WHR continue de se positionner en tant que fournisseur de confiance dans le domaine de la mutation des employés à l’échelle mondiale. WHR vit grâce à sa vision et sa passion pour son crédo Advancing Lives Forward® et son principe de simplifier ce qui est complexe. Pour en savoir plus sur WHR, rendez-vous sur http://www.whrg.com, ou suivez-nous sur LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Contact auprès des médias : Mindy Stroiman, rédactrice d’entreprise

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8754875

WHR Introduces New Enterprise Business Intelligence Tool to Serve Clients

MILWAUKEE, March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced release of its newest enterprise business intelligence tool specifically designed to serve its customers’ growing needs. The new tool, called WHR Insights, is a series of interactive data visualizations embedded into the WHR Client Portal that can be customized to each client’s relocation programs, benefits, policies and other KPIs. WHR Insights analyzes data on employee spend (e.g., household goods shipments), survey satisfaction, policy exceptions, and individual components. The tool, free to all clients, facilitates clients making better decisions on where to relocate employees; what level of housing and other benefits to provide; and how to give the best overall support to employees during a relocation or assignment transition.

Watch a short video about WHR Insights here.

By using WHR Insights, mobility and HR teams can optimize programs, ensuring they are providing the best possible support to employees during the relocation or assignment process and in turn, increase employee satisfaction and retention. New data is refreshed nightly, allowing clients to view data in real time.

According to WHR’s Strategic Initiatives Manager, Sean Thrun, “WHR Insights is the latest addition to our client technology suite. We believe interactive data analytics should be the norm in global mobility, not the exception. Through WHR Insights, all stakeholders can make informed decisions that are crucial to the success of their mobility programs. Procurement can track diversity spend, employee satisfaction and more when calculating at-risk fees per the master services agreement. Finance teams can view relocation budget forecasts and accruals, filtering by cost center or division and exporting the data instantly for further manipulation in Excel. Mobility teams start by choosing dashboard templates prebuilt by WHR, whether it’s core-flex component utilization, household goods only, budget vs. actual, lump sum, policy exceptions, initiations, employee satisfaction or home sale. Then, we customize each dashboard to your program, policy and organizational structure at your request.

“With WHR Insights, companies can make informed decisions that benefit both the employee and the organization, leading to improved retention rates and increased productivity. In today’s competitive business landscape, having the right solution set like WHR Insights can give companies a strategic advantage in employee relocation.”

About WHR Global
WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Milwaukee, Wis., Basel, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward® and Making the Complex Simple. To learn more about WHR, visit http://www.whrg.com, or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Media Contact: Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8754875

WHR lança nova ferramenta Enterprise Business Intelligence para os clientes

MILWAUKEE, March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WHR Global (WHR), líder na indústria global de realocação de funcionários, anunciou o lançamento da sua mais nova ferramenta de inteligência de negócios corporativa projetada especificamente para atender às crescentes necessidades dos seus clientes. A nova ferramenta WHR Insights, oferece uma série de visualizações de dados interativas incorporadas ao Portal do Cliente WHR que podem ser personalizadas para os programas de realocação, benefícios, políticas e outros KPIs de cada cliente. O WHR Insights analisa dados sobre gastos de funcionários (por exemplo, entregas de bens domésticos), satisfação com pesquisas, exceções de políticas e componentes individuais. A ferramenta, gratuita para todos os clientes, facilita que os clientes tomem melhores decisões sobre onde realocar funcionários; que nível de moradia e outros benefícios fornecer; e como fornecer o melhor suporte geral aos funcionários durante uma transição de realocação ou atribuição.

Assista um pequeno vídeo sobre o WHR Insights aqui.

Com o WHR Insights, as equipes de mobilidade e RH podem otimizar os programas, garantindo que eles forneçam o melhor suporte possível aos funcionários durante o processo de realocação ou atribuição e, por sua vez, aumentar a satisfação e a retenção dos funcionários. Os dados são atualizados todas as noites, permitindo que os clientes visualizem os dados em tempo real.

