AI, Inclusion, and Sustainability: Must-Haves for Business School Aspirants

GMAC’s annual survey finds evolving motivations for advanced business education

RESTON, Va., March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As the world emerged from a turbulent year that witnessed greater geopolitical conflicts, economic uncertainty, volatile job markets and disruptive technology, individuals are turning to graduate management education with a new-found focus. They aim to upgrade their skills while approaching their study, work—and life—with a purpose, according to an annual survey of global prospective students of business school released today by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The research shows more than two-thirds of potential students agreed that equity and inclusion, as well as sustainability, are important or very important to their academic experience. In addition, three-quarters of candidates say efforts around well-being — defined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of no poverty, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation, and decent work and economic growth —are important to them when pursing higher education, to the point that many of them would eliminate schools from their consideration if these themes were not incorporated in the curriculum.

What’s also driving the interest in advanced business education of would-be students is the transformative technology of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Candidate demand for it grew 38 percent year-over-year, with two-fifths now saying it is essential to their curricula. Interest was the highest among those from the Middle East and Latin America as well as among millennials and men. Global interest in STEM-certified business programs also grew 38 percent in five years—and to new heights in Asia, driven by demand in India and Greater China.

“The 2024 survey of prospective students reveals that candidates expect graduate business education to help equip them to advance social impact as a component of their professional and personal goals. Their strong desire to build evergreen skills like leadership in an uncertain world, data-driven problem-solving, and effective technology and human capital management persists, even though their preferences for delivery formats and study destinations may shift,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “I am encouraged by how today’s candidate is aspiring and adapting to meet new global challenges in the forever-evolving business environment and really owning their career trajectory. It is creating enormous opportunities for business schools to satisfy the ever-changing demands of candidates and industry with a wide variety of degree offerings and course flexibility.”

Demand for flexibility reaches new high.

Over the past five years, interest in hybrid learning has grown around the globe at the expense of in-person learning. Most hybrid candidates want to spend half or more of their class time in-person and the rest online. This growth is seen across regions, except for Central and South Asia, with preference for hybrid study being the highest in Africa and North America. Not surprisingly – and consistent with previous years’ findings – women are more likely to prefer hybrid programs compared to men, with 20 percent of female prospective students with this preference compared to 15 percent of men.

“This year’s prospective student survey adds to a growing slate of evidence that candidates’ appetite for flexibility is increasing,” said Andrew Walker, director of research analysis and communications at GMAC and the report author. “Interest in hybrid learning has grown across regions and demographic types as hybrid workplaces have also increasingly become available and expected by prospective employees. While in-person learning remains the most preferred delivery format among most candidates, its dominance among candidates is diminishing.”

Affordability and growth of quality in-region institutions reshape global student mobility.

While the United States remains the top study destination for most business school candidates globally, multi-year survey data shows that more candidates than ever before plan to apply to study within their country of citizenship instead of internationally, particularly in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. For example, most Indian candidates now plan to apply domestically, growing from 41 percent in 2022 to 53 percent in 2023. Among them, most cited affordability as their top reason, followed by the reputation of India’s educational system. At the same time, candidates of Greater China showed less interest in studying in the U.S. with a nine-point drop since 2019, reaching a five-year low. While Chinese candidates still associate the U.S. with better preparation for their careers, a reputable educational system, and an attractive location, their interest in studying in Western Europe has largely remained strong, with a majority associating Western European programs, which tend to be shorter in duration, with affordability.

“As high-quality educational institutions and economic opportunities continue to rise in Asia, it is no surprise that many candidates would choose to stay closer to home instead of traveling afar,” said Curtis Alan Ferguson, managing partner of Ventech China and a board member of GMAC. “That said, graduate business programs in the U.S. and Western Europe still enjoy quite an advantage because of their established reputations of the educational systems and well-rounded preparation for candidate careers.”

About the Prospective Student Survey

With more than 15 years of survey responses representing all world regions, the GMAC Prospective Students Survey has provided the world’s graduate business schools with critical insights into the decision-making processes of people currently considering applying to a graduate management education program. This year’s summary report considers data collected in the 2023 calendar year from 4,105 respondents in 132 countries around the world. Among them, 42 percent are female, 61 percent are Gen Z, and 29 percent of the U.S. sample are from underrepresented populations. The survey continues to explore trends in the candidate pipeline, program preferences, and career goals, with new questions added to this year’s survey about candidate demand for equity and inclusion, sustainability, and health and well-being in their academic experiences. The report also considers surging interest in AI; evolutions in candidate expectations for flexibility; motivations behind candidate mobility from key markets; trends in certifications and micro-credentials; and the ongoing patterns in candidate career preparation and upskilling.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s platforms, including mba.comGMAC Tours, and BusinessBecause, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams, and get advice on how to successfully achieve their business education and career goals. GMAC is a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202-390-4180

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9078315

IA, inclusion et développement durable : les indispensables dans le choix des candidats à l’intégration d’une école de commerce

L’enquête annuelle du GMAC révèle une évolution des motivations pour la formation commerciale supérieure

RESTON, État de Virginie, 26 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alors que le monde sort d’une année mouvementée marquée par l’aggravation des conflits géopolitiques, l’incertitude économique, la volatilité des marchés de l’emploi et l’importance des technologies de rupture, les étudiants se tournent vers une formation supérieure en gestion sous un regard nouveau. Ils cherchent à gagner en compétences tout en abordant leurs études, leur travail — et leur vie — avec un objectif, selon une enquête annuelle auprès des futurs étudiants en école de commerce publiée aujourd’hui par le Graduate Management Admission Council (« GMAC »). L’étude montre que plus de deux tiers des étudiants potentiels reconnaissent que l’équité et l’inclusion, ainsi que le développement durable, sont importants ou très importants pour leur expérience universitaire. En outre, les trois quarts des candidats déclarent que les efforts en matière de bien-être — définis par les Objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies, à savoir l’éradication de la pauvreté et de la faim, l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement, le travail décent et la croissance économique — sont importants pour eux dans le cadre de la poursuite de leurs études supérieures, à telle enseigne que nombre d’entre eux écarteraient des écoles de leur liste de choix si ces thèmes n’étaient pas intégrés dans le programme d’études.

