O último roteiro da plataforma de inteligência de decisão da Quantexa foca-se em ajudar as empresas e as agências governamentais a preparar os dados para a IA

Quantexa Limited

A Quantexa apoia uma onda crescente de organizações que utilizam dados, análises e IA a quebrar os silos

  • A parceria com a Microsoft disponibiliza imediatamente a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa no Microsoft Azure Marketplace; a empresa compromete-se a criar soluções nativas no Azure
  • Uma antevisão da tecnologia demonstra o ambicioso plano da Quantexa para acelerar a adoção da plataforma, da solução e da IA generativa entre os utilizadores empresariais, profissionais de dados e TI
  • Os clientes piloto avançam para a adoção precoce do assistente de IA generativa, o Q Assist™

LONDRES, March 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Quantexa, líder global em soluções de inteligência de decisão para os setores público e privado, utilizou a QuanCon24 – a sua conferência anual para clientes e parceiros – como pano de fundo para revelar o roteiro da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão e apresentar uma atualização ao Q Assist, um assistente de inteligência artificial (IA) generativa que dado a conhecer em julho do ano passado. A Quantexa também anunciou uma parceria com a Microsoft. Dan Higgins, Diretor de Produtos da Quantexa, juntou-se a Kate Rosenshine, Diretora de Tecnologia Global das Parcerias Estratégicas da Microsoft, para a anunciar a disponibilidade imediata da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa no Azure Marketplace da Microsoft, bem como os planos para disponibilizar a solução de IA nativa da nuvem aos bancos de média dimensão nos Estados Unidos.

Centrar a atenção na inovação e nas novas capacidades

O ambicioso plano da Quantexa para liderar a categoria de inteligência de decisão emergente centra-se em ajudar as empresas e as agências governamentais a utilizar dados analíticos de contexto e a IA para melhorar a tomada de decisões ao nível organizacional. A Quantexa está a dar ênfase na aplicabilidade prática no mundo real da atualidade, com os olhos postos num plano para ajudar os clientes a implementar a tecnologia no futuro. A Gartner® estima que “até 2027, 75% dos novos conteúdos analíticos sejam contextualizados por aplicações inteligentes através da IA generativa, permitindo uma ligação construtiva entre as informações e as ações.”*

Como parte da estratégia de crescimento da Quantexa, a empresa apresentou a capacidade da empresa da plataforma de usar a IA para construir uma base de dados fidedigna e proporcionar uma maior eficácia aos processos de decisão existentes, com uma perfeita integração à infraestrutura tecnológica existente dos clientes.

Dan Higgins, Diretor de Produto da Quantexa, afirmou, “No que respeita ao roteiro de tecnologia da Quantexa, somos orientados pelas necessidades e ambição de liderança dos nossos clientes no âmbito da inteligência da decisão. Isto exige que ajudemos os nossos clientes a criar ilhas organizacionais para criar uma base de dados fidedigna, automatizar e aumentar a tomada de decisões e apoiar a avaliação e melhoria contínuas nos processos de tomada de decisões. Com a introdução de novas capacidades e soluções, mantemo-nos firmemente focados na inovação que ajuda as organizações a proteger-se, a otimizar-se e a crescer.”

A Quantexa destaca quatro pilares fundamentais do roteiro

  • Permitir a tomada de decisões humana/IA: A Quantexa continua a apresentar soluções e ferramentas que permitem a utilização de várias fontes de dados e IA para automatizar a lógica de decisões empresariais em várias aplicações. A Quantexa está a atualizar a sua plataforma com capacidades de fluxo de trabalho melhoradas, incluindo uma nova pontuação personalizável, a emissão de alertas e modelos de tomada de decisões. A Quantexa apresentou as novas capacidades de gestão de casos e uma atualização à adoção precoce do Q Assist, que estão a ser implementadas pelos clientes no setor da banca, telecomunicações e agências governamentais em programas piloto, com o intuito de enfrentar o crime financeiro, a fraude e o risco, bem como para identificar novas oportunidades de receita com a inteligência do cliente.
  • Operacionalizar os dados à escala com a IA e análise contextual: A capacidade da Quantexa para ajudar os clientes a construir uma base de dados fidedigna e obter as perspetivas de clientes individuais continua a ser o principal impulsionador para a adoção da plataforma. Para dar resposta à crescente procura e às complexidades próprias do setor, a Quantexa demonstrou avanços na gestão de dados, análise contextual e capacidades de IA. A Quantexa fez a antevisão da capacidade de avançar além da inteligência noticiosa para apoiar a ingestão e análise de quaisquer fontes de dados não estruturadas, através da resolução da entidade e proporcionando aos clientes a possibilidade de ativarem a análise de gráficos em grande escala, e a aprendizagem automática de gráficos, através da combinação de grandes modelos linguísticos (LLM) e gráficos de conhecimentos.
  • Acelerar o tempo/valor através de implementações simplificadas e soluções agrupadas: A Quantexa anunciou novas opções para tornar mais fácil aos clientes e parceiros a agilização com novos métodos de implementação, incluindo a introdução de configurações “prontas a usar”, bem como ferramentas com reduzida ou nenhuma codificação. Este ano, a Quantexa também está a investir no seu crescente ecossistema de parceiros, que inclui a PWC, EY, Dun & Bradstreet, KPMG e Moody’s e que fizeram as suas apresentações na QuanCon24.
  • Integração fluída com os volumes e processos da tecnologia existente dos nossos clientes: A Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa conta com uma arquitetura aberta e expansível com API escaláveis e integrações simplificadas com aplicações e sistemas a jusante. Os futuros esforços irão concentrar-se num enquadramento normalizado e conectores “prontos a usar”.

