Fortrea Assina Contrato Definitivo de Transferência das Unidades Endpoint Clinical e Patient Access para a Arsenal Capital Partners

A proposta da transferência das unidades Endpoint Clinical e Fortrea Patient Access agiliza ainda mais o foco estratégico da Fortrea como uma organização de pesquisa sob contrato

Ela cria as melhores soluções independentes de Randomização e Gestão de Fornecimento de Ensaios e Acesso do Paciente posicionadas para diferenciação e crescimento

DURHAM, N.C., March 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (a “Empresa”), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje que assinou um contrato definitivo de transferência dos ativos relacionados ao seu segmento Enabling Services, ou seja, suas unidades Endpoint Clinical (“Endpoint”) e Fortrea Patient Access, para a Arsenal Capital Partners (“Arsenal”), uma empresa líder de private equity especializada na criação de empresas de saúde líderes de mercado e ricas em tecnologia.

Com a transferência dessas unidades, a Fortrea visa promover a estratégia de crescimento e soluções da Endpoint e da Fortrea Patient Access, posicionando-as para aumentar o investimento para acelerar o roteiro de tecnologia e aprimorar ainda mais as operações para apoiar as melhores soluções e entregas aos clientes. As outras unidades da Fortrea irão fortalecer seu foco nas fases de desenvolvimento clínico 1 a 4. A conclusão da transação está prevista para o segundo trimestre de 2024, estando sujeita às condições habituais de fechamento e aprovações regulatórias, bem como às partes que celebram certos serviços e contratos operacionais.

“Hoje é um marco significativo na jornada contínua da Fortrea, à medida que aprimoramos nosso foco em crescer organicamente como uma CRO pura, com flexibilidade financeira adicional”, disse o presidente e CEO da Fortrea, Tom Pike. “Depois de uma revisão estratégica de nossos negócios, concluímos que a transferência das unidades Endpoint e Fortrea Patient Access se alinha aos interesses dos nossos clientes. A Arsenal tem uma vasta experiência na criação de empresas que criam melhorias sistemáticas nos resultados de saúde, e estou confiante de que a Endpoint e a Fortrea Patient Access poderão fortalecer suas posições no mercado, cultivar talentos de primeira linha e investir em novas capacidades e recursos, ao mesmo tempo, oferecer soluções que melhoram a vida dos pacientes.”

“Estou muito entusiasmado com este próximo capítulo da Endpoint e a Fortrea Patient Access”, disse Sam Osman, presidente da Enabling Services da Fortrea, que atuará como CEO dessas empresas com a Arsenal. “Essas empresas estarão distintamente posicionadas para gerenciar efetivamente a jornada do paciente nos ensaios clínicos e na comercialização, impulsionando o acesso e a adesão do paciente às terapias aprovadas. Com a união da profunda perspicácia de investimento da Arsenal com a experiência operacional líder do setor, estou confiante de que as empresas Endpoint e Fortrea Patient Access estão bem posicionadas para o crescimento e a entrega de recursos aprimorados para pacientes e patrocinadores farmacêuticos. Quero dar continuidade ao impacto positivo no cuidado da saúde.”

“A Endpoint e a Fortrea Patient Access têm um histórico orgulhoso de décadas de liderança no mercado no apoio à pesquisa clínica e comercialização de terapias inovadoras. A Arsenal tem orgulho em criar organizações que melhoram significativamente os cuidados da saúde. Estamos entusiasmados com a parceria com a administração e os funcionários para acelerar o crescimento desses dois negócios”, disse Gene Gorbach, um Parceiro de Investimento da Arsenal.

Dimitris Agrafiotis, Ph.D., Diretor de Digital, Análise e IA da Arsenal, disse: “A Endpoint e a Fortrea Patient Access fornecem soluções essenciais que permitem a participação dos pacientes em ensaios clínicos e acesso a terapias. Tenho o prazer de apoiar a equipe talentosa da Endpoint e da Fortrea Patient Access. Juntos, aumentaremos ainda mais a sofisticação das capacidades tecnológicas que sustentam o compromisso dessas empresas em fornecer serviços da mais alta qualidade para a indústria farmacêutica.”

Endpoint Clinical
A Endpoint opera no mercado eClinical de alto crescimento como provedora líder de soluções de Randomização e Gerenciamento de Fornecimento de Ensaios (RTSM) para clientes biofarmacêuticos e CRO, com experiência no atendimento de ensaios clínicos complexos e em estágio avançado. Com mais de 15 anos, a Endpoint já apoiou com sucesso mais de 1.750 ensaios clínicos envolvendo 875.000 pacientes em 90 países e cultivou uma base de clientes de primeira linha e relacionamentos estratégicos de longa data.

Fortrea Patient Access
A Fortrea Patient Access é uma líder em escala no mercado de serviços de HUB e acesso do paciente, atendendo à indústria biofarmacêutica com suporte abrangente ao paciente, acesso ao produto, acessibilidade e soluções de adesão há mais de 30 anos. Avançando ainda mais com sua especializada farmácia não comercial recentemente expandida, a FortreaRx™, para apoiar a distribuição aprimorada de produtos de cadeia fria e sem ambiente, a Fortrea Patient Access está comprometida em impulsionar os resultados dos pacientes e aprimorar a acessibilidade aos cuidados da saúde por meio da sua ampla experiência, oferecendo suporte a mais de 2,5 milhões de pacientes e mais de 100 marcas exclusivas para mais de 25 indicações de doenças.