La technologie transformatrice de l’intelligence artificielle (« IA ») générative est également à l’origine de l’intérêt des futurs étudiants pour la formation commerciale supérieure. La demande des candidats a augmenté de 38 % d’une année sur l’autre, et deux étudiants aspirants affirment désormais qu’il s’agit d’une composante essentielle de leur programme d’études. L’intérêt était le plus marqué chez les personnes originaires du Moyen-Orient et d’Amérique latine, ainsi que parmi les Millenials et les hommes. L’intérêt mondial pour les programmes commerciaux certifiés STEM a également augmenté de 38 % en cinq ans et a atteint de nouveaux sommets en Asie, sous l’impulsion de la demande en Inde et en Grande Chine.

« L’enquête 2024 menée auprès des futurs étudiants révèle que les candidats s’attendent à ce que les études supérieures en gestion les dotent des compétences nécessaires pour faire progresser l’impact social dans le cadre de leurs objectifs professionnels et personnels. Leur désir profond d’acquérir des compétences « intemporelles » telles que le leadership dans un monde incertain, la résolution de problèmes à partir de données et la gestion efficace de la technologie et du capital humain persiste, même s’il est possible que leurs préférences en matière de formats et de destinations d’études peuvent quant à elles évoluer », a déclaré Joy Jones, PDG de GMAC. « Il est encourageant de voir à quel point les candidats d’aujourd’hui ambitionnent leur avenir et s’adaptent pour relever les nouveaux défis du monde dans un environnement commercial en perpétuelle mutation et prennent réellement en main leur carrière. Cela donne naissance à de nombreuses possibilités pour les écoles de commerce de répondre aux demandes en constante évolution des candidats et de l’industrie, grâce à une grande variété de diplômes et à la flexibilité des cours. »

La demande de flexibilité atteint un nouveau sommet.

Au cours des cinq dernières années, l’intérêt pour l’apprentissage hybride s’est accru dans le monde entier, au détriment de l’apprentissage présentiel. La plupart des candidats aspirant à un format hybride souhaitent passer la moitié ou plus de leur temps de cours en personne et le reste en distanciel. Cette croissance est observée dans toutes les régions, à l’exception de l’Asie centrale et du Sud, la préférence pour les études hybrides étant la plus forte en Afrique et en Amérique du Nord. Il n’est pas surprenant – et cela s’inscrit dans le sillage des conclusions des années précédentes – que les femmes soient plus enclines à préférer les programmes hybrides que les hommes, puisque 20 % des futures étudiantes affichent cette préférence, contre 15 % des hommes.

« L’enquête de cette année menée auprès des futurs étudiants vient étayer une série de preuves de plus en plus nombreuses montrant que l’appétit des candidats pour la flexibilité gagne du terrain », a déclaré Andrew Walker, directeur de l’analyse de la recherche et de la communication chez GMAC et auteur du rapport. « L’intérêt pour l’apprentissage hybride s’est accru toutes régions et tous types démographiques confondus, car les lieux de travail hybrides sont de plus en plus couramment proposés par les employeurs et attendus des employés potentiels. Si l’apprentissage en présentiel reste le mode de formation préféré de la plupart des candidats, sa prédominance parmi les candidats diminue. »

L’accessibilité financière et l’essor des établissements de qualité au sein mêmes des régions remodèlent la mobilité mondiale des étudiants.

Si les États-Unis restent la première destination d’études pour la plupart des candidats aux écoles de commerce dans le monde, les données des enquêtes réalisées ces dernières années montrent toutefois qu’un nombre de candidats plus important que jamais prévoient d’étudier dans leur pays de citoyenneté plutôt qu’à l’étranger, en particulier en Asie, en Amérique latine et en Europe de l’Est. Par exemple, la plupart des candidats indiens prévoient désormais de postuler au niveau national, avec un taux qui passe de 41 % en 2022 à 53 % en 2023. Parmi eux, la plupart ont invoqué l’accessibilité financière comme première raison, suivie de la réputation du système éducatif indien. Dans le même temps, les candidats de la Grande Chine se sont montrés moins intéressés par des études aux États-Unis, avec une baisse de neuf points depuis 2019, atteignant ainsi son niveau le plus bas depuis cinq ans. Si les candidats chinois associent toujours les États-Unis à une meilleure préparation à leur carrière, à un système éducatif de renom et à une situation géographique attrayante, leur intérêt pour les études en Europe occidentale est par contre demeuré largement intact, la majorité d’entre eux associant les programmes d’Europe occidentale, qui ont tendance à être de plus courte durée, à des frais abordables.