A Quantexa transporta a sua Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão e soluções para o Azure, graças a uma parceria com a Microsoft

Um dos destaques da Sessão de Roteiro da Quantexa no evento de hoje foi o anúncio da nova parceria com a Microsoft. Os destaques incluíram:

  • A disponibilidade imediata da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa no Azure Marketplace: A Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa está agora disponível globalmente no Azure Marketplace para clientes nos setores dos serviços financeiros, setor público, seguros, telecomunicações, comunicação social e tecnologia.
  • A inovação da IA ajuda bancos de média dimensão a responder às pressões regulamentares e do mercado: Além disso, a Quantexa apresentou planos detalhados para criar uma nova solução SaaS própria do Azure, que permitirá aos clientes implementar uma solução de monitorização de transações AML (antibranqueamento de capitais) extremo a extremo, investigações e gestão de casos concebida para aproveitar as melhores capacidades da sua classe, utilizadas pelos maiores bancos do mundo numa oferta personalizada para dar resposta às necessidades das instituições de serviços financeiros, com um total de mais de 200 mil milhões de dólares em ativos. A solução irá fornecer recursos críticos para a monitorização, deteção e investigação do crime financeiro e risco para os bancos nos Estados Unidos. A oferta planeada irá ajudar os clientes a implementar a tecnologia da próxima geração, permitindo que se mantenham a par do ritmo acelerado da inovação e cumpram os crescentes regulamentos de conformidade. A Quantexa está a trabalhar com a Microsoft para disponibilizar o primeiro conjunto de capacidades até ao final de 2024.

Dan Higgins, Diretor de Produto, Quantexa, declarou: Nos últimos 12 meses, a inteligência de decisão transformou-se numa tendência em rápido crescimento, tal como afirmam vários analistas do setor. Mas a inteligência de decisão tem estado sempre no centro de tudo o que fazemos desde a nossa criação. Na Quantexa, trabalhamos para inovar e fazer evoluir a nossa tecnologia para ajudarmos as empresas e as agências governamentais a utilizarem a análise contextual e a IA para melhorar a tomada de decisões, e é com entusiasmo que vejo que o nosso mais recente roteiro de tecnologia se mantém fiel a essa premissa. A nossa nova parceria com a Microsoft é um testemunho do nosso compromisso de fornecermos soluções acessíveis aos nossos clientes; continuaremos a fazer cada vez mais e melhor para ajudarmos os nossos clientes sempre que precisem.”

Tyler Pichach, Diretor de Estratégia de Serviços Financeiros na Microsoft, afirmou: “As organizações de serviços financeiros tornaram-se mais inteligentes e mais eficientes face à mudança nas dinâmicas do mercado. Isto está a criar a necessidade de utilizar dados e IA de confiança para aumentar e automatizar milhares de decisões operacionais que são tomadas diariamente, no que respeita a gestão dos dados, o combate ao crime financeiro ou a identificação de novas oportunidades de receita. Estamos empenhados em trabalhar com parceiros como a Quantexa para disponibilizar a sua Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão no Microsoft Azure Marketplace, criar novas soluções nativas da nuvem para segmentos de mercados alargados, e fomentar a inovação conjunta para ajudar os nossos clientes de vários setores a enfrentar os seus maiores desafios.”

Para saber como a sua organização pode recorrer à inteligência de decisão ou para ler o Forrester’s Total Economic Impact™ da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa, clique aqui. Para assistir às sessões a pedido da QuanCon24, visite o website da QuanCon.

*Gartner, Previsões para 2024: Como a Inteligência Artificial irá Afetar os Utilizadores Analíticos, de Edgar Macari, Peter Krensky, Afraz Jaffri, David Pidsley, Aura Popa, Mike Fang, Rita Sallam, Julian Sun, Radu Miclaus, 4 de janeiro de 2024.

GARTNER é uma marca comercial registada e uma marca de serviço da Gartner, Inc. e/ou das suas subsidiárias nos E.U.A. e internacionalmente e é utilizada sob permissão. Todos os direitos reservados.

Sobre a Quantexa
A Quantexa é uma empresa global de software de dados e análise, pioneira na Inteligência de Decisão, que permite às organizações tomarem decisões operacionais fiáveis, tornando os dados significativos. Utilizando os mais recentes avanços em big data e IA, a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa revela riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, fornecendo uma visão contextual e conectada de dados internos e externos num único local. Resolve os maiores desafios em toda a gestão de dados, “Conheça o seu cliente” (KYC), informações do cliente, crime financeiro, risco, fraude e segurança, ao longo do ciclo de vida do cliente.

A Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional com mais de 90% de precisão e uma resolução de modelos analíticos 60 vezes mais rápida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa tem atualmente mais de 700 colaboradores e milhares de utilizadores que trabalham com milhares de milhões de transações e pontos de informação em todo o mundo. A empresa tem escritórios em Londres, Dublin, Bruxelas, Málaga, EAU, Nova Iorque, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne e Tóquio.