De acordo com o Gerente de Iniciativas Estratégicas do WHR, Sean Thrun, “o WHR Insights é a mais recente adição ao nosso pacote de tecnologia do cliente. Acreditamos que a análise de dados interativa deve ser a norma na mobilidade global, não a exceção. Por meio do WHR Insights, todas as partes interessadas podem tomar decisões informadas essenciais para o sucesso dos seus programas de mobilidade. As aquisições podem rastrear os gastos com diversidade, a satisfação dos funcionários e muito mais com o cálculo das taxas de risco de acordo com o contrato principal de serviços. As equipes financeiras podem visualizar previsões e aumentos no orçamento de realocação, filtrar por centro de custo ou divisão, e exportar os dados instantaneamente para manipulação adicional no Excel. As equipes de mobilidade escolhem primeiro os modelos de painel pré-instalados pela WHR, como a utilização de componentes core-flex, apenas bens domésticos, orçamento versus real, montante fixo, exceções de políticas, iniciações, satisfação do funcionário ou venda de casa. Em seguida, personalizamos cada painel de acordo com programa, política e estrutura organizacional escolhidos pelo cliente.

“Com o WHR Insights, as empresas podem tomar decisões informadas que beneficiam tanto o funcionário quanto a organização, levando a melhores taxas de retenção e aumento da produtividade. No cenário de negócios competitivo de hoje, uma solução certa definida como o WHR Insights pode dar às empresas uma vantagem estratégica na realocação de funcionários.”

Sobre a WHR Global
A WHR Global (WHR) é uma empresa global de gestão de relocação privada, orientada para o cliente, distinguida pela sua melhor prestação de serviços e tecnologia proprietária de ponta. A WHR tem escritórios em Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Suíça e Cingapura. Com sua taxa de retenção de clientes de 100% na última década, o WHR continua a se posicionar como líder confiável na relocação global de funcionários. A WHR vive por sua visão e paixão por Advancing Lives Forward™ e Making the Complex Simple. Para mais informação sobre a WHR, visite http://www.whrg.com, ou siga-nos no LinkedIn, Twitter e Facebook.

Contato com a Mídia: Mindy Stroiman, Redatora Corporativa

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8754875

Les lauréats ont été révélés lors de la 17e édition annuelle des Stevie® Awards pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle

Les meilleurs prix au monde pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle ont été décernés à Las Vegas

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 07 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les lauréats de la 17e édition annuelle des Stevie® Awards pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle, reconnus comme les meilleurs prix du service à la clientèle et des ventes dans le monde, ont été dévoilés vendredi soir lors d’une cérémonie de gala à Las Vegas, dans l’État américain du Nevada, en présence de plus de 400 cadres du monde entier.

La liste complète des lauréats des Stevie par catégorie est disponible à l’adresse http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

DP DHL, avec 46 prix Stevie d’or, d’argent et de bronze, a été l’entreprise la plus honorée cette année, remportant le trophée Grand Stevie Award. C’est la 11e année consécutive que la société multinationale de livraison de colis et de gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, dont le siège social est situé à Bonn, en Allemagne, remporte un Grand Stevie dans le programme, et la neuvième année sur les 11 au cours desquelles elle s’est classée en tête de liste des entreprises les plus honorées.

Les autres lauréats du Grand Stevie Award, par ordre décroissant, sont notamment IBM, Sales Partnerships, Support Services Group, ValueSelling Associates, UPMC Health Plan, PowerSchool Group, GoHealth, TalkDesk et Michael Kors.

Plus de 2 300 candidatures d’entreprises de toutes tailles et de pratiquement tous les secteurs ont été examinées lors du concours de cette année. Les finalistes ont été déterminés grâce aux notes moyennes attribuées par plus de 170 professionnels dans le monde entier répartis dans sept comités de jury spécialisés. Les candidatures ont été prises en considération dans plus de 60 catégories pour les réalisations du service client et du centre de contact, y compris Contact Center of the Year (Centre de contact de l’année), Award for Innovation in Customer Service (Prix de l’innovation dans le service client) et Customer Service Department of the Year (Service client de l’année) ; 60 catégories pour les ventes et les réalisations en développement commercial, allant de Senior Sales Executive of the Year (Directeur commercial senior de l’année) à Sales Training or Business Development Executive of the Year (Responsable de la formation commerciale ou du développement commercial de l’année) et Sales Department of the Year (Service commercial de l’année) ; et des catégories visant à reconnaître les nouveaux produits et services et les fournisseurs de solutions, entre autres.