Arsenal Capital Partners
A Arsenal Capital Partners é uma empresa líder em investimentos em patrimônio privado especializada na criação de empresas líderes de mercado em crescimento industrial e saúde. Desde a sua criação em 2000, o Arsenal levantou fundos de investimento de capital institucional com um total de mais de US$ 10 bilhões, concluiu mais de 290 aquisições de plataformas e complementos, e alcançou mais de 35 realizações. A empresa trabalha com equipes de gestão para criar empresas estrategicamente importantes com posições de liderança no mercado, alto crescimento e alto valor agregado. Para mais informação, visite

Barclays está atuando como consultor financeiro exclusivo da Fortrea, e Smith Anderson como consultor jurídico. A Sidley Austin LLP atuou como consultora jurídica da Arsenal.

Chamada e Replay de Ganhos
A Fortrea discutirá o anúncio da transferência na sua teleconferência de resultados do quarto trimestre de 2023, que será realizada hoje às 9h ET. A conferência pode ser acessada no site Investor Relations da Fortrea (Relacionamento com o Investidor) ou no seguinte link earnings webcast (Webcast de ganhos). Para evitar possíveis atrasos, acesse pelo menos 10 minutos antes do início da chamada. Um replay da teleconferência ao vivo estará disponível logo após a conclusão do evento e acessível na seção events and presentationts (eventos e apresentações) do site da Fortrea. Uma apresentação de slides suplementar também estará disponível no site Investor Relations da Fortrea antes do início da chamada.

Sobre a Fortrea
A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico e acesso ao paciente para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de biotecnologia, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I-IV, farmacologia clínica, serviços de consultoria, soluções de testes com tecnologia diferenciada e serviços pós-aprovação. As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada de aproximadamente 18.000 pessoas que trabalham em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para paciente na e siga-nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter) @Fortrea.

Advertência a Respeito de Declarações de Previsão

Este comunicado contém “declarações de previsão” de acordo com a definição do termo estabelecido na Seção 27A da Lei de Valores Mobiliários (Securities Act) e na Seção 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobiliários (Securities Exchange Act). As declarações de previsão, por sua natureza, abordam questões que são, em diferentes graus, incertas, como as declarações sobre os benefícios previstos da transação, incluindo o desempenho financeiro e operacional futuro, e o prazo previsto para a conclusão da transação. Neste contexto, as declarações de previsão geralmente abordam o desempenho futuro esperado e o desempenho financeiro e a condição financeira, e muitas vezes contêm palavras como “orientação”, “esperar”, “supor”, “antecipar”, “pretender”, “planejar”, “prever”, “acreditar”, “buscar”, “ver”, “irá”, “faria”, “alvo”, expressões semelhantes e variações ou negativos dessas palavras que se destinam a identificar declarações de previsão, embora nem todas as declarações de previsão contenham essas palavras de identificação. Os resultados reais podem diferir materialmente dessas declarações de previsão devido a uma série de fatores, incluindo, mas não se limitando a: satisfação das condições precedentes à consumação da transferência proposta da transação das unidades Endpoint Clinical e Fortrea Patient Access, incluindo a capacidade de garantir aprovações regulatórias e a capacidade da Empresa de concluir a transação em tempo hábil ou de alguma forma; a possibilidade de que a transação possa ser mais cara do que o previsto, inclusive como resultado de fatores ou eventos inesperados; a capacidade das partes de atender às expectativas em relação aos tratamentos contábeis e fiscais da transação proposta; e outros fatores descritos ocasionalmente nos documentos que a Empresa arquiva junto à SEC. Para uma discussão mais aprofundada dos riscos relacionados aos negócios da Empresa, consulte a Seção “Fatores de Risco” da Declaração de Registro da Empresa no Formulário 10, conforme arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (a “SEC”), pois tais fatores podem ser alterados ou atualizados ocasionalmente nos registros periódicos e outros registros subsequentes da Empresa na SEC, acessíveis no site da SEC em Esses fatores não devem ser interpretados como exaustivos e devem ser lidos em conjunto com as outras declarações de advertência incluídas ou incorporadas por referência neste relatório e nos registros da Empresa na SEC. As declarações de previsão incluídas neste comunicado são válidas apenas a partir da presente data e não assumimos nenhuma obrigação de atualizar essas declarações de previsão para indicar eventos ou acontecimentos subsequentes.

Contatos da Fortrea:
Hima Inguva (Investidores) – 877-495-0816,
Sue Zaranek (Mídia) – 919-943-5422,
Kate Dillon (Mídia) – 646-818-9115,

Contato da Arsenal:
Jackie Schofield,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9062251

Fortrea signe un accord définitif pour céder les activités Endpoint Clinical et Patient Access à Arsenal Capital Partners

Le projet de cession des activités Endpoint Clinical et Fortrea Patient Access permet à Fortrea de se recentrer sur son cœur de métier stratégique d’organisme de recherche contractuelle

Création de solutions autonomes de premier ordre pour la randomisation, la gestion de l’approvisionnement des essais et l’accès des patients, positionnées pour la différenciation et la croissance

DURHAM, État de Caroline du Nord, 12 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) (la « Société »), un organisme de recherche sous contrat (« ORC ») de premier plan au niveau mondial, a annoncé aujourd’hui la signature d’un accord définitif de cession des actifs liés à son segment Enabling Services, à savoir ses activités Endpoint Clinical (ci-après « Endpoint ») et Fortrea Patient Access, à Arsenal Capital Partners (« Arsenal »), une société de capital-investissement de premier plan spécialisée dans la création d’entreprises de soins de santé leaders sur le marché et à fort profil technologique.