« Alors que les établissements d’enseignement de haute qualité et les opportunités économiques continuent de se multiplier en Asie, rien de surprenant à ce que de nombreux candidats choisissent de rester plus près de chez eux plutôt que de voyager au loin », a déclaré Curtis Alan Ferguson, associé directeur de Ventech China et membre du conseil de GMAC. « Cela dit, les programmes d’études supérieures en gestion aux États-Unis et en Europe occidentale conservent un avantage certain, en raison de la réputation bien établie de leurs systèmes éducatifs et de leur préparation complète aux carrières des candidats. »

À propos de l’enquête menée auprès des futurs étudiants

Avec plus de 15 ans de réponses à l’enquête représentant toutes les régions du monde, l’enquête GMAC Prospective Students Survey fournit aux écoles de commerce du monde entier des informations essentielles sur les processus décisionnels des personnes qui envisagent actuellement de s’inscrire à un programme d’études supérieures en gestion. Le rapport de synthèse de cette année tient compte des données recueillies au cours de l’année civile 2023 auprès de 4 105 personnes interrogées dans 132 pays du monde entier. Parmi ces répondants, 42 % sont des femmes, 61 % appartiennent à la Génération Z et 29 % de l’échantillon américain sont issus de populations sous-représentées. L’enquête continue d’explorer les tendances dans le vivier de candidats, les préférences en matière de programmes et les objectifs de carrière. De nouvelles questions ont été ajoutées à l’enquête de cette année concernant la demande des candidats en matière d’équité et d’inclusion, de développement durable, de santé et de bien-être dans leurs expériences universitaires. Le rapport prend également en compte l’intérêt croissant pour l’IA, l’évolution des attentes des candidats en matière de flexibilité, les motivations qui sous-tendent la mobilité des candidats depuis les marchés clés, les tendances en matière de certifications et de micro-crédits, ainsi que les tendances actuelles en matière de préparation de la carrière et de montée en compétence des candidats.

À propos de GMAC

Le GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) est une association qui regroupe les principales écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier. Le GMAC effectue des recherches de premier plan, organise des conférences sectorielles, fournit des outils de recrutement et des évaluations pour le secteur des études supérieures en gestion, ainsi que des ressources, des événements et des services qui aident à accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Détenu et géré par le GMAC, l’examen Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation la plus couramment utilisée dans les écoles supérieures de commerce.

Chaque année, plus de 12 millions de futurs étudiants consultent les plateformes du GMAC, dont mba.comGMAC Tours et BusinessBecause, pour se renseigner sur les programmes du MBA et de master de commerce, entrer en contact avec des écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens et obtenir des conseils sur la manière d’atteindre avec succès leurs objectifs d’études et de carrière dans le domaine du commerce. Le GMAC est une organisation mondiale, dont les bureaux se trouvent en Chine, en Inde, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

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Contact auprès des médias :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable en chef, relations avec les médias
Téléphone portable : 202-390-4180

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9078315

Les scientifiques de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal contribuent aux efforts internationaux de lutte contre l’antibiorésistance des bactéries en identifiant une toute nouvelle espèce de bactérie : Riyadhensis

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 26 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des scientifiques de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ou « KFSH&RC » pour King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre) ont découvert une nouvelle espèce de bactérie, appelée « Stenotrophomonas Riyadhensis », grâce à l’application de la technologie de séquençage du génome entier (ou SGE). Cette découverte constitue une avancée majeure dans la compréhension de l’interaction entre les bactéries et les médicaments existants, et ouvre ainsi la voie à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Dans le cadre de la lutte mondiale contre les bactéries antiobiorésistantes, de tels efforts sont essentiels et soulignent à la fois les capacités de recherche avancées du KFSH&RC et son rôle moteur de première importance dans la découverte scientifique et l’amélioration des soins aux patients.

La découverte de « Riyadhensis » renforce le potentiel des tests génomiques dans l’innovation de méthodes diagnostiques et thérapeutiques prometteuses, mais aussi dans le développement de la connaissance des mécanismes de résistance bactérienne, en particulier dans des environnements sensibles tels que les unités de soins intensifs (USI) et chez les patients dont le système immunitaire est affaibli. Elle représente un net progrès dans la lutte contre l’antibiorésistance des bactéries, le développement de produits pharmaceutiques et la prévention de la propagation des maladies.

Cette nouvelle bactérie a été découverte dans le cadre d’une enquête approfondie sur une épidémie présumée dans l’USI du KFSH&RC en 2019, mettant en évidence des enjeux jusqu’alors insoupçonnés par les communautés scientifiques et médicales mondiales dans l’identification et la lutte contre les nouvelles souches bactériennes. La bactérie Riyadhensis a d’abord été considérée comme une variante de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, une bactérie pathogène connue pour sa résistance aux antibiotiques. Or, un test ultérieur de profilage génomique complet a révélé qu’elle ne partageait pas les caractéristiques communes du genre Pseudomonas. Elle appartient au contraire à la famille des Stenotrophomonas, dont la composition génétique et les caractéristiques morphologiques sont uniques, à l’inverse de toutes les autres catégories scientifiquement reconnues.

Pour le Dr Ahmad Al Qahtani, chef du département des maladies infectieuses et de l’immunité au centre de recherche du KFSH&RC : « Les méthodes traditionnelles d’identification des bactéries peuvent entraîner des erreurs d’identification. En revanche, l’analyse SGE permet d’adopter une approche précise et ciblée qui garantit une identification exacte en fournissant des éclairages détaillés sur les mécanismes de résistance, ce qui prouve son grand intérêt dans les enquêtes sur les épidémies et l’amélioration des soins aux patients ».