Sales Partnerships, Inc. a remporté 12 prix d’or, soit le nombre le plus élevé de prix décernés lors du concours. Les autres gagnants d’au moins deux prix Stevie d’or sont : Alight Solutions, Blackhawk Network, ClearSource BPO, DP DHL, EFG Companies, Genpact, GoHealth, IBM, ICW Group, Janek Performance Group, JK Moving, LivePerson, MetTel, Michael Kors, MONAT Global Corp, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Optum, Paradigm Marketing and Design, PREMIER Bankcard, Rapid Phone Center, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SAP, SoftPro, Splunk, Tata Consultancy Services, TELUS Smart Security & Automation, TIM Brasil, TransPerfect, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., UPMC Health Plan, Perceptyx, Veeam et WNS (Holdings) Limited.

Les gagnants d’une catégorie spéciale, le Sales Partnerships Ethics in Sales Award (Prix de l’éthique des partenariats commerciaux dans la vente), ont également été annoncés vendredi. Ce prix récompense les organisations pour leurs meilleures pratiques et leurs réalisations dans la démonstration des normes éthiques les plus élevées du secteur des ventes. Le lauréat du prix Stevie d’or dans cette catégorie est Greater Prairie Business Consulting. Le lauréat du prix Stevie d’argent est Belkins, et les lauréats du Stevie de bronze sont Cal Dental USA et Integrity Solutions.

Les cérémonies de remise ont été diffusées en direct via Livestream et sont disponibles pour un visionnage en ligne.

Les candidatures pour l’édition 2024 des Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle seront acceptées à partir du mois de juillet 2023.  Le kit d’inscription peut être demandé à l’adresse http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Les prix sont remis par les Stevie Awards, qui organisent huit des plus grands programmes mondiaux de récompenses commerciales, dont les prestigieux International Business Awards® et les American Business Awards®.

À propos des Stevie Awards
Les Stevie Awards sont décernés dans huit programmes : les Stevie Awards en Asie-Pacifique, les Stevie Awards en Allemagne, les Stevie Awards au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, les American Business Awards®, les International Business Awards®, les Stevie Awards pour les grands employeurs, les Stevie Awards pour les femmes entrepreneurs et les Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle. Les concours Stevie Awards reçoivent chaque année plus de 12 000 candidatures émanant d’entreprises dans plus de 70 pays. En récompensant les entreprises de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que leurs collaborateurs, les Stevies reconnaissent les performances exceptionnelles sur le lieu de travail dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les Stevie Awards, visitez le site www.StevieAwards.com.

Les Sponsors de la 17e édition annuelle des Stevie Awards pour les ventes et le service à la clientèle comprennent Sales Partnerships, Inc., Support Service Group et ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Contact :

Nina Moore
(703) 547-8389

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8783289

Vencedores do 17º Annual Stevie® Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente

Principais Prêmios de Atendimento ao Cliente e Vendas do Mundo Entregues em Las Vegas

FAIRFAX, Va., March 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os vencedores do 17º Stevie® Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente, reconhecido como o principal prêmio de atendimento ao cliente e de vendas do mundo, foram entregues na noite de sexta-feira em uma cerimônia de gala em Las Vegas, Nevada, EUA, com a participação de mais de 400 executivos de todo o mundo.