Contacto para a comunicação social

C: Stephanie Crisp, Diretora-Adjunta e Estratega de Meios de Comunicação da Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightflight.co.uk

C: Adam Jaffe, VPS de Marketing Empresarial
T: +1 609 502 6889
E: adamjaffe@quantexa.com

A fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/36fa5c1e-cba8-4a4c-9272-191148c797aa

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La dernière feuille de route de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa met l’accent sur l’aide apportée aux entreprises et aux agences gouvernementales pour que leurs données soient prêtes pour l’IA

Quantexa Limited

Quantexa accompagne le nombre croissant d’entreprises qui utilisent les données, l’analyse et l’IA pour briser les silos

  • Grâce au partenariat avec Microsoft, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa est désormais disponible sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace ; l’entreprise s’engage à développer des solutions directement sur Azure
  • L’aperçu technologique présente le plan ambitieux élaboré par Quantexa pour accélérer l’adoption de la plateforme, de la solution et de l’IA générative parmi les utilisateurs commerciaux, les données et les professionnels de l’informatique
  • Les clients de Lighthouse adoptent rapidement l’assistant génératif d’IA, Q Assist™

LONDRES, 14 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, leader mondial des solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle pour les secteurs public et privé, a profité de sa conférence annuelle destinée aux clients et aux partenaires, QuanCon24, pour dévoiler la feuille de route de sa plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle et faire le point sur Q Assist, un assistant génératif d’intelligence artificielle (IA) présenté en avant-première en juillet de l’année dernière. Quantexa a également annoncé un partenariat avec Microsoft. Dan Higgins, directeur des produits chez Quantexa, a été rejoint par Kate Rosenshine, directrice mondial de la technologie, partenariats stratégiques chez Microsoft, où ils ont annoncé la disponibilité immédiate de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace et des projets visant à apporter une nouvelle solution d’IA cloud-native aux banques de taille moyenne aux États-Unis.

Priorité à l’innovation et aux nouvelles capacités

Le projet ambitieux de Quantexa de devenir le leader de la catégorie émergente de l’intelligence décisionnelle est ancré dans l’aide apportée aux entreprises et aux agences gouvernementales pour utiliser l’analyse contextuelle et l’IA afin d’améliorer la prise de décision à l’échelle de l’organisation. Quantexa met l’accent sur l’applicabilité pratique et concrète aujourd’hui, en vue d’aider les clients à planifier les déploiements technologiques futurs. Gartner® prévoit que « d’ici 2027, 75 % du nouveau contenu analytique sera contextualisé pour des applications intelligentes grâce à l’IA générative, ce qui permettra d’établir une connexion composable entre les informations et les actions. »*

Dans le cadre de la stratégie de croissance de Quantexa, l’entreprise a mis en avant la capacité de la plateforme à utiliser l’IA pour construire une base de données fiable et apporter une plus grande efficacité aux processus décisionnels existants, tout en s’intégrant de manière transparente à l’infrastructure technologique existante des clients.

Dan Higgins, directeur des produits chez Quantexa, a déclaré, « Lorsqu’il s’agit de la feuille de route technologique de Quantexa, nous nous appuyons sur les besoins de nos clients et sur notre ambition de leadership dans le domaine de l’intelligence décisionnelle. Pour ce faire, nous devons aider nos clients à décloisonner leur organisation afin de créer une base de données fiable, d’automatiser et d’améliorer la prise de décision, ainsi que de favoriser l’évaluation et l’amélioration continues tout au long des processus décisionnels. En introduisant de nouvelles capacités et solutions, nous restons constamment concentrés sur la mise en œuvre d’innovations révolutionnaires qui aident les organisations à se protéger, à s’optimiser et à évoluer. »

Quantexa met l’accent sur les quatre piliers de la feuille de route

  • Optimiser la prise de décision entre l’homme et l’IA : Quantexa continue de développer des solutions et des outils destinés à permettre l’utilisation de diverses sources de données et de l’IA afin d’automatiser la logique décisionnelle des entreprises dans diverses applications. Quantexa met à jour sa plateforme avec des capacités de flux de travail améliorées, y compris de nouveaux modèles de notation, d’alerte et de décision personnalisables. Quantexa a présenté les nouvelles capacités de gestion de cas de la plateforme et une mise à jour de Q Assist, actuellement déployée par des clients du secteur bancaire, des télécommunications et des agences gouvernementales, dans le cadre de programmes pilotes visant à lutter contre la criminalité financière, la fraude et les risques, et à identifier de nouvelles opportunités de revenus grâce à la connaissance du client.
  • Opérationnaliser les données à grande échelle avec l’IA et l’analyse contextuelle : La capacité de Quantexa à aider les clients à construire une base de données fiable et à obtenir une vision unique du client reste un facteur déterminant de l’adoption de la plateforme. Pour répondre à la demande croissante et aux complexités uniques de l’industrie, Quantexa a présenté des avancées dans la gestion des données, l’analyse contextuelle et les capacités en matière d’IA. Quantexa a présenté en avant-première la possibilité d’aller plus loin que l’intelligence des actualités pour prendre en charge l’ingestion et l’analyse de toute source de données non structurées via la résolution d’entités et donner aux clients la possibilité d’effectuer des analyses de graphes à grande échelle et de l’apprentissage automatique de graphes en combinant de grands modèles de langage (LLM) et des graphes de connaissances.
  • Accélérer la rentabilité grâce à des déploiements simplifiés et des solutions groupées : Quantexa a annoncé de nouvelles options pour faciliter la mise en place de nouvelles méthodes de déploiement pour les clients et les partenaires, y compris l’introduction de configurations prêtes à l’emploi ainsi que d’outils low-code et no-code. Cette année, Quantexa investit également dans l’accélération de son écosystème croissant de partenaires, qui comprend PWC, EY, Dun & Bradstreet, KPMG et Moody’s, partenaires de présentation à QuanCon24.
  • Intégration transparente avec les systèmes et processus technologiques existants des clients : La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa possède une architecture ouverte et extensible avec des API évolutives et des intégrations rationalisées avec des applications et des systèmes en aval. Les futurs efforts porteront sur la mise en place d’un cadre normalisé et de connecteurs prêts à l’emploi.