En cédant ces activités, Fortrea vise à faire progresser la stratégie de croissance et les solutions Endpoint et Fortrea Patient Access, en les positionnant de sorte à attirer davantage d’investissements afin d’accélérer la feuille de route technologique et d’améliorer encore les opérations pour soutenir les meilleures solutions et prestations pour les clients. Les activités restantes de Fortrea se concentreront davantage sur les phases de développement clinique 1 à 4. La conclusion de la transaction est prévue pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, sous réserve des conditions de finalisation habituelles et des approbations réglementaires, ainsi que de la conclusion par les parties de certains accords de services et d’exploitation.

« Ce jour marque une étape importante dans l’histoire de Fortrea, à l’heure où nous renforçons nos efforts en vue de croître organiquement comme un ORC à part entière, avec une bien plus grande souplesse financière », a déclaré Tom Pike, président-directeur général de Fortrea. « Après avoir procédé à un examen stratégique de nos activités, la cession d’Endpoint et de Fortrea Patient Access est conforme aux intérêts de nos clients. Arsenal a une grande expérience dans la création d’entreprises qui améliorent systématiquement les résultats en matière de santé, et je suis convaincu qu’Endpoint et Fortrea Patient Access seront en mesure de renforcer leur position sur le marché, de faire s’épanouir et grandir des talents de premier plan et d’investir dans de nouvelles capacités et ressources, tout en proposant des solutions qui améliorent la vie des patients. »

« Je me réjouis de ce nouveau chapitre qui s’écrit pour Endpoint et Fortrea Patient Access », a déclaré Sam Osman, président d’Enabling Services chez Fortrea, qui occupera le poste de PDG de ces entreprises avec Arsenal. « Ces entreprises seront particulièrement bien placées pour gérer efficacement le parcours du patient tout au long de la durée des essais cliniques, et ce, jusqu’à la commercialisation, en favorisant l’accès et l’adhésion des patients aux thérapies approuvées. En combinant les connaissances approfondies d’Arsenal en matière d’investissement et l’expertise opérationnelle du secteur, je suis convaincu que les activités d’Endpoint et de Fortrea Patient Access sont bien positionnées pour la croissance et la fourniture de capacités augmentées pour les patients et les promoteurs pharmaceutiques. Je me réjouis de l’impact positif que nous continuerons à avoir sur les soins de santé. »

« Endpoint et Fortrea Patient Access sont fiers de leur palmarès de plusieurs décennies en matière de leader sur le marché dans le soutien à la recherche clinique et à la commercialisation de thérapies innovantes. Arsenal est fier de créer des organisations qui améliorent de manière significative les soins de santé. Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à la direction et aux employés pour accélérer la croissance de ces deux entreprises », a déclaré Gene Gorbach, associé investisseur d’Arsenal.

Dimitris Agrafiotis, titulaire d’un doctorat, directeur du numérique, de l’analytique et de l’IA chez Arsenal, a déclaré : « Endpoint et Fortrea Patient Access fournissent des solutions essentielles qui permettent la participation des patients aux essais cliniques et l’accès aux thérapies. Je suis ravi de soutenir la talentueuse équipe d’Endpoint et de Fortrea Patient Access. Ensemble, nous allons encore améliorer la sophistication des capacités technologiques qui sous-tendent l’engagement de ces entreprises à fournir des services de la plus haute qualité à l’industrie pharmaceutique. »

Endpoint Clinical
Endpoint Clinical opère sur le marché à forte croissance de l’« eClinique » en tant que fournisseur de premier plan de solutions de randomisation et de gestion de l’approvisionnement des essais (« RTSM ») pour les clients biopharmaceutiques et les ORC, avec une expertise dans les essais cliniques complexes et en phase avancée de développement. Depuis plus de 15 ans, Endpoint a réussi à soutenir efficacement plus de 1 750 essais cliniques impliquant 875 000 patients dans 90 pays, à cultiver une clientèle de premier ordre et à entretenir des relations stratégiques de longue date.

Fortrea Patient Access
Fortrea Patient Access est un leader du marché des services HUB et de l’accès aux patients. Depuis plus de 30 ans, il propose à l’industrie biopharmaceutique des solutions complètes en matière de soutien aux patients, d’accès aux produits, d’accessibilité financière et d’observance. En outre, grâce à l’expansion récente de sa pharmacie spécialisée non commerciale, FortreaRx™, destinée à soutenir une distribution accrue des produits de la chaîne du froid et des produits gratuits à température ambiante, Fortrea Patient Access s’est engagée à améliorer les résultats pour les patients ainsi que l’accessibilité aux soins de santé, tout en soutenant actuellement plus de 2,5 millions de patients à travers plus de 100 marques uniques pour plus de 25 indications thérapeutiques.

Arsenal Capital Partners
Arsenal Capital Partners est une société de capital d’investissement privée de premier plan qui se spécialise dans la création d’entreprises industrielles de croissance et de soins de santé leaders sur le marché. Depuis sa création en 2000, Arsenal a levé des fonds d’investissement institutionnels d’un montant total de plus de 10 milliards de dollars, réalisé plus de 290 acquisitions de plateformes et d’actifs complémentaires, et plus de 35 cessions. La société travaille avec des équipes de gestion pour créer des entreprises d’importance stratégique avec des positions de leader sur le marché, une croissance élevée et une forte valeur ajoutée. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur

Barclays intervient en qualité de conseiller financier exclusif de Fortrea, et Smith Anderson comme son conseiller juridique. Sidley Austin LLP est intervenu en qualité de conseiller juridique d’Arsenal.