A lista completa de vencedores do Stevie por categoria pode ser encontrada em http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

A DP DHL, com 46 premiações nas categorias Ouro, Prata e Bronze no Stevie Awards, foi a organização mais homenageada deste ano, recebendo o troféu Grand Stevie Award. Este é o 11º ano consecutivo em que a empresa multinacional de entrega de pacotes e gestão de cadeia de suprimentos, com sede em Bonn, na Alemanha, recebe um Grand Stevie no programa, e o nono ano dos 11 em que ficou em primeiro lugar na lista das organizações mais homenageadas.

Outros vencedores do Grand Stevie Award, em ordem decrescente, incluem IBM, Sales Partnerships, Support Services Group, ValueSelling Associates, UPMC Health Plan, PowerSchool Group, GoHealth, TalkDesk e Michael Kors.

Mais de 2.300 indicações de organizações de cada indústria foram avaliadas na competição deste ano. Os finalistas foram escolhidos pelas pontuações médias por mais de 170 profissionais em todo o mundo em sete comissões julgadoras especializadas. As inscrições foram consideradas em mais de 60 categorias de conquistas em atendimento ao cliente e contact center, incluindo Contact Center do Ano, Prêmio de Inovação de Atendimento ao Cliente e Departamento de Atendimento ao Cliente do Ano; 60 categorias de conquistas em vendas e desenvolvimento de negócios, variando de Executivo de Vendas Sênior do Ano a Treinamento de Vendas ou Executivo de Desenvolvimento de Negócios do Ano a Departamento de Vendas do Ano; e categorias de novos produtos e serviços e provedores de soluções, dentre outros.

A Sales Partnerships, Inc. recebeu 12 premiações de Ouro, o maior número da competição. Outros vencedores de dois ou mais Stevie Awards de Ouro são: Alight Solutions, Blackhawk Network, ClearSource BPO, DP DHL, EFG Companies, Genpact, GoHealth, IBM, ICW Group, Janek Performance Group, JK Moving, LivePerson, MetTel, Michael Kors, MONAT Global Corp, Optima Tax Relief, LLC, Optum, Paradigm Marketing and Design, PREMIER Bankcard, Rapid Phone Center, Sales Partnerships, Inc., SAP, SoftPro, Splunk, Tata Consultancy Services, TELUS Smart Security & Automation, TIM Brasil, TransPerfect, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., UPMC Health Plan, Perceptyx, Veeam e WNS (Holdings) Limited.

Os vencedores de uma categoria especial, o Prêmio Ética em Vendas das Parcerias de Vendas, também foram anunciados na sexta-feira. Este prêmio reconhece as organizações por suas melhores práticas e realizações, demonstrando os mais altos padrões éticos no setor de vendas. O vencedor do Stevie de Ouro nesta categoria é a Greater Prairie Business Consulting. O vencedor da premiação de Prata é a Belkins, e os vencedores do Stevie de Bronze são a Cal Dental USA e a Integrity Solutions.

A apresentação foi transmitida ao vivo via Livestream e está disponível online.

As indicações para a edição de 2024 dos Stevie Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente serão aceitas a partir de julho deste ano.  O kit de inscrição pode ser solicitado em http://www.StevieAwards.com/Sales.

Os prêmios são apresentados pelo Stevie Awards, que organiza oito das principais premiações de negócios do mundo, incluindo os prestigiados International Business Awards® e American Business Awards®.

Sobre os Stevie Awards
Os Stevie Awards são concedidos em sete programas: Stevie Awards Ásia-Pacífico, Stevie Awards Alemão, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, Stevie Awards para Mulheres Empresariais, Stevie Awards para Grande Empregadores , e Stevie Awards para Vendas e Serviço ao Cliente. Os concursos Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 nomeações todos os anos de empresas de mais de 70 países. Honrando empresas de todos os tipos e tamanhos, e as pessoas por trás delas, os Stevies reconhecem excelente desempenho no local de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre os Stevie Awards em www.StevieAwards.com.

Patrocinadores do 17º Stevie Awards de Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente incluem Sales Partnerships, Inc., Services Group e ValueSelling Associates, Inc.