Quantexa introduit sa plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle et ses solutions dans Azure grâce à un partenariat avec Microsoft

L’annonce du nouveau partenariat de Quantexa avec Microsoft a été l’un des points forts de la session sur la feuille de route de Quantexa lors de l’événement d’aujourd’hui. Parmi les points forts, citons :

  • La disponibilité immédiate de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa sur Azure Marketplace : La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa est désormais disponible mondialement sur Azure Marketplace pour les clients des services financiers, du secteur public, de l’assurance, des télécommunications, des médias et des technologies.
  • L’innovation en matière d’IA permet aux banques de taille moyenne de répondre aux pressions de la réglementation et du marché : En outre, Quantexa a détaillé ses plans pour construire une nouvelle solution SaaS native Azure, permettant aux clients de déployer une solution de bout en bout de surveillance des transactions anti-blanchiment (AML), d’enquêtes et de gestion des cas, conçue pour prendre les meilleures capacités utilisées par les plus grandes banques du monde dans une offre sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins des institutions de services financiers qui détiennent jusqu’à 200 milliards de dollars US d’actifs. Cette solution apportera aux banques des États-Unis des capacités essentielles en matière de surveillance, de détection et d’enquête sur la criminalité et les risques financiers. L’offre prévue permettra aux clients de mettre en œuvre la technologie de la prochaine génération, ce qui leur permettra de suivre le rythme rapide de l’innovation et de répondre aux réglementations de plus en plus strictes en matière de conformité. Quantexa collabore avec Microsoft pour mettre à disposition un premier ensemble de capacités d’ici la fin de l’année 2024.

Dan Higgins, directeur des produits chez Quantexa, a déclaré : « Au cours des 12 derniers mois, des analystes du secteur ont constaté que l’intelligence décisionnelle était devenue une tendance en plein essor. Cependant, l’intelligence décisionnelle a toujours été au cœur de nos préoccupations depuis notre création. Chez Quantexa, nous nous efforçons d’innover et de faire évoluer notre offre technologique pour permettre aux entreprises et aux agences gouvernementales d’utiliser l’analyse contextuelle et l’IA afin d’améliorer la prise de décision, et je suis ravi de voir que notre dernière feuille de route technologique répond à cet objectif. Grâce à notre nouveau partenariat avec Microsoft, nous témoignons de notre engagement à fournir à nos clients des solutions accessibles, et nous continuerons à en faire davantage et à aller à la rencontre de nos clients là où ils ont besoin de nous. »

Tyler Pichach, directeur de la stratégie des services financiers chez Microsoft, a déclaré : « Les organisations de services financiers sont devenues plus intelligentes et plus efficaces pour naviguer avec succès dans la dynamique changeante du marché. Cela crée le besoin d’utiliser des données fiables et l’IA pour augmenter et automatiser les milliers de décisions opérationnelles qu’ils prennent quotidiennement lorsqu’il s’agit de gérer leurs données, de lutter contre la criminalité financière ou d’identifier de nouvelles opportunités de revenus. Nous nous engageons à travailler avec des partenaires comme Quantexa pour rendre sa plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle disponible sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace, apporter de nouvelles solutions cloud-native à des segments de marché élargis, et promouvoir l’innovation conjointe pour aider nos clients à travers de multiples industries à relever certains de leurs plus grands défis. »

Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont votre organisation peut mettre l’intelligence décisionnelle au travail, ou pour lire le rapport de Forrester “Total Economic Impact™de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa », cliquez ici. Pour visionner les sessions à la demande de QuanCon24, consultez le site web QuanCon.

*Gartner, Predicts 2024 : How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Analytics Users, par Edgar Macari, Peter Krensky, Afraz Jaffri, David Pidsley, Aura Popa, Mike Fang, Rita Sallam, Julian Sun, Radu Miclaus, 4 janvier 2024.

GARTNER est une marque déposée et une marque de service de Gartner, Inc. et/ou de ses filiales aux États-Unis et dans le monde et sont utilisées avec l’autorisation de leur propriétaire. Tous droits réservés.

À propos de Quantexa
Pionnière de l’intelligence décisionnelle, Quantexa est une société mondiale de logiciels de données et d’analyse qui permet aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables en donnant du sens à leurs données. En exploitant les dernières avancées en matière de Big Data et d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa fait apparaître les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en fournissant sous un seul toit une synthèse contextuelle et intégrée des données internes et externes. Elle relève des enjeux majeurs en lien avec la gestion des données, la connaissance du client, la veille client, la criminalité financière, les risques, la fraude et la sécurité à toutes les étapes du cycle de vie de la relation client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 700 employés et des milliers d’utilisateurs travaillant avec des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde. La société a des bureaux à Londres, Dublin, Bruxelles, Malaga, aux Émirats arabes unis, à New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne et Tokyo.