Conférence téléphonique de présentation des résultats et rediffusion
Fortrea discutera de l’annonce de la cession lors de sa conférence téléphonique sur les résultats du quatrième trimestre 2023, qui se tiendra aujourd’hui à 9 h, heure de l’Est. La conférence est accessible via le site Web des relations avec les investisseurs de Fortrea ou sur le lien redirigeant vers la webdiffusion des résultats. Pour éviter tout retard, veuillez vous inscrire au moins 10 minutes avant le début de l’appel. Une rediffusion de la conférence téléphonique en direct sera disponible peu après la fin de l’événement et accessible sur le site web de la Commission européenne, événements et présentations du site web de Fortrea U Un diaporama complémentaire sera également disponible sur le site Web des relations avec les investisseurs de Fortrea avant le début de la conférence téléphonique.

À propos de Fortrea
Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions de développement clinique et d’accès aux soins pour les patients dans le secteur des sciences de la vie. Fortrea s’associe à des sociétés établies et émergentes du domaine biopharmaceutique, de la biotechnologie des dispositifs médicaux et des diagnostics pour stimuler l’innovation en matière de santé, et accélérer la mise au point de traitements révolutionnaires pour les patients. Nous proposons des services de gestion d’essais cliniques de phase I à IV, de pharmacologie clinique, de services de consulting, d’essais différenciés axés sur des technologies habilitantes, et des services post-autorisation. Nos solutions s’appuient sur 30 ans d’expérience dans 20 domaines thérapeutiques, une passion pour la rigueur scientifique, des connaissances exceptionnelles et un solide réseau de centres de recherche. Notre équipe talentueuse et diversifiée d’environ 18 000 collaborateurs répartis sur plus de 90 pays est dimensionnée pour fournir des solutions ciblées et agiles à nos clients, partout dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont Fortrea est un moteur d’influence du pipeline au patient, rendez-vous sur et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn et X (anciennement Twitter) @Fortrea.

Mise en garde concernant les déclarations prospectives

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des « déclarations prospectives » au sens des lois fédérales sur les valeurs mobilières, notamment la Section 27A du Securities Act (la loi américaine sur les valeurs mobilières) et la Section 21E de l’Exchange Act (la loi américaine sur les Bourses de valeurs). Les déclarations prospectives traitent par nature de questions qui sont, à des degrés divers, incertaines, telles que les déclarations sur les avantages attendus de la transaction, y compris les performances financières et opérationnelles futures, ainsi que le calendrier prévu pour l’achèvement de la transaction. Dans ce contexte, les déclarations prospectives traitent souvent des performances commerciales et financières futures attendues et de la situation financière, et contiennent fréquemment des termes tels que « orientation », « s’attendre à », « supposer », « anticiper », « avoir l’intention », « planifier », « prévoir », « croire », « viser », « sera », « serait », « cible », des expressions similaires, ainsi que des variantes ou la forme négative de ces termes qui sont destinés à identifier les déclarations prospectives, bien que toutes les déclarations prospectives ne contiennent pas ces mots d’identification. Les résultats réels pourraient sensiblement différer de ces déclarations prospectives en raison d’un certain nombre de facteurs, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter : la satisfaction des conditions préalables à la réalisation de la transaction proposée pour la cession des activités Endpoint Clinical et Fortrea Patient Access, y compris la capacité à obtenir les autorisations réglementaires, ainsi que la capacité de la Société à réaliser la transaction dans les délais impartis ou à la réaliser en soi, la possibilité que la transaction soit plus coûteuse à réaliser que prévu, y compris en raison de facteurs ou d’événements inattendus, la capacité des parties à répondre aux attentes concernant les traitements comptables et fiscaux de la transaction proposée et d’autres facteurs décrits en tant que de besoin dans les documents que la Société dépose auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (« SEC »). Pour une analyse plus approfondie des risques liés à l’activité de la Société, voir la section « Facteurs de risque » de la Déclaration d’enregistrement de la Société sur le Formulaire 10, telle qu’elle a été déposée auprès de la SEC, ces facteurs pouvant être modifiés ou mis à jour en tant que de besoin dans les dépôts périodiques et autres de la Société introduits auprès de la SEC, qui sont accessibles sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse suivante : Ces facteurs ne doivent pas être considérés comme exhaustifs et doivent être lus conjointement avec les autres avertissements inclus ou incorporés par référence dans ce rapport et dans les documents déposés par la Société auprès de la SEC. Toutes les déclarations prospectives sont faites uniquement à la date du présent rapport et la Société ne s’engage pas, sauf si la loi l’exige, à mettre à jour ou à réviser les déclarations prospectives pour tenir compte d’événements ou de développements futurs.