Nina Moore
(703) 547-8389

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8783289

Graid Technology Announces Massive Performance Increase With New SupremeRAID(TM) Software Release

New release will drive up to 4X-9X increase in sequential write performance for customers protecting their data with SupremeRAID™, allowing users in AI/ML, video processing, and similar workloads to write data to NVMe drives at record speeds

SANTA CLARA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 7, 2023 / Graid Technology, the award-winning data protection provider and developer of the only RAID card to offer customers access to the full performance of NVMe SSDs, is proud to announce a new software release for the SupremeRAID™ SR-1000 and SR-1010 offerings. This release, available in summer 2023, will drive even higher performance and lower CPU utilization than prior releases of SupremeRAID™.Graid Technology Announces New SupremeRAID™ Software Release

With traditional methods of data protection, users can expect sequential write performance of between 2GBps and 4GBps as I/O bottlenecks will prohibit full access to NVMe drive performance. Utilizing SupremeRAID™ with Graid Technology’s patent-pending out-of-path data flow and new groundbreaking Intelligent Parity data reduction technology, users can expect speeds of greater than 90GBps1 for RAID5 sequential writes as all I/O bottlenecks are removed, allowing users to exploit the full performance of NVMe SSDs.

“This new enhancement offered by Graid Technology will give users of SupremeRAID™ a clear competitive advantage in the marketplace. The ability to write unstructured data sets to high-speed NVMe drives at such an accelerated rate will save our customers tremendous amounts of time and drive a lower TCO on their infrastructure purchases,” said Leander Yu, President and CEO of Graid Technology. “Since our first product release in 2021, we have continually improved the performance of SupremeRAID™ with software updates for our existing customers. This clearly demonstrates the powerful capabilities of our technology; we can’t wait to see how much further we can push it.”

The enhanced release of SupremeRAID™ elevates the product that Graid Technology brings to the global enterprise market. It will be available to all Graid Technology customers, regardless of channel, as a free upgrade upon general release. As Graid Technology continues to expand its OEM, distribution, and integration partnerships, it will continue to work with customers and partners to explore options for additional functionality in future product and software enhancements.

For media and sales inquiries, find SupremeRAID™ featured across the showroom floor at CloudFest 2023 March 21-23 in Germany. Visit our event page to book a meeting at our booth or any of our multiple partner booths. To learn more about groundbreaking SupremeRAID™ NVMe capabilities for high performance computing, you can also visit graidtech.com.

1Based on Linux RAID5 with Intel Xeon Gold 6338 CPU, 32 core with 2.0 GHz x 2, 20 Phison EPW5970 NVMe drives.

About Graid Technology

SupremeRAID™ is the world’s first NVMe and NVMeoF RAID card to unlock the full potential of enterprise SSD performance. Led by experts in the industry, Graid Technology is redefining next-generation RAID: a single SupremeRAID™ card delivers 19M IOPS and 110GB/s of throughput. Connect with us: Twitter or LinkedIn.

Contact Information

Andrea Eaken
Graid Technology Director of Marketing & Media Relations

Related Files

White Paper_NVMe SSDs_KIOXIA and SupremeRAID.pdf

SOURCE: Graid Technology

Octily Expands to Asia Pacific Region, Delivering Unique Cornerstone OnDemand Customization

BERLIN, GERMANY and SINGAPORE / ACCESSWIRE / March 7, 2023 / Octily, the creative studio for Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD), announces its expansion to the APJ region with a new Senior Project Manager located in Singapore, more multilingual team members, ongoing collaboration with local implementation partners, and a strong connection to CSOD in South Korea. This development follows successful Cornerstone customization work for well-known companies headquartered between Hong Kong and Japan, which offered a glimpse of a huge opportunity in the region.


Where Octily’s clients are based
From the U.S., all over Europe, to Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and Australia.

“The Asia Pacific expansion is the next logical step for us,” said Robert Bucher, Founder and CEO of Octily. “Working with Cornerstone account managers, solution consultants, partners, and Fortune 500 clients in APJ, we’ve found the same needs as their European/U.S. counterparts. Companies want to personalize their employees’ HR experiences, drive adoption, and deliver outstanding user journeys – but have limited access to resources for customization or are simply not aware of the possibilities. Octily is filling this gap by bringing more than seven years of expertise to the area.”