Le Dr Reem Almaghrabi, responsable des maladies infectieuses liées à la transplantation au Centre d’excellence en transplantation d’organes du KFSH&RC, a souligné l’importance de cette découverte en préconisant une surveillance continue et l’utilisation de technologies de pointe telles que le SGE pour mettre au point des méthodes de diagnostic plus rapides et plus précises. En outre, cette approche jette les bases d’une collaboration scientifique transverse, et renforce ainsi les efforts de lutte contre l’antibiorésistance des bactéries à l’échelle mondiale.

Comprendre les nuances des nouvelles espèces bactériennes, en particulier leur résistance aux antibiotiques, apparaît crucial dans les soins de santé modernes, et constitue le principal moyen de lutte contre les infections bactériennes. Étant donné que ces bactéries développent leur résistance en continu, elles constituent une menace importante et permanente pour la santé humaine.

Il convient de rappeler qu’en 2024, Brand Finance a classé le KFSH&RC en tête des établissements de santé de la région MENA, et parmi les 20 premiers de la liste des 250 meilleurs au niveau mondial pour la deuxième année consécutive. La même année, le prestigieux magazine Newsweek l’a également distingué parmi les meilleurs hôpitaux du monde.

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal fait partie des leaders mondiaux en matière de soins de santé spécialisés et d’innovation, et fait office de centre de formation et de recherche médicale avancée. Grâce à des partenariats stratégiques avec d’éminents établissements locaux, régionaux et internationaux, l’hôpital se consacre à faire progresser les technologies médicales et à relever les normes applicables aux soins de santé dans le monde entier.

À propos de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ou KFSH&RC)

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ou KFSH&RC) est un établissement de soins de santé de premier plan au Moyen-Orient, conçu pour être le choix idéal de tout patient en quête de soins de santé spécialisés. L’hôpital s’enorgueillit d’une riche histoire dans le traitement des cancers, des maladies cardiovasculaires, des transplantations d’organes, des neurosciences et de la génétique.

En 2024, « Brand Finance » l’a classé en tête des centres médicaux universitaires de la région MENA, et parmi les 20 premiers au niveau mondial. En outre, le magazine Newsweek l’a reconnu en 2024 comme l’un des meilleurs hôpitaux du monde, et classé numéro 1 en Arabie saoudite.

Dans le cadre du projet « Saudi Vision 2030 », un décret royal a été publié le 21 décembre 2021, visant la transformation de l’hôpital en une structure indépendante à but non lucratif sous la tutelle du gouvernement. Cette initiative a ouvert la voie à un programme de transformation complet visant à atteindre un leadership mondial dans le domaine des soins de santé grâce à l’excellence et à l’innovation.


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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9079374

Para Reforçar os Esforços Globais no Combate às Bactérias Resistentes a Antibióticos, Cientistas do KFSH&RC Descobrem Nova Espécie de Bactéria: Riyadhensis

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em um desenvolvimento revolucionário, cientistas do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) identificaram uma nova espécie de bactéria chamada “Stenotrophomonas Riyadhensis” por meio da aplicação da nova tecnologia de sequenciamento total de genoma (whole-genome sequencing – WGS). Esta descoberta é um grande avanço na compreensão de como as bactérias interagem com os medicamentos existentes, abrindo caminho para estratégias terapêuticas inovadoras. Esses esforços são essenciais na luta global contra bactérias resistentes a antibióticos, destacando as capacidades avançadas de pesquisa do KFSH&RC e seu papel de liderança na promoção de descobertas científicas e no aprimoramento do atendimento ao paciente.

A descoberta da “Riyadhensis” destaca o potencial dos testes genômicos para inovar métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos promissores, bem como aprofundar a compreensão dos mecanismos de resistência bacteriana, particularmente em ambientes sensíveis, como unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) e pacientes com sistemas imunológicos comprometidos. Isso representa um progresso substancial no combate à resistência a antibióticos, no desenvolvimento de produtos farmacêuticos e na prevenção da propagação de doenças.

Esta bactéria recém-identificada foi descoberta em meio a uma investigação profunda de uma suspeita de surto na UTI do KFSH&RC em 2019, destacando desafios anteriormente não reconhecidos pelas comunidades científicas e médicas globais na identificação e combate a novas cepas bacterianas. Inicialmente considerada uma variante da Pseudomonas aeruginosa, uma bactéria causadora de doenças conhecida por sua resistência a antibióticos, a análise subsequente com o WGS revelou que ela não compartilhava as características comuns do gênero Pseudomonas. Em vez disso, ficou confirmado que a Riyadhensis pertence à família Stenotrophomonas, com uma composição genética e características morfológicas únicas, ao contrário de quaisquer outros membros cientificamente reconhecidos.

O Dr. Ahmad Al Qahtani, Chefe do Departamento de Doenças Infecciosas e Imunidade do Centro de Pesquisa do KFSH&RC disse: “Os métodos tradicionais de identificação bacteriana podem levar a erros na identificação, mas a análise com WGS oferece uma abordagem exata e direcionada que garante uma identificação precisa e fornece insights detalhados sobre os mecanismos de resistência, provando sua importância nas investigações de surtos de doenças e melhorias no atendimento ao paciente.”

O Dr. Reem Almaghrabi, Chefe de Doenças Infecciosas de Transplantes do Centro de Excelência em Transplantes de Órgãos do KFSH&RC, destacou a importância da descoberta na defesa do monitoramento contínuo e do uso de tecnologias avançadas, como o WGS, no desenvolvimento de métodos de diagnóstico mais rápidos e precisos. Além disso, essa abordagem estabelece as bases para a colaboração científica em todos os níveis, aumentando os esforços globais de combate à resistência aos antibióticos.