Coordonnées de Fortrea :
Hima Inguva (Investisseurs) – 877-495-0816,
Sue Zaranek (Médias) – 919-943-5422,
Kate Dillon (Médias) – 646-818-9115,

Contact Arsenal :
Jackie Schofield :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9062251

Latest Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform Roadmap Puts Focus on Helping Enterprises and Government Agencies to Get Data Ready For AI

Microsoft and Quantexa announce partnership


Quantexa Limited

 Quantexa supporting rising wave of organizations using data, analytics, and AI to break down silos

  • Partnership with Microsoft makes Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform immediately available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace; company commits to build solutions natively on Azure
  • Technology preview demonstrates Quantexa’s ambitious plan to accelerate platform, solution and generative AI adoption among business users, data, and IT professionals
  • Lighthouse customers take generative AI assistant, Q Assist™, into early adoption

LONDON, March 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, a global leader in decision intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, used the backdrop of QuanCon24, its annual customer and partner conference, to reveal its Decision Intelligence Platform roadmap, and provided an update on Q Assist, a generative artificial intelligence (AI) assistant that previewed in July last year. Quantexa also announced a partnership with Microsoft. Dan Higgins, Quantexa’s Chief Product Officer, was joined by Kate Rosenshine, Global Technology Director, Strategic Partnerships at Microsoft, where they announced the immediate availability of Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform on Microsoft Azure Marketplace and plans to bring a new cloud-native AI solution to mid-size banks in the United States.

Putting the Focus on Innovation and New Capabilities

Quantexa’s ambitious plan to lead the emerging decision intelligence category is anchored in helping enterprises and government agencies use contextual analytics and AI to improve organization-wide decision making. Quantexa is putting an emphasis on practical, real-world applicability today, with an eye on helping customers plan for future technology deployments. Gartner® predicts that “by 2027, 75% of new analytics content will be contextualized for intelligent applications through generative AI, enabling a composable connection between insights and actions.”*

As part of Quantexa’s growth strategy, the company showcased the platform’s ability to use AI to build a trusted data foundation and bring greater effectiveness to existing decisioning processes, while seamlessly integrating into customers’ existing technology infrastructure.

Dan Higgins, Quantexa’s Chief Product Officer, stated, “When it comes to Quantexa’s technology roadmap, we are guided by our client’s needs and leadership ambition in decision intelligence. This requires us to help our customers break down organizational silos to create a trusted data foundation, automate and augment decision making, and support continuous evaluation and improvement throughout decision processes. With the introduction of new capabilities and solutions, we remain steadfastly focused on delivering groundbreaking innovation that helps organizations protect, optimize, and grow.”

Quantexa Highlights Four Key Roadmap Pillars

  • Powering human/AI decisioning: Quantexa continues to pioneer solutions and tools to enable the use of multiple data sources and AI to automate business decision logic across various applications. Quantexa is updating its platform with enhanced workflow capabilities including new customizable scoring, alerting, and decisioning models. Quantexa debuted the platform’s new case management capabilities and an early adoption update to Q Assist, which is being deployed by customers in banking, telecommunications, and government agencies, in pilot programs to tackle financial crime, fraud, and risk, and to identify new revenue opportunities with customer intelligence.
  • Operationalizing data at scale with AI and contextual analytics: Quantexa’s ability to help customers build a trusted data foundation and gain single customer views remains a top driver of platform adoption. To meet increasing demand and unique industry complexities, Quantexa showcased advancements in data management, contextual analytics, and AI capabilities. Quantexa previewed the ability to move beyond news intelligence to support the ingestion and analysis of any unstructured data source via entity resolution and give the ability to customers to enable large-scale graph analysis and graph machine learning by combining large language models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs.
  • Accelerating time-to-value through simplified deployments and packaged solutions: Quantexa announced new options to make it easier for customers and partners to get up and running with new deployment methods, including the introduction of out-of-the box configurations as well as low-code and no-code tools. This year, Quantexa is also investing in accelerating the enablement of its growing ecosystem of partners, which includes PWC, EY, Dun & Bradstreet, KPMG, and Moody’s, who were presenting partners at QuanCon24.
  • Seamlessly integrating with customers’ existing technology stacks and processes: Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform has an open and extensible architecture with scalable APIs and streamlined integrations with downstream applications and systems. Future efforts will focus on building a standardized framework and out-of-the-box connectors.

Quantexa brings its Decision Intelligence Platform and solutions to Azure with Microsoft partnership

A highlight of Quantexa’s Roadmap Session at today’s event was the announcement of Quantexa’s new partnership with Microsoft. Highlights included:

  • The immediate availability of Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform on Azure Marketplace: Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform is now available globally on Azure Marketplace for customers across financial services, the public sector, insurance, telecommunications, media and technology industries.
  • AI innovation aids mid-size banks in meeting regulatory and market pressures:
    Additionally, Quantexa detailed plans to build a new Azure native SaaS solution, allowing customers to deploy an end-to-end anti-money laundering (AML) transaction monitoring, investigations, and case management solution designed to take best-in-class capabilities used by the world’s largest banks into a tailored offering to meet the needs of financial services institutions that hold up to US$200B in assets. The solution will provide critical capabilities for monitoring, detecting, and investigating financial crime and risk to banks throughout the United States. The planned offering will help customers implement next generation technology, allowing them to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation and meet increasing compliance regulations. Quantexa is working with Microsoft to make an initial set of capabilities available by the end of 2024.

Dan Higgins, Chief Product Officer, Quantexa, said: Over the course of the last 12 months, decision intelligence has become a rapidly growing trend, as noted by multiple industry analysts. But decision intelligence has always been at our core since our inception. And at Quantexa, as we strive to innovate and evolve our technology offering to help enterprises and government agencies use contextual analytics and AI to improve decision making, I am thrilled to see our latest technology roadmap ring true to that. Our new partnership with Microsoft is testament to our commitment to providing our customers with accessible solutions, and we’ll continue to do more and to meet our customers where they need us.”