Demandes des médias

C : Stephanie Crisp, directrice associée et responsable des stratégies médiatiques, Fight or Flight
E : Quantexa@fightflight.co.uk

C : Adam Jaffe, Vice-président du marketing d’entreprise
T : +1 609 502 6889
E : adamjaffe@quantexa.com

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante : http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/36fa5c1e-cba8-4a4c-9272-191148c797aa

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Amnesty International pays courtesy call on Attorney General’s Office

Amnesty International (AI) and its partner, Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) Centre, have paid a courtesy call on the office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General to discuss i human rights issues in Ghana.

The meeting was attended by AI Ghana’s Country Director, Genevieve Parting ton, accompanied by staff, board members and representatives of Sanneh Institute, Perfector of Sentiments (POS) Foundation and Legal Resources Centre.

During the meeting, Madam Partington and CSO’s highlighted’ concerns over recent human rights developments in Ghana and the need to address the issues with immediate attention.’

On the Witchcraft Accusations Bill, she expressed concern with the continued prevalence of witchcraft accusations in Ghana, saying ‘such accusations often lead to violence, discrimination and human rights abuses against innocent individuals, particularly elderly women.’

She called on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo to protect people from being physically and mentally abused because of wi
tchcraft accusations.

She urged government to take decisive action to address this issue, ‘including implementing comprehensive awareness campaigns, providing support services for victims, and enforcing laws to hold perpetrators accountable.’

On Death Penalty, Mr. Francis Nyantakyi, board chair of AI Ghana, expressed concern on the President’s refusal to sign the Armed Forces bill Amendment to abolish the death penalty.

He said the death penalty was violating fundamental human rights and the President’s refusal to signed the bill into law threatened to undermine Ghana’s progress in upholding human rights standards.

He further inquired on the necessary steps to take to reintroduce the bill to parliament and how Non-Governmental Organisations could support to ensure its finally abolishment.

He expressed the need to commute the sentences of those on death row to life sentences and inquired the steps to be taken for and how CSO’s could support.

Other human rights issues such as prison conditions and over-cr
owding were highlighted by the partner CSO’s in attendance.

They inquired on the progress made so far on the Community Sentencing Bill to reduced over-crowding in prisons and improve methods of reform for offenders.

Madam Partington urged the office of the AG to take immediate action to address those human rights concerns, adding that upholding human rights was not only a legal obligation but also a moral imperative that defined our commitment to justice and equality for all.

She expressed AI’s readiness to collaborate with government and other stakeholders to advance human rights in Ghana and ensure that every individual lived with dignity and respect.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana Entrepreneurship fair 2024 & book launch slated for 2nd May

Ghana will host an Entrepreneurial fair and book launch in May this year 2024.

The event which seeks to bring together entrepreneurs from all over the country, is aimed at creating the much needed platform and awareness for entrepreneurial engagements, to network and do business.

The event, which will climax the week-long Entrepreneurship week 2024, will be preceded by Entrepreneurship Seminars at Mikaddo Conference Centre from 29th-30th April 2024, whilst the Main exhibition and launch takes place at the Accra International Conference Centre on 2nd May 2024.

This was made known by Nana Dr. Micheal Addo Agyekum, an astute entrepreneur and author of several entrepreneurship books.

According to Nana, Ghana abounds in great entrepreneurs and that, harnessing their potentials for effective mobilization will not only enhance the fortunes of the country but will also enhance the employment potentials of the country and reduce the unemployment challenge.

He said the event would also cultivate in unemployed grad
uates the need to set up businesses themselves instead of relying on government and others for employment.

Nana further stated that until government and private sector embraced the nurturing of entrepreneurship in the youth of today, unemployment coupled with social vices would still abound in the society.

‘We all as a people and government need to come together and address this canker holistically. Creating entrepreneurship minds today is creating tomorrow billionaires. Any country with a good number of its youth being engaged has great future prospects, ‘ he emphasized.

As part of the week-long activities, a 2 day seminar will be organized. The seminar will afford the entrepreneurs the opportunity on how to seek new ways of boosting their entrepreneurship potentials to excel in the 21st century.

During the exhibition, a book authored by Nana Dr. Addo Agyekum would be launched by Sir Sam Jonah.

The book titled, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship book 1 and 2, gives an insight into the entrepreneurial mind
set, how to start, and grow business with innovation funding and marketing.

Mr. Albert Ocran is set to review the book. Dr. Daniel Macaulay is penciled to chair the book launch.

Several personalities who have accepted to grace the occasion include, Dr. Siaw Agyepong of Zoomlion, Kwesi Twum of Multimedia, Dr. Anyaa of Holy Trinity Hospital.

The events which will be aired live on GTV.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Deputy Finance Minister-Designate endorses betting tax, says it’s not new

Dr Alexander Ampaabeng, the Deputy Finance Minister-Designate, has declared his endorsement of the betting tax being implemented by the Government.

The Nominee made this known in his response to questions during his vetting at the public sitting of the Appointments Committee of Parliament in Accra.

Mrs Elizabeth Ofosu-Agyare, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Techiman North, had asked the nominee what his position was on the concept and implementation of the betting tax.

Betting tax is a tax on betting transactions by operators with customers.

Dr Ampaabeng, a tax expert, reiterated that the tax was not new, and said it was introduced in 2015 by Ghana’s Parliament as part of Act 891 (Customs Acts, 2015).

It was amended again as Act 907 (Income Tax Amendment Act, 2016), he stated.