Octily’s growing team now includes Susan Smit, a dedicated Senior Project Manager located in Singapore with a deep background as a Learning Technologist for one of the world’s largest food companies; Simen-Ling La, lead Senior Project Manager with Vietnamese roots and previous CSOD project management experience at one of the best-known fast-food chains; and Keisuke Tanaka, web developer with native Japanese-language skills. In addition, Octily is working with TalearnX, a leading HR consulting firm in Asia that strives to solve business challenges by empowering the people operations department.

“Looking at our 100% remote setup, I’m very proud to see what a colorful, capable, and international team we have become. We are very optimistic about working with the CSOD team and partners in the APJ region to help organizations get the most out of their strategic investments in talent and learning experiences,” Rob concluded.

Partnership with Cornerstone OnDemand

“The word ‘customization’ is not familiar with SaaS products like Cornerstone OnDemand. However, our customers’ desire for creativity, to help learners reach their last step of conquering Learning and Development, cannot be neglected,” said DJ Park, Cornerstone OnDemand Senior Solution Consultant in Seoul, South Korea. “With Octily, enterprise customers in the Far East, especially in Korea, were not only able to witness their creative ideas come to life, but were also able to make the Cornerstone experience a much more robust one. The integrity, work ethic, and thorough consultation from team Octily are critical factors of our customer-centric partner teamwork that cannot be found elsewhere. Plus, their knowledge of the solution is just a cherry on top,” DJ concluded.

Collaboration with Implementation Partner TalearnX

Octily has a strong track record of collaboration with other organizations and loves to team up with partners. In the APJ region, Octily joins forces with TalearnX to work with some of Asia’s greatest companies. Teng Mun Chow, Director at TalearnX, shared his experience working with the Octily team. “Octily exhibits professionalism and technical competency that is unrivaled. We have had the honor of working with Octily on challenging customizations, and Octily has surpassed our expectations. The experience is awesome and refreshing. Octily is definitely the right company to partner with,” he concluded.

About Cornerstone OnDemand

Cornerstone powers the future-ready workforce with a next-generation talent experience platform designed to unite technology, data, and content and inspire a work environment of growth, agility, and success for all. With an AI-powered, skills-forward, experiential platform built on an open architecture designed for neutrality and scale, Cornerstone helps organizations modernize their learning and development experience, deliver the most relevant content from anywhere, accelerate talent and career mobility, and establish skills as the universal language of growth and success across their business. Cornerstone serves over 7,000 customers and 100 million users and is available in 180 countries and 50 languages. Learn more at https://cornerstoneondemand.com

About Octily GmbH

Octily is the only creative studio with a 100% focus on customization and personalization of Cornerstone OnDemand. As a long-term certified Cornerstone OnDemand partner, Octily leverages over two decades of deep work in HR software development and user experience. Octily makes the impossible – possible. With a 100% remote team spanning from Berlin, Germany, to San Francisco, USA, and Singapore, Octily firmly believes in remote work, a small environmental footprint, and maximum use of productivity, communication, and collaboration tools. Over the past seven years, Octily has helped global HR teams from more than 75+ organizations customize their web-based SaaS solutions. Organizations including Deutsche Post DHL, Electrolux, Henkel, Linde, Sidel, and Xella have trusted Octily in 250+ unique projects for their 20+ million users worldwide.

For more information, visit https://octily.com, download http://octi.ly/overview or contact us at octily@octily.com

Contact Information

Robert Bucher

+49 162 467 3762

Related Files


SOURCE: Octily GmbH


HotelRunner Launches ‘Autopilot’, Ushering in a New Era of Data-Driven Smart Automations in Travel and Hospitality

LONDON, UK / ACCESSWIRE / March 7, 2023 / HotelRunner, the leading accommodation and travel technologies platform, launches Autopilot at ITB Berlin 2023. Having garnered great attention with its innovative business intelligence platform ‘Insights’ which was unveiled last year, and getting the new year off to a running start with recent funding news, HotelRunner introduces its AI-driven, intuitive, and smart platform to automate the sales, distribution, and operations of the accommodations.