Tyler Pichach, Director of Financial Services Strategy at Microsoft, said: Financial Services organizations have become smarter and more efficient when it comes to successfully navigating shifting market dynamics. This is creating the need to use trusted data and AI to augment and automate the thousands of operational decisions they make daily when it comes to managing their data, tackling financial crime, or identifying new revenue opportunities. We are committed to working with partners like Quantexa to make its Decision Intelligence Platform available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace, bring new cloud native solutions to expanded market segments, and drive joint innovation to help our customers across multiple industries tackle some of their biggest challenges.”

To learn more about how your organization can put decision intelligence to work, or to read Forrester’s Total Economic Impact™ of the Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform, visit here. To watch on-demand sessions from QuanCon24, visit the QuanCon website.

*Gartner, Predicts 2024: How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Analytics Users, By Edgar Macari, Peter Krensky, Afraz Jaffri, David Pidsley, Aura Popa, Mike Fang, Rita Sallam, Julian Sun, Radu Miclaus, 4 January 2024.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

About Quantexa
Quantexa is a global data and analytics software company, pioneering decision intelligence that empowers organizations to make trusted operational decisions by making data meaningful. Using the latest advancements in big data and AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform uncovers hidden risk and new opportunities by providing a contextual, connected view of internal and external data in a single place. It solves major challenges across data management, Know Your Customer (KYC), customer intelligence, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90 percent more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than 700 employees and thousands of users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. The company has offices in London, Dublin, Brussels, Malaga, UAE, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Tokyo.

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Vodafone Ghana is now Telecel; Veep unveils new brand in dazzling ceremony

Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has officially outdoored Telecel Ghana after the parent company; Telecel Group, acquired a majority shareholding in Vodafone Ghana.

The company has, therefore, been rebranded into ‘Telecel’ to expand economic access to communication.

Telecel Ghana has, thus, taken over the operations of Vodafone’s fixed telephone lines, internet services, voice and data services, as well as cash transfer and other business services.

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony in Accra Monday evening, Dr Bawumia lauded Telecel Group’s decision to invest in Ghana’s telecommunications landscape and urged the multi-national company to uphold the highest standards of ethics, transparency and corporate governance.

‘In the ever-evolving technological landscape, innovation remains key to staying afloat,’ he said, and entreated the telecom firm to provide its customers with accessible, safe, affordable and reliable network always.

‘In today’s fast-paced world, access to reliable and efficient communicati
on is not just a luxury; it is a necessity for socio-economic development.’

Dr Bawumia noted that expanding access to communication infrastructure would create opportunities for economic growth and social empowerment for the underprivileged in the society.

‘Telecommunication is central to Ghana’s digitisation goals. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the modern society because it connects people and empowers communities’.

Telecel Group’s decision to invest in Ghana was a testament to the conducive business environment created over the past few years, Dr Bawumia said, and that Ghana had witnessed a profound transformation in her telecommunications landscape.

‘In fact, I am proud to state that under this administration, the number of rural telephony sites, which is aimed at promoting digital inclusion and reducing the digital gap, have increased from 78 at the end of 2016 to 1,010 as at February 2024,’ he stated.

Works are also underway to build an additional 1,006 sites this year, bringing the total to 2,
016 sites.

‘Additionally, we have introduced technology neutrality, which has allowed increased capacity within the industry to serve more customers using existing spectrum allocation,’ Dr Bawumia said.

‘Telecel has leveraged this opportunity to introduce its 4G+ spectrum.’

The Vice President outlined government’s bold step to implementing the ECOWAS Free Roaming Services, noting that though it was adopted in 2016, Ghana’s free roaming services agreement with Cote D’Ivoire in June 2023 presents the first of such arrangements.

‘Ghana has also signed an agreement with Togo to begin free roaming services between the two countries this year.’

‘The National Communications Authority (NCA) is also engaging Benin and Gambia to establish similar bilateral agreements’.

He expressed delight to see the emphasis placed on inclusivity and accessibility in services as Ghana, like in many parts of the world, still had underserved communities with limited access to telecommunications infrastructure.

‘By expanding your
reach and investing in infrastructure development, you are not only expanding access to communication but also creating opportunities for economic growth and social empowerment for the underprivileged’.

In 2023, mobile money transactions hit a record GHC199.3 trillion, which represented 64.3% increase from the previous year.

The opportunities that the Mobile Money platform, backed by the introduction of Mobile Money Interoperability, had created was enormous, he added.

Dr Bawumia commended Vodafone Ghana’s role in the mobile money transactions and urged Telecel to strive to do more since mobile money was one of the surest ways to promoting financial inclusivity.

‘I applaud your commitment to corporate social responsibility through the Telecel Foundation and Africa Start-Up Initiative Programme (ASIP).

‘Your initiatives to support education, healthcare, and support for start-ups reflect your dedication to making a meaningful impact beyond business success.

‘This aligns perfectly with our government’s vis
ion of building a more equitable and prosperous society for all Ghanaians’.

He challenged Telecel to look beyond physical infrastructure and make sure that corporate social responsibility included a deliberate investment and development of the digital capabilities and capacities of young Ghanaians across the country at all levels.

‘As we celebrate this momentous occasion, remember that you also have a role in shaping the future of our nation.’

‘I have no doubt that this brand will not only thrive but also contribute significantly to the advancement of our nation’s telecommunications sector.’

Madam Patricia Obo-Nai, the Chief Executive Officer, Telecel Ghana, recalled the trajectory of the telecom company, dating back to 1974 as P and T and transitioned to Vodafone Ghana in 2009.