A compreensão das nuances das novas espécies bacterianas, particularmente sua resistência a antibióticos, é crucial nos cuidados de saúde modernos e serve como o principal meio de combate de infecções bacterianas. A evolução da resistência dessas bactérias é uma ameaça significativa e constante à saúde humana.

Vale ressaltar que o KFSH&RC foi classificado em primeiro lugar no Oriente Médio e na África e 20º em todo o mundo na lista das 250 melhores instituições de saúde do mundo pelo segundo ano consecutivo, de acordo com o ranking Brand Finance de 2024. Além disso, no mesmo ano, ele foi classificado entre os melhores hospitais do mundo pela prestigiada revista Newsweek.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre é dos líderes globais de prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, condução de inovação, e um avançado centro de pesquisa e educação médica. Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, o hospital se dedica ao avanço de tecnologias médicas e elevação dos padrões de cuidado da saúde em todo o mundo.

Sobre o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) é uma instituição de saúde líder no Oriente Médio, idealizada para ser a escolha ideal para todos os pacientes que procuram cuidados de saúde especializados. O hospital tem uma longa história de tratamento de câncer, doença cardiovascular, transplante de órgãos, neurociências e genética.

Em 2024, o “Brand Finance” classificou o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre como o melhor Centro Médico Acadêmico do Oriente Médio e da África e entre os 20 melhores do mundo. Além disso, em 2024 ele foi reconhecido como um dos Melhores Hospitais do Mundo pela revista Newsweek, e o número 1 na Arábia Saudita.

Como parte da Saudi Vision 2030, um decreto real foi emitido em 21 de dezembro de 2021 visando transformar o hospital em uma entidade independente, sem fins lucrativos e de propriedade do governo, abrindo caminho para um programa abrangente de transformação com objetivo de alcançar a liderança global em cuidados de saúde por meio da excelência e inovação.


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Sr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Dirigente Interino de Assuntos de Mídia, 0555254429

Sr. Abdullah Al-Awn, Editor Sênior de Mídia, 0556294232

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9079374

Park Place Technologies Acquires SDV Solutions

Park Place acquires trusted U.S. Government TPM services provider.

CLEVELAND, OH, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Park Place Technologies, the world’s leading data center and networking optimization firm, has acquired Virginia-based SDV Solutions, which provides client-centric data center infrastructure solutions exclusively to Federal Government agencies.

Founded in 2004 by Service-Disabled Veteran and current Owners Mike McMahan (U.S. Air Force) and Erin McMahan, SDV is a multi-OEM, independent third-party services provider exclusively to the U.S. Federal Government. Mike McMahan will remain with Park Place to ensure clients have a consistent and trusted team supporting the most critical missions of the U.S. Government.

“SDV has always been about teamwork, efficient service to Government clients, and exceeding performance expectations,” McMahan said. “We will now be able to offer our Federal clients a larger breadth of Hardware Maintenance, Managed Services and Professional Services. Park Place will help government agencies accomplish more with their budgets, get longer life from IT assets, and carry forward SDV’s legacy of trust and high-level security.”

Park Place helps more than 21,000 clients optimize data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability so they can think bigger – and act faster. From procurement to decommissioning, Park Place’s comprehensive portfolio of services and products helps IT teams optimize IT lifecycle management. This frees time and spend so they can focus on transforming their businesses for the future.

Chris Adams, Park Place Technologies President and CEO, said SDV’s reputation and business practices make it an important addition for Park Place’s established Federal client base.

“We have been firmly entrenched in the Federal space and continue to foster long-term relationships at the highest levels,” Adams said. “The trust and unquestioned dedication SDV is known for will be joined with our mission to optimize government data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability.”

SDV’s Channel partners will have access to Park Place’s decades-long platforms of partner incentives, Federal-adherent processes, U.S.-based supply chain and deeper depth of security-cleared field engineers.

“SDV and Park Place will do more than maintain current standards; we will strengthen our services and provide options that will solidify our place as the U.S. Government’s most-trusted data center maintenance and optimization firm,” McMahan said.

Agile Equity provided exclusive investment banking transaction services to SDV Solutions.

About Park Place Technologies

Park Place Technologies is a global data center and networking optimization firm. Park Place’s industry-leading and award-winning services portfolio includes Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software ™ and Curvature Hardware sales. For more information, visit Park Place is a portfolio company of Charlesbank Capital Partners and GTCR.


Michael Miller
Park Place Technologies

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9079019

Ambiq Apollo510 Delivers 30x Power Efficiency Improvement to Unleash Endpoint AI

The next-generation Apollo pairs vector acceleration with unmatched power efficiency to enable most AI inferencing on-device without a dedicated NPU

Ambiq Apollo510 PR KV

Ambiq Apollo510 PR KV

Feature Highlights

  • Apollo510, based on Arm Cortex-M55, delivers 30x better power efficiency and 10x faster performance compared to previous generations
  • The ability to do AI/ML workloads concurrent with complex graphics, telco-quality voice applications, and always-on voice/sensor processing
  • 4 MB on-chip NVM, 3.75 MB on-chip SRAM, and high bandwidth interfaces to off-chip memories
  • 2.5D GPU with vector graphics acceleration for vibrant, crystal-clear, and smooth graphics, a 3.5x overall performance enhancement over the Apollo4 Plus family
  • Support for Memory in Pixel (MiP) displays, typically found in the lowest-power products
  • Robust security on Ambiq’s secureSPOT® platform with Arm TrustZone technology

AUSTIN, Texas, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambiq, a technology leader in exceptionally energy-efficient semiconductors for IoT devices, is introducing the new Apollo510, the first member of the Apollo5 SoC family, which is uniquely positioned to kickstart the age of truly ubiquitous, practical, and meaningful AI.