HotelRunner Autopilot
HotelRunner launches ‘Autopilot’ ushering in a new era of data-driven smart automations in travel and hospitality

Setting out with the goal of automating all daily operations of a hospitality business, from marketing activities to pricing strategies, HotelRunner introduces Autopilot. The new platform leverages the reservations volume processed in HotelRunner which is more than 3 million in the past year alone.

Accommodation businesses can effortlessly implement sophisticated sales and pricing strategies by transferring all their daily operations and industry expertise to the Autopilot platform as a set of rules and automations.

As the driving force behind the industry with its superior technology, HotelRunner stays ahead of the curve in meeting the future needs of all the stakeholders in the travel and accommodation industries. The Autopilot platform, born from years of research and development and industry experience, has been designed in a way that accommodations can interact with the entire tourism ecosystem. Not only it enables a property to automate its operations, but also evolves to encompass the collective knowledge of all industry players contributing to a property’s success. Thus, HotelRunner leads the creation of a first-of-its-kind automation marketplace. With this innovative platform, HotelRunner maps out the future of tourism technologies.

“The Autopilot platform is a crucial component of our comprehensive vision to serve and advance the travel and hospitality industries. We began the era of data-driven decision-making in hospitality with the launch of the Insights platform in November last year. With the Autopilot, we firmly build upon this vision, cracking the doors of a new era where software serves people, rather than the other way around,” says Ali Beklen, Founder and Managing Partner of HotelRunner.

“With our innovative Autopilot technology, we challenge conventional wisdom in hotel management and offer a fresh perspective to the industry. By leaving manual processes behind, we offer our partners effortless efficiency and strive to increase their profitability. Driven by AI and evolving constantly, the Autopilot is just the starting point of the revolution we aim to ignite in the travel and hospitality industries. We are setting a new standard for industry players to do business and interact with each other,” adds Arden Agopyan, Founder and Managing Partner of HotelRunner.

The Autopilot platform allows properties to:

  • Automate pricing and availability by seasons, holidays, and weekends.
  • Monitor reservation activity in real-time and take action according to the demand.
  • Benefit from AI-based recommendations and alerts to maximize their profits.
  • Minimize the workload with automations that work fully integrated with their PMS and channel manager.

HotelRunner Autopilot has been in the closed beta program for one year, and has already been contributing to the increasing revenues of the properties using the platform. Click here to get detailed information about the HotelRunner Autopilot platform and to start using it.

Contact Information

Suheyla van Taarling
Head of Brand

SOURCE: HotelRunner

With U.S. Health Systems Under Growing Pressure to Fill Staff Vacancies, CGFNS Alliance Releases Updated Standards for Ethical Recruitment of Foreign Health Workers

PHILADELPHIA / ACCESSWIRE / March 7, 2023 / As U.S. healthcare employers confront major staffing challenges, the Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices, a division of CGFNS International, Inc. (CGFNS), has updated and strengthened its ethical recruitment code, which establishes best practice standards for fair and transparent recruitment of foreign-educated health professionals into the U.S.

The fourth edition of the Health Care Code for Ethical International Recruitment and Employment Practices, known as the “Alliance Code,” strengthens recommendations around contract transparency and orientation programs. The Alliance Code was developed by a multistakeholder group representing interests across the sector, including employers, unions, recruiters, and representative nurse organizations.

It comes at a time when a growing global health worker shortage has left health systems struggling to fill vacancies and considering a variety of options, including sometimes turning to recruiting trained professionals from abroad. In the past five years, CGFNS has seen a doubling of its applications from foreign-trained health workers who are seeking eligibility to work in the U.S.