He noted that the difference between Act 907 and the current provision (Act 1094) was that in Act 907, there was a GHS2,590.00 exempt amounts, which meant a gambler would not be taxed until he made
it in excess of GHS2,590.00.

‘What this current tax means is that it seeks to take away that exemption minimum. Betting tax is not new across the African continent, especially in East Africa,’ Dr Ampaabeng said.

‘My position on it, as an individual and as a tax person, sitting here looking for revenue opportunities for the country, I think the betting tax presents a revenue potential for the country.’

The Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 1094) introduces a withholding tax of?10 per cent on all winnings.

Winnings from betting, lottery, and games of chance are subject to the withholding tax at the point of payout.

Touching on expanding the tax net to cover online businesses, he aid it was time for Ghanaians to rethink through it and assess the options.

He underscored the need to ensure that the Government did not lose the huge revenue potentials going on online.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana hasn’t defaulted in its international debts payments – Abena Osei-Asare

Mrs Abena Osei-Asare, the Minister of State nominee at the Finance Ministry, says Ghana has not defaulted in the payment of its international debts but rather announced a debt restructuring, which is being pursued.

During her vetting at the public sitting of the Appointments Committee of Parliament in Accra, she said Ghana’s nominal debts now stood at GHS621 billion, which included the Energy Sector Levy Act (ESLA) bond, Daakye bond and the Sinohydro loan.

Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, the Minority Leader and Ranking Member of the Appointments Committee, asked the nominee that ‘currently, Ghana has defaulted in the payment of all external debts, all the debts that we owe to other countries – bilateral (excluding multilateral), banks and country to country. Is this the case?’

Mrs Osei-Asare: ‘Mr Chairman, we haven’t defaulted on the payment of our eternal debts, we announced on the 19th of December, 2022, that we wanted to do a debt restructuring and so, we are halting on.., we did not wait to default but we
rather announced.’

She said the Government began and completed the domestic debt exchange and currently working on the external debts, hoping to make inroads and then go to the commercial.

‘So, that is what we have done. It is not the same as debt default.’

Touching on the ongoing intermittent power supply (dumsor) in the country, Mrs Osei-Asare mentioned illegal meter?connections as some of the contributory factors.

She urged Ghanaians to reframe from illegal connections and pay their electricity bills promptly to enable the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to provide better services to them.

‘Yes, it is a big issue in the energy space, but we also have to do our part, ECG loses about 30 per cent of the investment of the power they produce. How does this come about? The illegal structures, illegal meters and everything, they are human beings who do these things,’ she said.

‘In as much as government is doing its part, we as citizens will also have to change our attitudes towards these things and that
is the only way together, we can succeed and address these issues.’

‘Whenever your payments for electricity are due you have to go ahead and pay. As citizens who love our country and want institutions to succeed, we also have to do our part to help our nation.’

Responding to a question on whether the Government would reintroduce the road tolls, Mrs Osei-Asare answered in the negative.

Asked whether she was part of those in Government, who ordered the removal of the road toll on November 18, 2021, the Nominee said the decision was a political one made by the Government.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Parliament summons Transport Minister over increased fees/charges by Airport Company

Mr Andrew Amoako Asiamah, the Second Deputy Speaker, presiding, has summoned the Transport Minister to Parliament on Tuesday, March 19, over the increase in fees/charges by the Ghana Airport Company Limited without prior Parliamentary approval.

The issue was raised on the floor of the House by Mr Haruna Iddrisu, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale South.

Mr Iddrisu cited a letter dated 11th March, 2024, by the Ghana Airports Company introducing maintenance charges of $10.00 on one way trip and $20.00 maintenance charge on all round trip airlines.

He noted that the new fees would be effective on May 1, 2024.

‘Mr Speaker, it is of urgent public importance because what authority does the Ghana Airports Company have to impose fees and charges, and are these charges consistent with the Fees and Charges Act approved by the Parliament of Ghana?,’ he asked.

The Tamale South Lawmaker indicated that the new fees would be costly to Ghanaian travellers from abroad to Ghana.

r Asiamah, in his ruling, said: ‘With regards to this particular issue, I am directing the Minister of Transport to appear before the House on the 19th of (March), that is next week Tuesday, to come and address this particular issue.’

‘The Airports Company cannot sit by themselves and say they are increasing charges and fees on their own. So, that is my directive.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

PM Abiy Inaugurates ‘Lenegewa’ Women’s Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center in Addis AbabaGhana to become top destination for fintech investments – BOG

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has today unveiled the remarkable ‘Lenegewa’ Women’s Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to transform the lives of vulnerable women trapped in street life and the sex trade.

The center, consisting of 13 impressive structures, including classrooms, student accommodations, vocational training facilities, workshops, psychological support centers, and medical services, aims to provide a holistic approach to empower women.

Designed to empower women through education and skill development, the ‘Lenegewa’ Center offers a comprehensive range of resources.

Vulnerable women admitted to the facility will receive intensive skill training programs lasting from 3 to 6 months, equipping them with the necessary expertise for future employment.

Engaging courses in computer literacy, textile and tailoring, electronics, beauty services, child rearing (tutoring), catering, and hospitality will be offered to maximize their potential.

his impassioned speech, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed emphasized the significance of the project in addressing the pressing issues within society. “This project is an exceptional endeavor among all the projects we have undertaken in Addis Ababa thus far,” he remarked.

“By uplifting 10,000 women from their present circumstances and providing them with improved job opportunities, we have the potential to emancipate a hundred thousand women from undesirable circumstances through the establishment of ten analogous centers.” , Abiy Added.

Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebie, who has tirelessly championed the cause of women’s empowerment for five years, expressed her belief in the center’s ability to bring about lasting change.

“Today, as we inaugurate this center, we believe that we are sowing the seeds of hope for a brighter tomorrow-an enduring foundation for change,” she said.

“By empowering vulnerable women and equipping them with essential skills and employment opportunities, we aim to pave the way for a fut
ure brimming with hope and promise.” , the mayor added.

According to Adanech ,the inauguration of the ‘Lenegewa’ Women’s Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center signifies a profound commitment to gender equality and the upliftment of women in society. It serves as a beacon of hope, promising a transformative journey towards a more inclusive and prosperous Ethiopia.

The completion of the center within a remarkable 10-month timeframe is a testament to the commitment and dedication of all involved, it was learned.

Women undergoing training at the facility will have access to a well-stocked library, a state-of-the-art gymnasium, and sports facilities, enhancing their personal growth and well-being.

Recognizing the challenges faced by women seeking employment in Arab countries, the center also provides essential awareness training to ensure their safety and well-being during their time abroad.

Furthermore, the center has allocated a significant portion of its land for urban agriculture, fostering sustaina
bility and self-sufficiency.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Mr. Kwame Oppong, the Head of FinTech and Innovation, Bank of Ghana (BOG), says the 3i Summit would position Ghana as a preferred destination for fintech investments in Africa.

He said the attention, participation, and attendance of the global stalwarts in the fintech ecosystem at the 3i Summit, which is scheduled to take place in Ghana, would attract the needed investment to the country.

He made the remarks during the Ghana Fintech and Payments Association Awards event, which was held in Accra.

The Fintech Awards programme is an event that awards promising and successful fintech and payments companies which have succeeded in their various niches and roles in the previous year.

It is also an event that brings various stakeholders within the fintech ecosystem together to deliberate on how to improve the industry in the subsequent year.

Over the past few years, fintech companies both inside and outside of Ghana have enjoyed a rapid rise in popularity, as Ghana becomes more attractive, thought to be home to
more than 70 fintech businesses.

Mr. Oppong said the 3i summit would provide a platform for policy discourse, entrepreneurial investments, and networking for stakeholders in the industry.

Mr. Oppong urged industry players to come on board to facilitate and support the organisation and completion of the summit.

‘I therefore extend an invitation to all banks and fintech companies to fully participate in diverse ways to organise this summit. Together, we can make the summit a success for all of us in the industry. The summit is for all of us to participate, so let us come on board and work together,’ he said.

He underscored the roles fintech companies had played in driving Ghana’s financial inclusiveness, as the country’s financial inclusion index improved from 58 per cent in 2017 to 68 per cent in 2021.

3i Africa Summit is a fintech festival to drive innovation, investment, and impact for Africa’s fintech and financial services sectors.

The initiative was jointly developed by the Bank of Ghana, the Moneta
ry Authority of Singapore,Development Bank Ghana, and Elevandi.

The 3i Summit is scheduled to take place in Ghana from May 13 to May 15, 2024, at the Accra International Conference Centre.

Nana Hemaa Ama Anim, Vice President for Women in Fintech, said the awards had been catalyst for inspiration, fostering creativity, partnerships, and celebrating progress, not just in the fintech industry but in the entire financial sector.

She said the association had introduced initiatives to improve gender inclusiveness for women to also participate in the industry.

She said the, ‘Women in FinTech’ programme aimed at closing the gender disparity, empowering women, and supporting the creation of fintech companies led by women.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Beige-Bank Trial: Court adjourns to March 18

The Accra High Court trying Michael Nyinaku, former Chief Executive Officer of the defunct Beige Bank, Wednesday adjourned the trial to Monday, March 18, 2024.

This followed the absence of both Nyinaku and Mr Thaddeus Sory, his counsel, when trial was supposed to have continued after the Court ordered that the defense counsel filed all witness statements at the last sitting.

Mr Sory presented to the Court presided over by Mrs Afia Serwaa Asare-Botwe, an Appeal Court Judge with additional responsibility at the High Court, an excuse duty from the Military Hospital.

The content said he was seen on March 7, 2024, and was given 15 days excuse duty.

However, Justice Asare-Botwe said the excuse duty did not qualify as a medical report that required him to excuse himself to be absent from the Court.

The Court then ordered the accused person to be present on March 18, 2024.

The Court was earlier informed by the prosecution that when Beige Bank’s license was revoked in August 2018, a review of the financial and o
ther records of the Bank revealed some suspicious and unusual transactions, which were subsequently reported.

Investigations revealed that from 2015 to 2018, Nyinaku, the accused person, had allegedly transfer huge sums of money to companies related to him and for his personal benefit.

The funds transferred were depositors’ funds lodged with Beige Bank from 2017 to 2018 and Nyinaku caused the transfer of 10,071 fixed deposit accounts held with Beige Bank in which various customers placed a total of GHS448,636,210.21 to Beige Capital Asset Management Limited (BCAM), without the knowledge and consent of the customers.

The prosecution detected that Nyinaku, between 2017 and 2018, transferred 35 fixed deposit investments of 23 customers of Beige Bank totalling GHS141,042,348.92 to the Beige Group.

The Court heard that in March 2018, Nyinaku allegedly caused a fictitious second account to be opened in the name of First Africa Savings and Loans (FASL), an existing account holder with Beige Bank, without the kno
wledge of the Board and management of FASL.