The Apollo510 MCU is a complete overhaul of hardware and software that fully leverages the Arm® Cortex®-M55 CPU with Arm Helium™ to reach processing speeds up to 250MHz. The Apollo510 achieves up to 10x better latency while reducing energy consumption by around 2x, compared to Ambiq’s previous power efficiency leader, the Apollo4. This desirable combination of performance and efficiency allows our customers to deploy sophisticated speech, vision, health, and industrial AI models on battery-powered devices everywhere, making it the most efficient semiconductor on the market to operate with the Arm Cortex-M55.

“We at Ambiq have pushed our proprietary SPOT platform to optimize power consumption in support of our customers, who are aggressively increasing the intelligence and sophistication of their battery-powered devices year after year,” said Scott Hanson, Ambiq’s CTO and Founder. The new Apollo510 MCU is simultaneously the most energy-efficient and highest-performance product we’ve ever created.”

Apollo510 Preliminary AI Results Graph

Apollo510 Preliminary AI Results Graph

“As applications across health, industrial, and smart home continue to advance, the need for secure edge AI is crucial for next generation devices,” said Paul Williamson, SVP and GM, IoT Line of Business at Arm. “Ambiq’s new family of SoCs, built on Arm, will deliver significant performance gains for on-device AI, helping developers and device manufacturers deliver the capabilities required for the AI era.”

With more than 30x energy improvement, the Apollo510 is capable of running a vast majority of today’s endpoint AI calculations, including low-power sensor monitoring, always-on voice commands, telco-quality audio enhancement, and more. Manufacturers of IoT devices that perform AI/ML inferencing, such as next-gen wearables, digital health devices, AR/VR glasses, factory automation, and remote monitoring devices, can greatly expand their power budget while adding more capabilities to their devices through the Apollo510’s SPOT-optimized design.

Apollo510 contains everything needed for driving intelligent systems: ultra-efficient compute, expansive on-chip memories, high-bandwidth interfaces to off-chip memories, and security. Arm Helium technology on Apollo510 supports up to 8 MACs per cycle as well as half, full, and double precision floating point operations, making it ideal for AI calculations in addition to general signal processing operations. Apollo510 also improves its memory capacity over the previous generation with 4 MB of on-chip NVM and 3.75 MB of on-chip SRAM and TCM, so developers have smooth development and more application flexibility. For extra-large neural network models or graphics assets, Apollo510 has a host of high bandwidth off-chip interfaces, individually capable of peak throughputs up to 500MB/s and sustained throughput over 300MB/s.

Building upon Ambiq’s secureSPOT platform, Apollo510 integrates Arm TrustZone technology with a physical unclonable function (PUF), tamper-resistant OTP, and secure peripherals. These enhancements help designers establish a trusted execution environment (TEE) to develop secure, robust applications and scale their products faster.

IoT endpoint device manufacturers can expect unrivaled power efficiency to develop more capable devices that process AI/ML functions better than before. Targeted applications and industries include wearables, digital health, agriculture, smart homes and buildings, predictive maintenance, factory automation, and more.

The Apollo510 MCU is currently sampling with customers, with general availability in Q4 this year. It has been nominated by the 2024 embedded world community under the Hardware category for the embedded awards.

Meet us at the Embedded World Exhibition and Conference on April 9- 11, 2024, for a live product demonstration.

About Ambiq
Ambiq’s mission is to develop the lowest-power semiconductor solutions to enable intelligent devices everywhere and drive a more energy-efficient, sustainable, and data-driven world. Ambiq has helped leading manufacturers worldwide develop products that last weeks on a single charge (rather than days) while delivering a maximum feature set in compact industrial designs. Ambiq’s goal is to take Artificial Intelligence (AI) where it has never gone before in mobile and portable devices, using Ambiq’s advanced ultra-low power system on chip (SoC) solutions. Ambiq has shipped more than 230 million units. For more information, visit

Charlene Wan
VP of Branding, Marketing, and Investor Relations

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9079062

Florida-Based Cybersecurity Company Launches Australian Data Centre

ThreatLocker Expands Endpoint Security Services and Data Infrastructure to Australia

Sydney, March 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading cybersecurity solution provider, ThreatLocker, proudly announces the launch of its advanced data centre in Sydney, Australia, just over a year after the grand opening of its second headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. This strategic move aims to enhance cybersecurity capabilities across various sectors in Australia, including the private sector, commonwealth, state, territory, and local governments.

The expansion of ThreatLocker will assist Australian entities in complying with the urgently recommended Australian Cyber Security Strategy implemented by the Australian Government. Additionally, ThreatLocker offers Zero Trust Application Controls and Ringfencing capabilities that align almost any organization with requirements presented by the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight Maturity Model.

Commenting on the extension of their security footprint, ThreatLocker Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Danny Jenkins said, “Zero Trust is a mindset, and I admire the Australian government’s holistic approach, involving the wider community to tackle a modern-day threat.”

Jenkins continued, “As one of the top vendors assisting businesses with Essential Eight guidelines, we are thrilled to strengthen our collaboration with Australia through this centre, bolstering their data protection and compliance initiatives.”