This trend has raised further concerns about ensuring that international recruitment practices are ethical, that they protect the rights of migrating health workers while establishing their obligations, and that recruiting agencies and employers are held accountable in the process. First published in 2008, the Alliance Code is reviewed and updated every five years to adapt to changes in the recruitment landscape and ensure its provisions continue to address basic rights and responsibilities of both migrating health professionals and those who recruit them to work in the U.S. The Code provides guidelines for recruitment agencies and employers, addressing migrant rights including the right to receive a fair contract, to provide informed consent and to access justice.

The Code has been voluntarily adopted by 12 firms that collectively recruit thousands of employees each year and that have undergone the Alliance’s rigorous certification process, including a contract review and health professional survey. A list of recruitment firms that have been certified as in compliance with the Alliance Code can be found here.

The 2023 Alliance Code is being released after a year of internal and external review by the Alliance’s Board of Governors.

“With the recent pandemic having further driven the growth in global demand for nurses and other health workers, there is increasing concern about ensuring that international recruitment processes are ethical and sustainable,” said Alliance Director, Mukul Bakhshi, JD. “This updated 2023 Code reflects recent changes in the recruiting landscape, and we hope it will help push the industry forward in ensuring that recruitment practices are fair and respect basic rights.”

“Our organization has been engaged in the work of the Alliance since its inception and fully endorses the Alliance Code,” said AONL Chief Executive Officer, Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Chief Executive Officer of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL). “A fair and equitable process of recruiting foreign-educated nurses is foundational to achieving a professional practice environment for all nurses. We remain committed to the advancement of high standards of treatment for all staff.”

“As the global leader in international credentials evaluation to support health worker mobility, at CGFNS we know that health worker migration into the U.S. brings individuals with critical skills to provide life-saving care. With the shortage persisting and employers stepping up their recruitment of foreign-trained nurses and other health workers, we must all work together to provide better protections to prevent exploitation,” said CGFNS President and Chief Executive Officer, Peter Preziosi, PhD, RN, CAE. “We are proud of our work through the Alliance to continue to do our part to support nurses coming into the U.S.”

About CGFNS International, Inc.
Founded in 1977 and based in Philadelphia, CGFNS International is an immigration-neutral not-for-profit organization, proudly serving as the world’s largest credentials evaluation organization for the nursing and allied health professions. For more information, visit www.cgfns.org.

About The Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices
Since 2008, the Alliance has fostered compliance to standards that advocate responsible, ethical, and transparent recruitment practices in the health care sector. The Alliance monitors certified recruitment organizations and verifies their processes to ensure that these standards are upheld and provides foreign-educated professionals resources to make informed decisions. The Alliance became a division of CGFNS International, Inc., in September 2014. For more information, visit www.cgfnsalliance.org.

Contact Information:

Mukul Bakhshi, Esq.
Chief of Strategy and Government Affairs
(215) 243-5825

SOURCE: CGFNS International

ROSEN, GLOBALLY RECOGNIZED INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Catalent, Inc. Investors with Losses to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action – CTLT

NEW YORK, March 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of the securities of Catalent, Inc. (NYSE: CTLT) between August 30, 2021 and October 31, 2022, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important April 25, 2023, lead plaintiff deadline.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Catalent securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Catalent class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=12490 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than April 25, 2023. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually handle securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers.

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) defendants materially overstated its revenue and earnings by prematurely recognizing revenue in violation of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”); (2) the Company had material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting related to revenue recognition; (3) the Company falsely represented demand for its products while it knowingly sold more product to its direct customers than could be sold to healthcare providers and end consumers; (4) the Company disregarded regulatory rules at key production facilities in order to rapidly produce excess inventory that was used to pad the Company’s financial results through premature revenue recognition in violation of GAAP and/or stuffing its direct customers with this excess inventory; and (5) as a result of the foregoing, defendants lacked a reasonable basis for their positive statements about the Company’s financial performance, outlook and regulatory compliance during the Class Period. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages.

To join the Catalent class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=12490 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email pkim@rosenlegal.com or cases@rosenlegal.com for information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff.

Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosen_firm or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Information:

Laurence Rosen, Esq.
Phillip Kim, Esq.
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-1060
Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
Fax: (212) 202-3827

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8782628