It currently has more than six million customers using its mobile telephone network with over 200,000 on fibre and thousands of others patronising its cash transfer services.

Madam Obo-Nai assured the company’s numerous customer
s of its readiness to providing innovative services to them and impact more lives in the coming years.

Source: Ghana News Agency

We will lead the market – Telecel Group

Mr Moh Damush, Group CEO of Telecel Group, says the Company will soon be a market leader in the Ghanaian telecommunications industry after the takeover from Vodafone Ghana.

Mr Damush said Ghana’s operation would be the Company’s biggest priority.

The Telecel Group CEO said this during the official unveiling of Telecel Ghana, a takeover from Vodafone Ghana, in Accra.

Telecel Ghana has acquired 70 per cent ownership of Ghana Telecom from Vodafone Ghana as the latter’s shareholding expired; however, Ghana Telecom still have its 30 per cent shareholding.

Telecel Ghana has, thus, taken over the operations of Vodafone’s fixed telephone lines, internet services, voice and data services, as well as cash transfer and other business services.

Mr Damush said the Group had three main focus – to improve digital access and literacy, foster innovations and champion sustainability activities.

‘We will be integrating eco-friendly technologies and practices in our operations and strengthen Telecel Foundation’s impact in
education and tech empowerment for small businesses,’ he added.

Madam Patricia Obo-Nai, CEO of Telecel Ghana, said the Company had commenced initiatives to improve connectivity and services to make Telecel the preferred choice in the country.

She said it had launched a 4G plus connectivity and had increased the number of shops from 30 to 150, and hoping to hit 500 shops by close of year.

Mrs Obo-Nia said those initiatives were all geared towards improving services and operations to offer the public better connectivity and experience.

‘We have announced our brand promise that they are going to see an experience that is very different in our network, in the way we deliver service to our customers, and also, importantly, the mobile financial services.’

‘There will be a lot of digital innovations that will come up. And so, we announced our app called Telecel Play, which everybody should download. And over the period, you begin to see the changes that will happen, especially in the financial services,’ she ad

Source: Ghana News Agency

‘We will not disappoint Ghanaians’ – Ghana Athletics President?

Mr. Bawa Fuseini, President of Ghana Athletics (GA) has assured Ghanaians that his team will put up an impressive performance at the African Games.?

Track and field sensation Benjamin Azamati, Joseph Paul Amoah, William Amponsah and Grace Obour have all shown readiness ahead of the highly-anticipated event.

Mr. Bawa speaking on the team’s preparation said ‘All our coaches are ready, Azamati came this morning, and the rest are coming tomorrow. Our spirits are high and we know we are not going to disappoint Ghanaians’.?

He said the team Ghana was of high hopes to set the bar high once again to win more medals.

He sent heartfelt appreciation to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, led by Mr. Mustapha Ussif for providing modern equipment to aid the athletes in preparing adequately for the event.?

Athletics is scheduled to take place at the Legon Sports Stadium from 18th March to 22nd March,2024.?

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd – Bethel Logistics, Experts in
Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Benjamin Azamati, Abraham Seaneke hold first training in Accra

National 100m record holder, Benjamin Azamati and long jumper, Abraham Seaneke have began training at the University of Ghana Sports Stadium in Accra.

The two, having gained much experience at the world stage made the final list for the 13th African Games.

Azamati, who would be competing in the 100m and 4X100m events looked poised to snatch medals, whereas Abraham Seaneke, Ghana’s second long jump record holder also showed same level of energy at training.

Mr. Bawa Fuseini, President of Ghana Athletics had earlier stated that the team would make Ghanaians proud.

‘All our coaches are ready, Azamati came this morning, and the rest are coming tomorrow and tomorrow next,’ he added.

Some other big names who would be representing Ghana were former 200m record holder Joseph Paul Amoah,William Amponsah, James Dadzie, Sarfo Ansah and Alex Amankwah.

Ghana would have a full house of athletes by 13th March 2024.

Athletics is scheduled to take place at the University of Ghana Sports Stadium from 18th March to 22nd

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd – Bethel Logistics, Experts in Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

African Games: MoYS debunks rumour on late arrival of equipment

Mr. Mustapha Ussif, Minister of Youth and Sports (MoYS) has debunked rumours following the late arrival of equipment for the 13th African Games.

This issue became a topic for discussion when athletes competing in cycling and badminton revealed how disappointing the journey had been.

The minister addressing the media on Monday said ‘We have submitted equipment to all the confederations and the federations.

‘The equipment for the games were submitted to us and we went through with them after which they were procured and delivered to all the federations.’

He said federations who encountered challenges whiles competing at the games failed to submit a full list of their equipment to the ministry.

Mr. Mustapha Ussif said equipment purchased were of international standards, hence the need to embrace the opportunities the 13th African Games offers Ghana.

He said the Ministry had spent not less than $500,000 in purchasing these kind of equipment for the basketball federation.

‘For the legacies of the African Ga
mes, we have more modern and world standard equipment for our teams to use for training for future competitions,’ he added.

The Sports Minister said MoYS, together with Local Organising Committee were committed to resolving challenges encountered during the games.

He revealed that equitable attention had been given to all federations to aid them in their medal hunt.

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd – Bethel Logistics, Experts in Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Abeiku Jackson delivers another medal for Ghana in swimming

Abeiku Jackson Gyekye has delivered a bronze medal for Ghana in the men’s 100-metre butterfly swimming competition at the ongoing African Games.