ThreatLocker, founded in 2017 by CEO Danny Jenkins, COO Sami Jenkins, and VP of Quality Assurance John Carolan, protects over 2 million endpoints across more than 40,000 organizations globally. The company provides 24/7/365 support with an average response time of 60 seconds or less. ThreatLocker offers a powerful Zero Trust endpoint protection platform that enables organizations to stop ransomware and other cyberattacks by controlling what software can run in their environments. The combined solutions of ThreatLocker, including Application Allowlisting, Ringfencing™, Storage Control, Elevation Control, and Endpoint Network Control, lead the cybersecurity market toward a more secure approach by blocking the exploits of unknown application vulnerabilities.


Spencer Ford
ThreatLocker Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9067557

Simon Diedong Dombo University inducts 4th cohort of students, calls for discipline

The Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS) has inducted the 4th cohort of students into the university with a call on them to exhibit a high level of discipline throughout their stay in the school.

A total of 4,253 students were inducted into the university, with 35 per cent of them females, to pursue various programmes of studies.

Out of the number, 1,295 were postgraduate students, representing 30 per cent of the total admission.

Speaking at a brief ceremony to induct the students, Professor Emmanuel K. Derbile, the Acting Vice-Chancellor of SDD-UBIDS, reminded the students of the need to exhibit good character in the school alongside their academic activities.

‘As freshmen and women, you are expected to pledge your allegiance to the University Authority through the administration of the Matriculation Oath and to conduct yourselves in a manner that will not bring the image of the University into disrepute.

Degrees are not awarded only for academic exce
llence, but for good character,’ he explained.

Prof. Derbile told the students that by taking the matriculation oath, the students were committing themselves to be disciplined and good ambassadors of the University.

He indicated that they were required to strictly adhere to the rules and regulations for junior members throughout their stay in the university.

The Ag. Vice-Chancellor, however, assured the students of good quality academic services in tandem with the mandate of the university to enable them become competitive locally, nationally and globally.

He explained that to live its mandate of becoming ‘a global centre of excellence for practically oriented teaching and learning, cutting-edge research and social extensions’, the university must increase admission of post-graduate students, especially full-time research students relative to the undergraduate students.

‘The university will continue to work hard at introducing new market-driven and innovative programmes that will contribute to meeting th
e human resources requirements for national development and global citizenship,’ he said.

On infrastructure, Prof. Derbile indicated that the school management was engaging the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) and the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for the completion of its funded projects in the school.

He added that the university’s council had also approved a budget for the construction of a multi-purpose lecture hall and office complex to be financed from the school’s Internally Generated Fund (IGF).

Prof. Derbile observed that the timely completion of those projects would help improve the university’s capacity to train more products from the Free Senior High School (SHS) programme.

He stated that the SDD-UBIDS was working towards realising its mandate of achieving academic excellence, cutting-urge research, bridging the gap between academia and industry as well as achieving internationally acclaimed status.

The university’s Council Members also attended the matriculation ceremony.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Markaz-Al-Bishara holds Child Accountability forum at Zori

The annual Child Friendly Accountability Mechanism (CFAM) forum has been held for schoolchildren in the Gushegu Municipality.

It is to enable the children to share issues affecting them and demand better care and protection from their parents and duty-bearers.

A total of 210 schoolchildren drawn from seven community schools, including Zori, Kutung, Sampemo, Tingdang, Sukaya, Kpahikpaba and Nayugu in the municipality in the Northern Region, took part in the forum, which involved a drama focusing on children’s access

Other participants included parents, and representatives of some state institutions, including Ghana Education Service, Ghana Health Service, Department of Children, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, and chiefs.

It was organised by Markaz-Al-Bishara Child Development Programme (MABCDP) with support from Children Believe, an international non-

governmental organisation, with the aim to enable children to identify child protection gaps in their communities and advocate ways
to addressing them.

A communique by the schoolchildren, read on their behalf by Miss Zehara Yakubu, a student, said children were being abused emotionally, mentally and physically.

It said, ‘We are being exposed to many dangers. Some of us have to sell in the morning before going to school, and others go to work after school and close late at night just to get money for food the next day at school.’

It said, ‘Many of our female mates get exploited in the process and become pregnant and drop out of school or given out to marriages they are not prepared for.’

It added that ‘Another challenge we face is parents and caregivers enrolling some of our mates into apprenticeship work such as motor fitting, hairdressing, tailoring amongst others while they are still in primary or JHS.’

The communique said this practice mostly led to school drop out since many were unable to cope with academic work and apprenticeship work at that time and age.

It called for a society where parents, caregivers and stakeholders woul
d prioritise children’s future by adequately providing them with their basic needs such as quality and accessible education, health care services, good shelter and social amenities, career guidance and counseling services, opportunities for skills learning at the appropriate age, and a conducive environment for a brighter future.

It said, ‘We pledge to play our part as responsible children and appeal to stakeholders and duty-bearers to also pledge on their part to provide educational services, health, shelter, justice delivery and social services that will serve as a vehicle for us to fulfil our full potentials.’

Mr Joshua Sayibu, Programme Manager, Markaz-Al-Bishara Child Development Programme, said the forum served as a medium to give children the voice to interact with parents and stakeholders on issues that affected them for redress.

He added that ‘The CFAM also aims at helping the children to improve on their personal hygiene, school and community. It also helps the children to learn through the topic
s they study in school, build their confidence and prepare them for future leadership roles.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Markaz-Al-Bishara holds Child Accountability forum at Zori

The annual Child Friendly Accountability Mechanism (CFAM) forum has been held for schoolchildren in the Gushegu Municipality.

It is to enable the children to share issues affecting them and demand better care and protection from their parents and duty-bearers.