Nyinaku, the prosecution said, also transferred GHS320 million from the accounts of various Beige Bank customers into the bank account of BCAM held with Beige Bank.

The prosecution continued that between 2015 and 2017, Nyinaku, through payment vouchers, caused the sum of GHS1,465,000.00 of depositors’ funds lodged with Beige Bank to be paid to himself and other persons.

Those transactions were recorded in a general ledger account of the Bank, described as Directors Account, the prosecution told the Court.

The Court heard that investigations revealed that the accused person, through payment vouchers, e-mails and memos, had transferred GHS20,599,052.58 of depositors’ funds lodged with Beige Bank to several companies and individuals for his benefit.

Nyinaku has denied all the charges and been granted GHC200 million bail with three sureties.

Source: Ghana News Agency

EICS Reform Shows Improvement within Short Period, Says Director-General

The Ethiopian Immigration and Citizenship Service (EICS) announced that it has been carrying out various reform works that brought about improvements within a short period.

Briefing the media today, EICS Director-General Selamawit Dawit said improvements in legal frameworks and procedures, organizational restructuring as well as collaboration works with pertinent institutions were registered following the reform activities undertaken in the past 6 months.

Accordingly, the service has for instance increased the number of passports printed daily by fivefold since the new leadership took over.

The daily printing capability has been enhanced to 10,000 from 2,000.

Out of the more than 1.1 million booklets imported, over 640,000 passports were issued during the stated period.

Stating that there is no backlog at the moment, Selamawit said passports will be issued as per the appointment given by the passport system starting from 25 March, 2024.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Inaugurates ‘Lenegewa’ Women’s Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center in Addis Ababa

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has today unveiled the remarkable ‘Lenegewa’ Women’s Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to transform the lives of vulnerable women trapped in street life and the sex trade.

The center, consisting of 13 impressive structures, including classrooms, student accommodations, vocational training facilities, workshops, psychological support centers, and medical services, aims to provide a holistic approach to empower women.

Designed to empower women through education and skill development, the ‘Lenegewa’ Center offers a comprehensive range of resources.

Vulnerable women admitted to the facility will receive intensive skill training programs lasting from 3 to 6 months, equipping them with the necessary expertise for future employment.

Engaging courses in computer literacy, textile and tailoring, electronics, beauty services, child rearing (tutoring), catering, and hospitality will be offered to maximize their potential.

his impassioned speech, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed emphasized the significance of the project in addressing the pressing issues within society. “This project is an exceptional endeavor among all the projects we have undertaken in Addis Ababa thus far,” he remarked.

“By uplifting 10,000 women from their present circumstances and providing them with improved job opportunities, we have the potential to emancipate a hundred thousand women from undesirable circumstances through the establishment of ten analogous centers.” , Abiy Added.

Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebie, who has tirelessly championed the cause of women’s empowerment for five years, expressed her belief in the center’s ability to bring about lasting change.

“Today, as we inaugurate this center, we believe that we are sowing the seeds of hope for a brighter tomorrow-an enduring foundation for change,” she said.

“By empowering vulnerable women and equipping them with essential skills and employment opportunities, we aim to pave the way for a fut
ure brimming with hope and promise.” , the mayor added.

According to Adanech ,the inauguration of the ‘Lenegewa’ Women’s Rehabilitation and Skill Development Center signifies a profound commitment to gender equality and the upliftment of women in society. It serves as a beacon of hope, promising a transformative journey towards a more inclusive and prosperous Ethiopia.

The completion of the center within a remarkable 10-month timeframe is a testament to the commitment and dedication of all involved, it was learned.

Women undergoing training at the facility will have access to a well-stocked library, a state-of-the-art gymnasium, and sports facilities, enhancing their personal growth and well-being.

Recognizing the challenges faced by women seeking employment in Arab countries, the center also provides essential awareness training to ensure their safety and well-being during their time abroad.

Furthermore, the center has allocated a significant portion of its land for urban agriculture, fostering sustaina
bility and self-sufficiency.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Francis Ngannou’s revelation of unwellness before encounter with Joshua sparks controversy

By Charity Nginyu

Former UFC World Heavyweight Champion and mixed martial artist, Francis Ngannou, has ignited a contentious debate after opening up about his health struggles before his fight with Anthony Joshua.

The Cameroonian Champion encountered the British boxer in a Ten-round boxing match in which he was beaten in round Two, on March 9th, 2024, in Saudi Arabia.

‘It’s true that everything didn’t go as planned. The battle itself didn’t go as planned since already, it was a very weird day… The whole day I wasn’t there. I arrived at about 11 pm and I had to start the fight at about 3 am. I can recall, while exercising, I was sweating and feeling sleepy,’ Ngannou disclosed in a recent outing.

The controversy surrounding Ngannou’s revelation stems from conflicting interpretations. Some speculate that Ngannou’s subpar performance may have been attributed to external factors, suggesting the possibility of drugging.

However, others argue that Ngannou should accept his defeat gracefully and refrain from pub
lic commentary, dismissing his outing as unnecessary.

Ngannou, who began his journey into boxing in October 2023, has so far faced two of the top three heavyweights in the world, including a match against Tyson Fury on Oct 29th, 2023.

The debate has had opinions divided on whether Ngannou’s disclosure sheds light on potential foul play or simply serves as an excuse for his loss.

Source: Cameroon News Agency