It was the second medal for the 24-year-old at this year’s African Games after winning silver in the men’s 50-metre butterfly last Sunday.

The men’s 100-metre butterfly final was initially held yesterday, but there were issues during the start of the event, with two swimmers unable to hear the starting bell.

Officials decided to give swimmers the option to retake the final or keep their previous time for the race.

Abeiku Jackson decided to re-swim the final, where he recorded 53.80s, while Egypt’s Nassr Abdalla and South Africa’s Jarden Easton who gold and silver, respectively, kept their initial time.

Despite not surpassing the times recorded by Egypt’s Nassr and South Africa’s Easton, the two-time Ghanaian Olympian settled for the bronze medal.

Abeiku Jackson will be looking to win more medals for Ghana in other swimming events, including the men’s 50m backst
roke, 200m freestyle, and 4×100 freestyle relay.

He is the second Ghanaian to win medals at the ongoing African Games, with the first being Winnifred Ntumi, who won a gold and two silver medals in weightlifting.

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd

Bethel Logistics, Experts in Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Pickleball makes historic debut at 13th African Games

Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, has historically debuted at the 13th African Games being staged in Ghana.

Nine participating countries including Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Benin, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sierra Leone began their campaigns in the singles tournament at the University of Ghana Netball Court in Accra,on Tuesday, March 11,2024.

It was all exciting for the players participating in the sport for the first time as they battled for the first ever pickleball laurels at the African Games.

Dr. Kwabena Akufo, the President of the Confederation of African Pickleball, told the GNA Sports, in an interview that it had taken great efforts for the sport to be part of the African Games.

‘It is incredible for pickleball to debut at the African Games. We started the Confederation only in August last year, and we decided to be part of the games. We came together, and it is a great achievement, and this is the right step in getting
it to the Olympics,’ he said.

Dr. Kwabena Akufo, who doubles as the Ghana Pickleball Association, said Team Ghana would win medals for the country, and the team started very well in the preliminaries.

He also urged governmental support for the development, which he said had bright prospects considering the vast talent pool in the country.

Madam Elizabeth Krebs, a Rwandan pickleball official, was thankful to Ghana for accepting to feature the sport at the African Games for the first time.

‘This country (Ghana) has done an incredible job hosting the African Games. This is the start of something big. Pickleball is an inclusive sport where the young and the old can compete. It is easy and fun to play, and players who play tennis or badminton can play very easily.

‘There are incredible pickleball athletes in Africa. We are going to spread it across Africa, and hopefully it would take over the world,’ she said.

Kenyan pickleball player Bryan Kerombo said it was a good experience to feature in an African Games
and looks forward to winning more medals.

‘For the first time, pickleball is at the African Games, and it presents us with a good opportunity to be competitive, especially looking at the high level of pickleball players on the continent,’ he said.

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd – Bethel Logistics, Experts in Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana’s Black Satellites go top of Group A after comfortable win over Gambia

The Black Satellites of Ghana recorded their first in the men’s football competition at the ongoing African Games.

The win for the Black Satellites puts Ghana’s U-20 football team on the verge of qualification for the next round, as they now top Group A with four points.

The other group encounter between Benin and Congo ended in a scoreless stalemate, with both having accumulated two points each from the first two matches while Gambia is rock bottom with a point.

Black Satellites talisman Musibau Aziz put Ghana ahead in the 13th minute with a superb strike to ease the nerves of the home supporters.

The Black Satellites, despite their dominance in the first half, couldn’t capitalise on the numerous opportunities that fell for them but maintained their lead into halftime.

Abdul Aziz Issah doubled the lead for Ghana in the early stages of the second half with a cool, composed finish from close range, much to the delight of the fans at Accra Sports Stadium.

Musibau Aziz had a great opportunity to make it th
ree for the host after the referee awarded them a penalty, but the prodigy missed from 12 yards.

Things became a little nerve-wracking for the host country after Gambia pulled a goal back through Ebima Ceesay in the 83rd minute.

But substitute Jerry Afriyie ensured Ghana secured all three points after he delivered a stunning strike on the 90th minute mark.

Ghana would face Benin in their last group encounter as a win or draw would secure a spot in the next round of the competition.

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd experts in Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Black Princesses complete comeback victory over Tanzania

The Black Princesses of Ghana have recorded their second consecutive win at the ongoing African Games after handing the Twiga Stars of Tanzania a 2-1 defeat at the Cape Coast Sports Stadium on Tuesday.

A goal each from Tracey Twum and Mukarama Abdulai completed the mission for the home side who have secured a comfortable lead heading into the next round.

The Princesses were dominant in the early stages of the game as they kept their composure high, sharing passes like it was nobody’s business.

Tanzania responded with a beautiful goal 22 minutes into the game, giving the Ghanaians a tough assignment to accomplish.

The ladies in white, Ghana kept their heads up in search of that all important equalizer.

It was Twum who rose up as the heroine of the night to level scores for the Ghanaians few minutes into the half time.

Ghana came back into the second half well composed as all eyes were staged on them to put up an impressive show.

Tanzania, despite being tagged as the weaker side managed to hold the Princ
esses until Abdulai slotted in that solid finish in the 64th minute to seal Ghana’s win.

Both teams had a fair share of possession in the dying minutes as Ghana defended their lead to end the game 2-1.

Our coverage of the 13th African Games is brought to you by Bethel Logistics Co. Ltd experts in Shipping Logistics.

Source: Ghana News Agency