A total of 210 schoolchildren drawn from seven community schools, including Zori, Kutung, Sampemo, Tingdang, Sukaya, Kpahikpaba and Nayugu in the municipality in the Northern Region, took part in the forum, which involved a drama focusing on children’s access

Other participants included parents, and representatives of some state institutions, including Ghana Education Service, Ghana Health Service, Department of Children, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, and chiefs.

It was organised by Markaz-Al-Bishara Child Development Programme (MABCDP) with support from Children Believe, an international non-

governmental organisation, with the aim to enable children to identify child protection gaps in their communities and advocate ways
to addressing them.

A communique by the schoolchildren, read on their behalf by Miss Zehara Yakubu, a student, said children were being abused emotionally, mentally and physically.

It said, ‘We are being exposed to many dangers. Some of us have to sell in the morning before going to school, and others go to work after school and close late at night just to get money for food the next day at school.’

It said, ‘Many of our female mates get exploited in the process and become pregnant and drop out of school or given out to marriages they are not prepared for.’

It added that ‘Another challenge we face is parents and caregivers enrolling some of our mates into apprenticeship work such as motor fitting, hairdressing, tailoring amongst others while they are still in primary or JHS.’

The communique said this practice mostly led to school drop out since many were unable to cope with academic work and apprenticeship work at that time and age.

It called for a society where parents, caregivers and stakeholders woul
d prioritise children’s future by adequately providing them with their basic needs such as quality and accessible education, health care services, good shelter and social amenities, career guidance and counseling services, opportunities for skills learning at the appropriate age, and a conducive environment for a brighter future.

It said, ‘We pledge to play our part as responsible children and appeal to stakeholders and duty-bearers to also pledge on their part to provide educational services, health, shelter, justice delivery and social services that will serve as a vehicle for us to fulfil our full potentials.’

Mr Joshua Sayibu, Programme Manager, Markaz-Al-Bishara Child Development Programme, said the forum served as a medium to give children the voice to interact with parents and stakeholders on issues that affected them for redress.

He added that ‘The CFAM also aims at helping the children to improve on their personal hygiene, school and community. It also helps the children to learn through the topic
s they study in school, build their confidence and prepare them for future leadership roles.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Koforidua Technical University welcomes new vice-chancellor

The Koforidua Technical University has welcomed a new Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Owusu, marking a significant milestone in the institution’s growth and development.

Additionally, the institution welcomed Reverend Prince Baffour-Ofori as the Director of Finance, Ms. Evelyn Fafa Adom as the Registrar, and Professor Richard Ohene Asiedu as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

The Vice-Chancellor was invested, while the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, and Director of Finance were inducted as university officers.

These appointments bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the forefront, aiming to further enhance academic and research excellence at the university.

Professor Samuel Obeng Apori, Chairman of KTU’s Governing Council, conducted the investiture and induction ceremonies, gracefully seating the Vice-Chancellor three times on the chair and presenting to him the symbol of the office and the university statutes.

He then disbanded the investiture assembly.

Professor Yayra Dzakadzie, Deputy Director Gene
ral of the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission and the Guest Speaker for the occasion, noted the importance of upholding integrity, excellence, inclusivity, and service in academic communities.

‘These principles are not just empty words, but rather they serve as guiding principles that shape every aspect of our institutions,’ he added.

‘As the new key officers of KTU, you need to reaffirm your commitment to upholding these values and fostering a culture of academic integrity, mutual respect, and collaboration,’ he said.

He indicated that the Commission was making significant progress in improving Ghana’s educational landscape, demonstrating a steadfast dedication to constructing a top-tier tertiary education system that could compete with any other country.

The new Vice-Chancellor appealed to the Governing Council and staff of the university for their support in effectively managing the affairs of the institution.

Koforidua Technical University was founded in 1997 as a polytechnic in the Eastern Region.
However, on September 1, 2016, it changed status and became a technical university following the Technical University Act 2016, (Act 922).

The institution provides a wide range of educational opportunities, including four-year Bachelor of Technology programmes, Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes, and tertiary diploma programmes.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GNAPS-Hohoe Zone re-echos scrap of 30 per cent priority placement system

Reverend Larry Davies, Vice Chairman, Ghana National Association of Private Schools (GNAPS) – Hohoe Zone, has called on government to scrap the 30 per cent priority placement system to give both private and public schools equal opportunities in the educational sector.

He noted that the call made by the National Executives of the Association for the scrap of the system was laudable since its existence had given an advantage to public schools over private schools.

Rev Davies, speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after a GNAPS float on some principal streets of Hohoe, disclosed that the existence of the system denied students from private schools’ access to some top performing schools despite their excellent results.

He called on the government to absorb the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and West African Senior High School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) registration fees for private school learners.

Rev Davies called for the extension of Free Senior High School programme to private scho
ol students and recognise and support low fee private schools as social interventions aimed at educating children in deprived communities.

He said government should review the Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 Act 1023 to do away with exorbitant regulatory charges by the National Schools Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA), National Teaching Council (NTC) and National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

Rev Davies called for the abolishment of nuisance taxes that were hiking the cost of doing business and review property rates and business operating permits charged by the Assemblies.

He also asked the government to fix the country’s economy to create a conducive business environment for the operation of private schools.

Rev Davies said private schools played a crucial role in the education system by offering an alternative to public education and offered a unique curriculum tailored to the needs and interests of students.

He said private schools promoted healthy competition in the education sect
or, driven innovation and improvement in teaching practices.

Rev Davies said private schools also contributed to the overall diversity of the education system by offering different perspectives and approaches to learning.

He said private schools were an essential part of the educational landscape, offering valuable alternatives and opportunities for students to thrive academically and personally.

Source: Ghana News Agency